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    Parašė B-2 Rodyti pranešimą
    Savaitgaliui - smagus klipas su vaizdais iš kažkokių pratybų:
    Youtube video
    Video- "Red Flag" pratybos, kurioms buvo sukurtas dokumentinis filmas: "Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag". Geresnės kokybės vaizdo įrašas:

    Ir visas dokumentinis filmas:


      Parašė Silber418 Rodyti pranešimą
      Karo prievolė Pasaulyje (2010 m.):


      Žalia: Valstybės, kuriose nėra karo prievolės;
      Mėlyna: Valstybės, kuriose neprivaloma (pasirenkama) karo prievolė;
      Oranžinė: Valstybės, kuriose planuojama atsisakyti karo prievolės per artimiausius 3 metus;
      Raudona: Valstybės, kuriose privaloma karo prievolė.
      Žalia yra valstybės/teritorijos, kurios neturi savo armijos. Mėlyna yra valstybės, kuriose nėra karo prievolės. Prievolė negali būti pasirinktina. Arba ji yra, arba jos nėra.
      You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.



          JAV pajėgos per klaidą nukovė Afganistano prezidento pusbrolį


            Ryškesnės Pentagono programos ir jų perspektyvos


              Neskaitant kai kurių pointų dėl išaugusių kainų (kai kurie skaičai yra gandai, interpretacijos arba papraščiausiai melagingi ) - kairuoliškas briedas su iškraipymais ir trumparegiškomis išvadomis


                Rusų aukščiausia karinė vadovybė pagaliau pripažino, kad rusiška ginkluotė savo parametrais nusileidžia ne tik NATO ginkluotei, bet ir Kinijos:

                Вооружение и военная техника, выпускаемые российскими оборонными предприятиями для Сухопутных войск России, отстают по своим характеристикам от аналогичных систем НАТО и Китая. Об этом, как сообщает РИА Новости, заявил главнокомандующий Сухопутными войсками Александр Постников. "Те образцы оружия, которые производит промышленность, в том числе бронетанковое вооружение, артиллерия и стрелковое, по своим параметрам не соответствуют образцам НАТО и даже Китая", - рассказал главком.
                “The cavalry ain’t coming. You’ve got to do this yourself.” – Chris Gardner


                  Parašė lightfire Rodyti pranešimą

                  Neskaitant kai kurių pointų dėl išaugusių kainų (kai kurie skaičai yra gandai, interpretacijos arba papraščiausiai melagingi ) - kairuoliškas briedas su iškraipymais ir trumparegiškomis išvadomis
                  Dėl lėktuvnešių pažeidžiamumo, manau, tiesos yra. Pvz. itin greitos raketos, tipo brahmos.
                  Tik nepakantumas teisės pažeidimams ir optimizmo skleidimas atves mūsų valstybę į tiesos kelią :)


                    Tokių dalykų visuomet buvo, tarsi norėdami save užtikrinti sovietai visą Šaltąjį karą kliedėjo, kokie pažeidžiami yra lėktuvnešiai. Teoriškai - taip, bet praktiškai niekas pro lėktuvnešio grupes dar nėra prasibrovęs. Tiesiog noriu pasakyti, jog tai "ekologiškai" perdirbta kritika lėktuvnešių atžvilgiu siekiant sustiprinti argumentą, jog JAV išlaidos šiems projektams yra fail


                      Parašė LC. Rodyti pranešimą
                      Tai kuris geriausias? Kinų?
                      Tikrai,kad ne F22
                      Paskutinis taisė Monogamo; 2011.03.15, 16:13.


                        taip bet kitu du pakolkas tiktais "technology demonstraytor" etape.
                        Rusam klausimas ar užteks pinigų damušti. Kiniečiu atvejų klausimas ar tai bus 4++ ar vis tik 5- kartos naikintuvas.


                          Parašė kzinas Rodyti pranešimą
                          taip bet kitu du pakolkas tiktais "technology demonstraytor" etape.
                          Rusam klausimas ar užteks pinigų damušti. Kiniečiu atvejų klausimas ar tai bus 4++ ar vis tik 5- kartos naikintuvas.
                          Kas liecia rusus,tai jie si naikintuva kuria kartu su Indijos pagalba,tad pinigu turetu uztekti. Nuorodos i saltini siuo metu neatsimenu,taciau kiek teko dometis,tai pati JAV pripazista ir teigia,jog busimas PAK FA bus tikrasis 5-os kartos naikintuvas.(Bet cia vel gi... pagyvensim pamatysim,kaip viskas bus is tikruju).

                          PAK-FA clearly uses shaping to deflect radar waves, and presumably will be painted in a RAM paint. It may also employ ‘Plasma stealth’, particularly within radomes. There can be no serious doubt that the PAK-FA is a stealth aircraft; stealth shaping is a compromise and the T-50 clearly shows design decisions which make no sense if stealth was not the aim. Frontal aspect stealth is likely very good.

