Nebloga analizė yra jo instituto puslapyje. Reikėtų pasiskaityti mūsų lauriniavičiams, saldžiūnams ir kitiems geopolitikos "ekspertams". Išdėstyta aiškiai ir logiškai, tik, aišku, nelabai politkorektiškai 
US Attack on Syria is Futile but Serves a Purpose

US Attack on Syria is Futile but Serves a Purpose
A US attack on Syria can distract attention from the stormy controversy that may arise if at this point Trump axes Mueller and derails the investigation against him. There are precedents when beleaguered American presidents resorted to diversionary tactic. Bill Clinton fired cruise missiles at Kandahar when the scandal over Monica Lewinsky peaked and he was facing the prospect of impeachment.
Who would have staged a false flag operation? The finger of suspicion points toward Israel’s role. Israel is desperately keen that the US should have a permanent military presence in Syria. To that end, Israel is fueling tensions that will take matters to a point that a US withdrawal from Syria somehow gets stalled.