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    Dear Benjamin,

    Again so many apologies for not answering you sooner - these days are not the easiest here. Like in Lithuania the world financial crisis has arrived . My wife and I were the gardeners in our village
    and now she has lost her job and I have to look after the 50 hectares myself.

    So I have a little less time for my Vilkaviskis researches - also could I ask you to mail me at

    Do you know Mr. Algis Vaskevicius ? he has been of wonderful support to my Vilkaviskis project -
    also I am sure you must know Mr. Antanas Zilinskas - the Director of the Vilkaviskis Regional Museum. If you get a chance he has some incredible furniture in the museum's store-rooms !

    I am sure you are very busy getting ready for the Christmas holidays - but when you have time it would be wonderful to have some pictures of the Salinger family furniture -

    again my apologies for my very late reply to your kind letter.

    With kindest regards,
