Idomiai. Buvo tokia tema "WH fanclub" SCC USA Westcoast srityje, ir as joje paklausiau ar sio fanklubo bariai zino kad WH buvo isbaninta. Keisciausia, kad si tema dingo is tos skilties ir dabar negaliu jos niekur rast
I saw that thread with your fresh entry last night, and of course it was gone this morning. I notice that they "edited" your signature in the process, just like they did with blitz, and they also altered some custom user titles.
The reason i'm not yet posting there is because i'm banned there. I PMed Dylan (the owner of the forum) asking to unban me but haven't received a reply yet. Hopefully he'll be kind enough and let me back in. If not then i'm stuck with SSC.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
/ actually... after i looked at this same thread... i start understanding why, but ... well ,its a foreign board, but... well, god damn i dont know what to say, but Im also dissappointed in both of you too! You did cross the line
well. When i saw John saing he Didnt know about that and ouch, i was like okay, settled then, but his "semi"-"sarcastic" comment just after the "ouch" post kinda crossed the line again.
main thing is that Bolschoi and Hollandski require a ban too