Ko gero pirmas variantas geidžiamesnis šiai dienai, bet antras - deja realesnis ... Vienaip ar kitaip, abi strategijos rodo visišką avantiūros Irake fiasko. Iš tikrųjų, kai kuriuose regionuose demokratija nėra nei kažkokia geidžiamybė, nei egzistuoja objektyvios sąlygos jai prigyti.

U.S. Considers Dividing Iraq Into Three Separate States After Saddam Is Gone
October 1, 2002
1. Stratfor's Latest Intelligence On Iraq.
2. Iraq Is Too Big For One New Government.
3. US Would Divide Into Three Separate States.
4. Central Iraq (Sunnis) Would Join With Jordan
5. The Shia Region Would Join With Kuwait.
6. The Kurds Get Their Own State In The North.
7. Iraq Ceases To Exist; Baghdad No Longer Capital.
8. Investment Market Implications.
October 1, 2002
1. Stratfor's Latest Intelligence On Iraq.
2. Iraq Is Too Big For One New Government.
3. US Would Divide Into Three Separate States.
4. Central Iraq (Sunnis) Would Join With Jordan
5. The Shia Region Would Join With Kuwait.
6. The Kurds Get Their Own State In The North.
7. Iraq Ceases To Exist; Baghdad No Longer Capital.
8. Investment Market Implications.