Apie "Raudonąją savaitę" Rumunijoje radau. Kažkaip primena etninį valymą.
They are said to have acted both on Soviet orders and out of “racial hatred” and “hate of
Romanians.” “Nearly all Jews” in Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, he writes, acted “in that
Red Week against all Romanians” (p. 171). Goma unequivocally and repeatedly acknowledges
Romanian responsibility and even a “collective guilt” for what he calls “the abominable pogrom
in Iaşi,” as well as for the deportations to Transnistria
Romanians.” “Nearly all Jews” in Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, he writes, acted “in that
Red Week against all Romanians” (p. 171). Goma unequivocally and repeatedly acknowledges
Romanian responsibility and even a “collective guilt” for what he calls “the abominable pogrom
in Iaşi,” as well as for the deportations to Transnistria