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Rusų žurnalistas aprašė Vilnių: vilniečiai nesuvokia, kad gyvena stebuklo centre
Yra miestų, skirtų meilei, ir miestų, skirtų darbui, tyliai senatvei ar girtai jaunystei. Tačiau Vilnius yra pati geriausia vieta tiems, kurie tiesiog nori pabūti vieni, rašo Jevgenijus Babuškinas, rusų rašytojas ir žurnalistas, projekto „Snob“ informacijos tarnybos vadovas.
Parašė Silber418 Rodyti pranešimą
labiausiai nervuoja kai ilipa i subway vagona... ir pradeda "preachinti" (protestatai ir islamistai daugiausiai).. nera kaip pabegt..."I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002
- George W. Bush President of the USA
Parašė DeSadas Rodyti pranešimąlabiausiai nervuoja kai ilipa i subway vagona... ir pradeda "preachinti" (protestatai ir islamistai daugiausiai).. nera kaip pabegt...
Šiaip man miestas daug gyvesnis, kai jame šlaistosi tokie personažai kaip kunigaikštis ar kaip ši preacherė. Jie bent šiek tiek prasklaido provincialumo smogą
Vienas iš Skyscrapercity.com oldschool'erių (Nightsky iš Švedijos) pirmą kartą lankėsi Vilniuje.
Čia jo puslapis apie Vilnių: http://www.worldtravelimages.net/Vilnius.html
O štai čia jo įspūdžiai:
We visited Vilnius in September 2015 for two and a half days, plus one night. We travelled by plane, a Wizzair flight from Malmö Airport. We stayed in an apartment owned by an apartment hotel called Natalex Apartments. The apartment was situated in a brand new residential building at Mindaugo gatve in Naujamiestis, to the East of Old Town. A large supermarket, Iki, was sitauted opposite our apartment, a great advantage since we had our own kitchen so we could basically live as locals. There was also a bathroom with jacuzzi (!), washing machine, dishwasher, stove, balcony, double bed, coach with table, good wi-fi connection and flatscreen TV. That only costed a few hundred euros a night. The only downside was that the apartment was extremely hot, despite it was not that warm outside, and there was no air condition, so we had to sleep with the balcony door open, making it too cold! Upon our arrival we were driven by a taxi from the airport for an extra fee. That was good since we arrived late in the evening so we didn't have to look for taxis and buses.
I think Vilnius is one the most underrated of the European capitals, it is the least known of the 3 Baltic capitals, yet it is very beautiful, very cheap, very walkable and has a lot of museums, buildings, nice parks and other sites. You can easily discover the city in 2 or 3 days on foot, since the city center is compact, so you don't have to spend money on buses or taxi. During the second day of our visit we came in the middle of Vilnius Marathon, a large event making it hard to cross some streets. We also saw a robbery from an open-restaurants, not a very violent one and soon the police arrived. Despite that the city felt very safe. Even at night, but outside the old town we passed some really dark streets on the way to our apartment. We visited two museums, the National Museum and the Genocide Museum. There are many good restaurants in Vilnius. The prices are very low, you can get a good three course meal with two brandys and a beer for the same price as one drink in Sweden! It is not hard to find traditional food, but the most popular dish seems to be Italian. Japanese and Chinese food are also quite common. There are not many fastfood restaurants, and the ones that can be found are not allowed to use big signs. People in general, at least in restaurants and so, were friendly (though very quiet), depsite what we read before in travel guides.
The airport, Oro Uostas Airport, is very small, it is situated in the southern part of Vilnius, not very far from the city center. There are no subway and no trams in the city, but trolley buses are common. Some of them are modern, but some of them are very old and in a bad condition, a relic from the Soviet times.AZ.Baku | FI.Vaasa | SR.Paramaribo | SE.Lund | DZ.Annaba
Vienas pazystamas danas kuris jau eina pensijon ir parduoda savo versla, lanke pajuryje dirbancio giminaicio. Patiko labai pajurys, kopos, delfinariumas, zmones ir maistas. Dideli ispudi padare Akropolis . Kazko panasaus i Akropoli nesu mates Danijoje. Taip pat isimine sovietiniai daugiabuciai ir didelis kiekis geru masinu. Taip pat didesnes negu tikejosi kainos. Jeigu butu labiau pareklamuoti skrydziai i Palanga, manau ne vienas danas atvyktu savaitgaliui..
Švedijos teismas: septyniolikmetę nužudęs ir išniekinęs lietuvis nuteistas iki gyvos galvos
35 metų lietuvis Nerijus Bilevičius Švedijoje nužudė Lisą Holm ir išniekino jos kūną. Už tai antradienį jam buvo skirta griežčiausia bausmė – įkalinimas iki gyvos galvos, skelbia Švedijos svetainė aftonbladet.com.
Kartu su savo broliu ir žmona N. Bilevičius Švedijoje dirbo viename Blombergo ūkyje. Jo darbdavys apibūdino jį kaip „gerai besielgusį ir draugišką žmogų, kuris gerai dirbo savo darbą“.
Skaitykite daugiau: http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/crime....d?id=69595518
Parašė Silber418 Rodyti pranešimąParašyta, kad nusikaltėliui skirta ir piniginė bausmė bei deportacija (į Lietuvą). O šiaip, analogiška bausmė neseniai buvo skirta kelis žmonės prekybos centre nužudžiusiam migrantui iš Eritrėjos.
1. University of Tartu (joint 400th in the world; joint 182nd in Europe)
2. Tallinn University of Technology (601-650 in the world; 260th in Europe)
1. University of Latvia (701+ in the world; 330th in Europe)
1. Vilnius University (501-550 in the world; 236th in Europe)
2. Kaunas University of Technology (701+ in the world; 288th in Europe)
Poland University of Warsaw
1. University of Warsaw (344th in the world; 156th in Europe)
2. Jagiellonian University (411-420 in the world; 186th in Europe)AZ.Baku | FI.Vaasa | SR.Paramaribo | SE.Lund | DZ.Annaba
Parašė abruo Rodyti pranešimąPagal kokius kriterijus tas Tartu universitetas taip šauna į viršų, įdomu?