                          Air-Air Weapons: Russia has unveiled the RVV-SD missile, an updated version of the AA-12 Adder missile with folding fins, as the main missile of the aircraft. Although the PAK-FA’s weapons bays can likely carry larger missiles, they are probably not large enough for the massive KS-172 (RVV-L) weapon which has an expected range of about 400km. The above comparison with the F-22 shows the larger main weapons bays of the PAK-FA (red). The F-22 can carry 6 AMRAAM missiles in the main bay. Reports indicate that the PAK-FA can carry 8 equivalent AA-12 (RVV-SD) missiles, giving it a 2 missile advantage. For the PAK-FA the two smaller weapons bays are probably for the RVV-MD version of the AA-11 Archer short range missile. The RVV-MD is probably capable of rear-firing, a unique feature whereby the missile flips immediately after launch and flies at a target behind the plane. AA-12s with this feature have been tested and are possibly operational within the Flanker community.

                          Avionics: The PAK-FA has several features of particular interest here. In the nose there is likely to be active electronically scanned array radar (AESA) as per F-22. This may actually have additional mechanical steering, although that would add weight. What’s virtually unique to the PAK-FA however is rear-facing radar in the tail. This too may be AESA and could simply be an additional array for the nose-mounted radar, or possibly a completely separate set. The PAK-FA therefore has true 360 degree coverage. Additionally the PAK-FA is thought to have L-Band radars mounted in the wing leading edges. These would have both passive and active emitting roles and may be the key to ‘seeing’ stealth aircraft such as the F-22. Alternatively these may be located in the wing LERX sides – the exact location is subject to some speculation.

                          The F-22 has 4 large and two small MFDs and a large HUD, but PAK-FA’s two displays are much larger still and the HUD even bigger:

                          Dogfighting: The F-22 is exceptionally maneuverable, but comparatively less dogfight optimized compared to the PAK-FA which has 3D thrust vectoring and moving LERX. This seems in line with Russian doctrine still influenced by the Syrian experiences over the Baka Valley in 1981 where Soviet supplied fighters were decimated by the Israeli air force in close combat.

                          It seems probable that the PAK-FA is more maneuverable, but the F-22 may have speed-bleed/regain advantages. The F-22 has larger wing leading-edge flaps and larger tail planes. The PAK-FA’s tail fins are smaller but all-moving and the 3D TVC allows the engines to be used both laterally and horizontally unlike the F-22 which relies on massive tail fins for lateral stability and yaw control.


                            Britain, France Treaty Has Borne 'First Fruits'

                            PARIS - The diplomatic push by Britain and France for a no-fly zone against Libya and a recent agreement between BAE Systems and Dassault Aviation on joint work on an unmanned aerial system were products of the bilateral defense cooperation treaty signed last November, the British ambassador to France said March 16.

                            "The agreement has borne its first fruits," Sir Peter Westmacott told a breakfast debate held at the National Assembly by conference organizer Cercle Stratégia.

                            Westmacott cited the common positions of London and Paris on Libya and a March 14 announcement by BAE and Dassault of their memorandum of understanding on a proposal for a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft system to be made to the British and French defense ministries.

                            The French ambassador to the U.N., Gerard Araud, said March 15: "We worked with the U.K. and Lebanon on the text," when asked about a draft Security Council resolution on Libya, which includes a no-fly zone as an option.

                            The bilateral Anglo-French defense treaty, which included a strategic nuclear cooperation, was "historic," reflecting an acknowledgement by the previous Labor and the present Conservative administration that Britain could no longer act alone militarily, Westmacott said.

                            "We act together or we don't act," he said.

                            France was the natural military partner in Europe, he said. Other countries were welcome to join on a case-by-case basis, bringing specific competences, but under an Anglo-French leadership.

                            The Anglo-French defense treaty showed "the train has left the station, the doors are open, others are welcome, but we're driving," Westmacott said. Previous programs where there were several governments with equal voices had led to poor results, he said.

                            In London, budgetary pressure, an "overcommitted" defense and a national defense and security review showed the need to partner with Paris, Westmacott said.

                            There was high-level political support, including the treasury department, in London for deeper interoperability with France, the armed forces understood the need, and industry was ready, Westmacott said.

                            Adm. Pascal Ausseur, head of the department for international relations in the French Joint Staff said study groups in the armed forces had begun working in February and a first progress report, focusing on operational doctrine and capabilities, would be made at the end of May on military to military cooperation.

                            The report would be presented to the British and French Chiefs of Staff in London, Aussseur said. The British Chief of the Defense Staff, Sir David Richards, came to Paris in February to launch the study groups with his French counterpart, Adm. Edouard Guillaud.

                            Britain and France needed to find economies of scale, acquire equipment at lower cost and more efficiently, Westmacott said. That included cost of service support for the A400M airlifter and A330 aerial tanker. Westmacott also referred to "acquisition cost" of the A330.

