Čia gal nelabai svarbu, bet... DELFI žodžio "tags" vertimas yra žymės, o čia - žymos. Tai kaip gi vis tik?

/** * Visitor Messaging Tab */ <...> #message_form textarea { width:98%; height:50px; }
// vB Phrases vbphrase["wysiwyg_please_wait"] = "Please wait for the WYSIWYG editor to finish loading..."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_initialized"] = "WYSIWYG Editor initialized for %1$s in %2$s seconds."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_command_invalid"] = "This command is invalid or not implemented."; vbphrase["moz_must_select_text"] = "Mozilla requires that you must select some text for this function to work"; vbphrase["moz_edit_config_file"] = "You need to edit your Mozilla config file to allow this action."; vbphrase["enter_tag_option"] = "Please enter the option for your %1$s tag:"; vbphrase["must_select_text_to_use"] = "You must select some text to use this function."; vbphrase["browser_is_safari_no_wysiwyg"] = "The Safari browser does not support WYSIWYG mode."; vbphrase["enter_option_x_tag"] = "Enter the option for the [%1$s] tag:"; vbphrase["enter_text_to_be_formatted"] = "Enter the text to be formatted"; vbphrase["enter_link_text"] = "Enter the text to be displayed for the link (optional):"; vbphrase["enter_list_type"] = "What type of list do you want? Enter '1' for a numbered list, enter 'a' for an alphabetical list, or leave blank for a list with bullet points:"; vbphrase["enter_list_item"] = "Enter a list item.\r\nLeave the box empty or press 'Cancel' to complete the list:"; vbphrase["must_enter_subject"] = "Privalote įrašyti pavadinimą!"; vbphrase["message_too_short"] = "Jūsų parašytas pranešimas per trumpas. Prašome paiilginkite pranešimą nors %1$s simboliu."; vbphrase["enter_link_url"] = "Įvesk nuorodą:"; vbphrase["enter_image_url"] = "Įvesk paveikslėlio URL adresą:"; vbphrase["enter_email_link"] = "Please enter the email address for the link:"; vbphrase["complete_image_verification"] = "You did not complete the Image Verification"; vbphrase["iespell_not_installed"] = "ieSpell is a spell-checking tool for Internet Explorer.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to download ieSpell, click OK; otherwise click Cancel.\r\n\r\nieSpell can be downloaded from http://www.iespell.com"; vbphrase["click_quick_reply_icon"] = ""; vbphrase["insert_all"] = "Insert All";