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Visgi, imho, labiau vertėtų pasiskaityti, ką apie tai rašo Stratfor:
Russia: A Second Suicide Bombing in Volgograd
By Stratfor
There are several possible reasons for the attacks in Russia's southern city. First, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) is a common target for militants from Russia's Northern Caucasus because it is the largest ethnically Slavic city close to the Muslim Caucasus belt. It is also the largest Slavic city near Sochi, where the Olympics will be held. It is increasingly difficult for militants to strike large targets in faraway destinations such as Moscow, and the Muslim communities in the capital are increasingly under threat of ethnic purges and would prefer not to attract attention or be cast as militants.
The militants' short-term goal with these attacks is to show that Russia is not safe for its own people or travelers. However, the long-term goal of the Caucasus militants has been the same throughout history: to force the Russians to draw down their presence in the Muslim Caucasus. Throughout Russia's history, Muslim insurgents from the Russian Caucasus have tried to make Russian occupation of their lands so painful that it would not be worth the effort to hold the lands. But as Russia has shown for hundreds of years, it will not give up land that it sees as imperative to its foundation.
Rusijai dabar svarbaiusia bet kokia kaina neleisti įvykdyti daugiau išpuolių bet kur Rusijoje. Jeigu kas nors panašaus įvyktų olimpinių žaidynių metu (tegul ir kitame mieste), tai būtų dar vienas dūris Rusijai tiesiai į širdį. Rusija jau seniai neatrodė taip bejėgiškai.