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Lietuvos kariuomenės pasirengimas
Parašė J.U. Rodyti pranešimąGirnius yra kairuoliškas atvykėlis iš JAV, niekaip nesuvokiu kokio bieso jį visi kviečia į savo laidas. Šneka vos ne bolševikines nesąmones vaizduodamas didelį demokratą ir visai nesigaudo postkomunistinės šalies realijose.
Parašė Gladiator Rodyti pranešimąSu Lietuvos kariuomenes pasirengimu tiesiogiai nesusiję, bet man įdomu ar ekpertai seka Jemeno konfliktą? O ten tik kalašais ir iranietiškais padirbiniais ginkluoti basakojai husitai duoda į kaulus moderniausią ginkluotę turinčioms Saudo Arabijos, JAE ir jų proxy kariuomenems. Youtube pilna video su degančia moderniausia technika. Gaunasi kad galima kariauti (sėkmingai) ir ne su moderniausia technika.
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Vienas lauke karys arba viena Dipprasad'o Pun'o naktis.
Parašė sausuolis75 Rodyti pranešimąVienas lauke karys arba viena Dipprasad'o Pun'o naktis.
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Parašė sausuolis75 Rodyti pranešimąŠveikas yra Šveikas. Tik: pats Hašekas buvo aršokas pacifistas; Šveikas yra karikatūrinis personažas; aprašytos istorijos aš bent jau netraktuoju kaip motyvatoriaus,o tiesiog priskirčiau prie "pasaulio margumynų" serijos.
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Parašė digital Rodyti pranešimąDabar - nieko blogo, manau, kad artėjame prie Izraelio varianto po truputį.
How Israel became a start-up nation
Military experience = start-up strength in Israel
As part of the compulsory military service for most Israelis aged 18 and over, men spend up to three years in the defence forces, while women serve two years.
Rather than seeing this as a burden, many Israelis credit military service with being a driving force behind their country’s high-tech success. De Fontenay says many tech specialists have come through the ranks of military intelligence units, including the famed cyber unit 8200.
“People who have been in the Israeli military view it as a rather entrepreneurial experience, whereas the rest of us aren’t used to thinking of the military as a place that encourages original thinking. Being a 20-year-old who is put in charge of a unit or a tricky situation [can change their life].”
Menny Barzilay, a former army captain who is now CEO of cybersecurity firm FortyTwo, says the difference between the military experience in Israel and many other nations is that Israeli military service is mandatory. The best and brightest talent are compelled to do their bit, whereas in some countries it is seen as a last-resort career.
“In Israel, because the army mostly consists of 20-year-old kids, it is an exciting place to be,” Barzilay says. “You get new people with new approaches and new knowledge all the time.”
What makes military training such an effective approach to training current and future business leaders?
Tomer Levy: When you are leading teams and groups in an ever-changing environment at the age of 18 or 19, and have to do things like solve complex problems independently, delegate authority, build strong trust between team members and even improvise, you gain valuable experience that shapes your way of thinking very early on. By the time people go to a university after the military, they already enter with “business” experience. As a result, the education they receive becomes more effective, because they are not simply learning theory alone, but are also reflecting on how the theory relates to their past experiences.
In many ways, most people can understand the connection between training military leaders and business leaders, but what specific aspects does your approach teach people about building and scaling a business?
Tomer Levy: The military teaches people how to grow and scale. In the Israeli military, I started as a single contributor, and a few months later, I was running a 24-hour, mission-critical operation that required multiple teams to work together, grow, and solve conflicts under pressure. I’m not sure there are many places you can have that profound experience at the age of 18. Though this experience is not directly business-related, it helps to shape a person’s leadership skills and thereby prepare him for future leadership roles.
Military service
Mandatory military service for both men and women has had a big impact on Israel’s entrepreneurial culture. At 16, hackers and math prodigies are handpicked to undergo elite training that will give them extensive knowledge and experience in the most relevant technologies. Being part of the team, and working closely to accomplish tasks, creates natural partnerships that are later translated into startups teams.
In addition, the people in charge are not always the ones that have the most experience, but rather, the ones who know how to shout louder. When you are given so much power to affect others by making life-altering decisions, it makes you feel like you can conquer the world at the age of 18.
Many of the lessons learned in the army can be applied to other fields. Engineers who developed weapons find ways to use these techniques in high-tech or startup companies. (Missiles that can “see” their targets were the inspiration for the camera pill, for example.) In a way, the army is Israel’s national incubator.
Rugsejo menesio sausuolio ataskaita:
Socialdemokratai siūlo nedidinti gynybos finansavimo lygio
Publikuota: 2018-10-06 11:26
Socialdemokratai praeitą mėnesį atsisakė prisidėti prie kitų parlamentinių partijų susitarimo iki 2030 metų finansavimą gynybai padidinti iki 2,5% BVP - puse procentinio punkto daugiau nei dabar.
Tokį susitarimą pasirašė valstiečių, konservatorių, liberalų, socialdarbiečių, Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcijos vadovai. Šios partijos taip pat pareiškė, kad 2022 metais numatoma priimti sprendimus dėl galimybės įvesti visuotinę karo prievolę.
Socialdemokratų rezoliucijoje teigiama, kad kariuomenė turi būti komplektuojama savanoriškumo ir profesionalų pagrindu.
Parašė J.U. Rodyti pranešimąTuos socialdemokratus po tokių rezoliuciją vertėtų paimti į kariuomenę bent 5 metams, paskirti išminuotojais.
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Lietuvos kariuomenės pirkimų ATASKAITA, šio mėnesio II dalis.
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