                            On the inflight refueling aircraft, he said "We're buying the same plane, the A330. It's the best plane. Unfortunately, it was not chosen by the U.S. Air Force."

                            French member of parliament Jean-Claude Viollet said Westmacott's remarks showed "pragmatism" and an evident political will to cooperate.

                            On the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) sector, Viollet pointed out there was scope for cooperation in tactical, MALE and future combat drones.

                            The British Army's Watchkeeper high altitude tactical UAV offered possibilities at the regimental level, BAE's work on its Mantis technology demonstrator could be the basis for cooperation with Dassault on the MALE system, and in combat UAVs, Dassault has its work on the Neuron demonstrator, and BAE its Taranis, said Viollet.

                            The long-term future of maintaining a European combat aircraft capability rested on bilateral cooperation, he said. Funding decisions need to be made now as they would influence the long term, he said.

                            For the near term, France has been considering buying the U.S.-built Reaper UAV for Afghanistan.

                            Given the limited French budget, 10s of millions of euros annually, it made sense to opt for EADS' offer of modernizing and increasing the present fleet of Harfang MALE UAVs, rather than buying the Reaper, Viollet said. That would save scarce money for research and technology, he said.

                            "Decisions need to be taken very soon," Viollet said.


                              Ir kaip, tai traktuoti NATO erdvėje? NATO šalių susiskaldymą ir nesugebėjimą dirbti kartu?

                              Šie klausymai kyla dėl to, kad Lietuva dalyvauja panašaus pobūdžio NATO programose (NATO strategic air transport joint program, NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance joint program) ir tam neprireikia panašaus pobūdžio politinių-karinių iniciatyvų.


                                Toms programoms, kurias išvardinai, tai tikrai nepakenks, nes jose nei UK, nei Prancūzija nedalyvauja. Pagrinde, tos programos, kurias išvardinai, skirtos mažosioms šalims, kurios savarankiškai nėra pajėgios įsigyti tų sistemų, todėl kartu prisiglaudžia po US skečiu. Taip pat nematau, kaip tai galėtų silpninti ar skaldyti NATO.


                                  Surprise, surprise!

                                  US unarmed drones track drug gangs in Mexico

                                  The paper quotes both American and Mexican officials as saying that Mexico had asked the US to use its drones to track suspects' movements.

                                  Unnamed US officials said drones had gathered intelligence that led to the arrest in Mexico of several suspects in connection with the murder of a US immigration agent, Jaime Zapata.


                                    Video: ‘I Got Blown to Hell in Afghanistan’

                                    LOGAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan — Staff Sgt. Marcus Jimenez was pissed. On March 19, he had led a force of U.S., Afghan and Jordanian soldiers into the village of Pakhab-e’Shana, in eastern Afghanistan, with what Jimenez considered the best of intentions.


                                      Parašė Monogamo Rodyti pranešimą
                                      Kas liecia rusus,tai jie si naikintuva kuria kartu su Indijos pagalba,tad pinigu turetu uztekti. Nuorodos i saltini siuo metu neatsimenu,taciau kiek teko dometis,tai pati JAV pripazista ir teigia,jog busimas PAK FA bus tikrasis 5-os kartos naikintuvas.(Bet cia vel gi... pagyvensim pamatysim,kaip viskas bus is tikruju).
                                      Nereikia JAV ir Vakarų karinio - pramoninio komplekso propagandą imti už gryną pinigą:
                                      palygink dugną PAK-FA, bei F-22, kas liečia stealth, tiek variklių išmetamasias angas. Tiek tą faktą kad F-22 jau 3 metai yra reguliariosios kariuomenės pulkuose, kas PAK-FA geriausiu atveju gresia būti 2020. Dar gi galima pridėti, kad rusai neturi 5 kartos variklio, o AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array , АФАР (ru), AEST - Aktyviai Skanuojamo Elektroninio tinklelio ..) radarą reguliariuose pulkuose turės ~2012 metais (MIG-35) vs JAV turėjo 1998 metais (F-15C).
                                      Bei patys rusai, kiek skeptiškiau žvelgia į savo karinės pramonės gimdomą kūrinį, kas atstspindi jų tos tematikos formuose.
                                      pvz ar
                                      Kas dėl indų, tai jie paskelbė kad kurs ir savo 5 kartos lėktuvą aka
                                      Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), seniau žinoma kaip MCA.
                                      Kažką mažesnio, nei PAK-FA (Sukhoi/HAL FGFA) .
                                      Tiesa nenutraukia ir FGFA vystimo, juolab sunkiai jiems einasi net su 2-3 kartos lėktuvu kaip HAL Tejas.


                                        Vakarai galėtų pasiskolinti iš Kinijos, arba patys suburti panašų kariuomenės būrį, kuris kaipmat neutralizuotų visą Kadafio norą priešintis... nors aš ir pats būčiau visai ne prieš pasiduoti tokiai armijai


                                          Greičiausiai geriausias dokumentinis filmas apie dabartinį karą Afganistane "RESTREPO":

