nors lydinti asociatyvinė seka kiaurai amerikietiška, tipo: eastern europe, pilys, 'bulvinės spurgos' -ts[ы]p[ы]lynai, weird surnames, cute coy people etc... Bet pats kontekstas tai aišku nerealus
Pvz. jeigu išsigugdytume estišką, o ne užkulniškai-valatkišką naglumą, tai jau dabar per visas skyles kurktume, jog mes ne kokia ten "nordic Skype nation", bet "magic land of genetic editing"
nors lydinti asociatyvinė seka kiaurai amerikietiška, tipo: eastern europe, pilys, 'bulvinės spurgos' -ts[ы]p[ы]lynai, weird surnames, cute coy people etc... Bet pats kontekstas tai aišku nerealus
Kaip tik labai tvarkingai viskas išguldyta, be tos debiliškos "Eest Yooropeen postsoviet" egzotikos.
In recent years, Lithuania has been among the fastest growing economies in Europe with GDP figures far above that of other European economies. Now, according to Bloomberg Innovation Index 2017, Lithuania is ahead of the other two Baltic States as one of the world’s most innovative economies. The country is also ranked among the top 30 countries in Doing Business Index on the basis of the World Bank. Furthermore, the prestigious American business magazine Forbes has ranked Lithuania 15th globally in its annual Best countries for Business List.
There is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste (J. W. Goethe).
GDP figures "far above" other European countries? Ar tikrai?
na taigi huffingtopost raso kas tik nori. Cia straipnis jauno optimistinio patrioto padauginusio kavos
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Truputį prie įvaizdžio. Didelė naujiena vakar UK. Šitas vakar buvo rodomas kas valandą per BBC ir visur kitur. BBC TV reportaže neminėjo tos merginos kilmės (tik paminėjo pavardę). Bet kai kurie kiti specfiškai paminėjo, kad tai lietuvaitė.
Partner STILL supports ex-The Bill producer even after he has been jailed for 17 years for trying to hire three hitmen to kill her due to his 'obsessive infatuation' with lover 40 years his junior
Harris became obsessed with Lithuanian prostitute Ugne Cekaviciute (left), 28, who he met in brothel.
'Towards the end of 2011 you met Ms Cekaviciute in a brothel in Worthing. The relationship developed quickly.'
Harris became 'besotted' with Ms Cekaviciute and showered her with gifts, stayed with her in hotels, and helped her to go to college with Ms Allinson's money.
Kaunas – tarp 10 pasaulio miestų, pamišusių dėl gatvės meno
Leidinys „The Telegraph“ paskelbė 10 pasaulio miestų, pamišusių dėl gatvės meno, sąrašą. Kelionių rašytojas Christopheris Beanlandas į jį įtraukė ir Kauną.