You see ch1le, it depends how one takes such dirty humour and how much his mind is open. It's rather an excuse than a reason to ban a forumer for that in this case (we all know that Detritus and some others felt bad feelings about me and other Lithuanian forumers long before and this was a point where it all came to an end).
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Parašė JohnYou see ch1le, it depends how one takes such dirty humour and how much his mind is open. It's rather an excuse than a reason to ban a forumer for that in this case (we all know that Detritus and some others felt bad feelings about me and other Lithuanian forumers long before and this was a point where it all came to an end).
S&B renkami septyni mūsų regiono stebuklai. Nuo Lietuvos ten "dalyvauja" šv. Onos bažnyčia ir Kryžių kalnas. Onos bažnyčia šansų gal ir nelabai turėjo, bet kad kažkokia pilis saloj surinko daugiau balsų už Kryžių kalną yra visiška nesamonė.
Todėl visi, kas dar "neatsižymėję" prašau susiimti ir stoti mūsu už krašto garbę!!!
Šiek tiek apsižvalgęs pastebėjau, jog Lietuviai išvis vangiai tame konkurse bedalyvauja.
Kur jau kur, bet bažnyčių "turnyre" Lietuva turėjo žygiuoti aukštai iškėlus galvą, kadangi nei likusieji baltai bei skandinavai šioje srityje nepasižymi.
Juokinga ir gėda tokiame konkurse matyti Lundo, Trondheimo, Reikjaviko, Upsalos ar Malmo šventoves, kuomet Vilniaus ar Kauno arkikatedros, šv. Kazimiero, Bernardinų, Kristaus Prisikėlimo, šv. Pranciškaus Ksavero, Rokiškio šventovės ir Kauno Soboras net nebuvo nominiuoti
Ar as nesuprantu ar visi pamirso Traku pili ?
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Parašė SvajoklisCh1|e, it's irrelevant what John and WH said - the fact is they didn't say it on SSC, so they have in no way contravened the rules and thus did not deserve to be banned without warning.
Oh, and what a 'hagiography' seems to have disappeared!
People may consider what John and I said as too harsh, and that is their right. However, as Svajoklis said, the remarks were made in a different forum, and of course to outsiders not familiar with the Lithuanian language they stick out like red flags, being the only understandable words in a sea of incomprehensible posts.
Much as I feel sorry for Detritus' condition, it's his behavior and performance as a mod and not his medical history that should be relevant.Originally Posted by