Belgija vėlokai ir per lėtai ėmėsi veiksmų, bet yra ir konkrečių priežasčių. Taip pat didelis šalies gyventojų tankis.
Žinoma, kad bus palikti. Niekas neskraidys į šalis, jei tik bus požymių, kad situacija nevaldoma. Tai bus papildomas stimulas tvarkytis. Kai apsitvarkys išsivysčiusios šalys, turbūt padės skurdesnėms.
On 10 April, about 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in Belgium occurred in care homes. In Brussels, coronavirus cases have been confirmed in 116 of the 146 care homes.
Belgium counts deaths occurring both in hospitals and elsewhere, like in care homes. Deaths with clinical symptoms of the coronavirus disease are considered as "suspicious" and are included in the figures of COVID-19 deaths, even if they were not tested.
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