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Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą ir bandymai grasinti NATO

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    «Кадыровцы» украли РЭБ у солдат РФ, которые на него скидывались
    Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
    Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo


      A Missile Could Not Erase Russian Drone’s Embarrassing Stealth Secret
      Chuilo virš Ukrainos nukalė patys savo S-70 atseit "Stealth" droną kai prarado jo valdymą, kuris buvo kurtas į porą SU-57.
      Dar bandė Kalibr į tą vietą šauti, kad nepatektų super duper slapta "anal-ogovnet" technologija į NATO rankas.
      Russia initially paid little attention to stealth technology, but in recent years they have claimed advances in this area and the new Su-57 is described as a stealth fighter with a far smaller radar signature than previous generations. According to Russian officials, the S-70 drone is “made with the use of special materials and coatings that make it practically invisible to radars.”
      More significant is the risk that Western engineers could discover what wavelengths the S-70 has been designed to counter from what angles, and which ones it will still be visible to. This information could go some wat to nullifying the S-70’s stealth capability. Given that is a relatively big, slow and expensive drone, if its stealth is compromised it will become far less useful.
      Even more serious is that the S-70 was designed alongside the Su-57, Russia’s showpiece next -generation combat aircraft, and likely uses the same stealth materials and techniques. If the West can see how S-70 stealth works, they could get a pretty good insight in to how to defeat the Su-57 too.
      But there is a more likely explanation of what the Russians are really trying to hide. And that is that the Emperor has no clothes, that their stealth technology is non-existent.
      We have already seen some indications that Russian stealth is not up to scratch. In 2023, Ukrainian engineers were able to analyze the remains of a Russian Kh-101/ X-101 long-range cruise missile which supposedly has an anti-radar coating. According to Ukrainian news site Defense Express, this is not the case.
      “The results of research show that despite Russian claims, Kh-101 is not covered with a special paint that reduces reflection of radiation,” says Defense News. “All the Russian stories about RAM coating on the Kh-101 body turned out to be nothing but propaganda.”
      Similarly, when the Russians recently published images of the new Su-57, Western analysts were horrified by its crude finish. Stealth aircraft need to have a perfectly smooth surface, as even slight projections can significantly affect radar return. The B-2 bomber is notorious for its demanding stealth maintenance requirements with the need to apply radar-absorbing tape to specific surfaces and thousandth-of-an-inch tolerances. The Su-57 has bare screw heads and rivets all over the wing and fuselage, suggesting poor stealth qualities.
      Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
      Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo

 naktį į dar 1 sprogmenų sandėlį Briansko srityje
        Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
        Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo


          US military compiled list of American weapons systems that could help Ukraine in the war with Russia
          The US military’s top commander in Europe compiled a list of weapons systems the US possesses that could help Ukraine in its fight against Russia that the Biden administration has not yet provided, including air-to-surface missiles and a secure communications network used by NATO.
          In an annex attached to a classified report about the Biden administration’s Ukraine strategy that was delivered to Congress early last month, Gen. Chris Cavoli outlined a list of US capabilities that could help the Ukrainian military fight more effectively, according to people familiar with the report.
          The list included the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, a type of air-launched cruise missile, and a communications system known as the Link 16 — a data sharing network used by the US and NATO that is supposed to enable more seamless communication between battle systems and is particularly useful for air and missile defense command and control. Ukraine has asked for both systems repeatedly, another source familiar with their requests said.
          Cavoli’s list does not address why the US hasn’t provided systems that he assesses would be of value. But US officials have previously expressed concerns about sensitive US technology falling into Russian hands, which one source said is likely the holdup with the Link 16 system. The air-to-surface missiles, which are fired from fighter jets, might not be useful to the Ukrainians unless they achieve some level of air superiority, the source added.
          Nearly three years into the war, the Ukrainians are still pleading with the US to provide more advanced weaponry and lift restrictions on how long-range missile systems provided by the US can be used. And with the US presidential election less than one month away, the future of the US’ support for Ukraine is uncertain, even as the US says it is working to make sure Ukraine has what it needs to last them through at least the end of 2025.
          The Ukrainian government continues to lobby hard. When President Volodymyr Zelensky met with President Joe Biden at the White House late last month, he came armed with a detailed list—not of weapons, but of targets inside Russia that he wants to hit with US-provided long-range missiles, known as ATACMS, according to sources familiar with the meeting.
          The list is a key part of Zelensky’s “victory plan” for winning the war. Biden, who has to date prohibited the Ukrainians from deploying the missile systems for deep strikes into Russia, was not entirely dismissive of the request, the sources said. But he was ultimately non-committal.
          Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
          Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo


            Parašė eigh Rodyti pranešimą
            Tai Trumpas ir nežada leisti nugalėti Ukrainą, jis siūlo baigti karą per 24 val., o tai reiškia sieną palei dabartinę fronto liniją su demilitarizuota zona ir, veikiausiai, prorusiškų politinių jėgų sugrįžimą į Ukrainą.
            Prorusiškos jėgos niekaip negalės grįžti, nes iki šiol visokie janukovičiai buvo išrenkami tų regionų "deka", kurių Ukraina dabar nekontroliuoja, tad Sakartvelo pavyzdys čia netinka.



              Ukraine’s allies are detecting that President Volodymyr Zelenskiy may be getting ready to adopt a more flexible approach as they look at ways to help bring an end to Russia’s war, according to officials close to NATO.

              Ukrainian officials have signaled that they’re prepared to recognize that an endgame should come into play, the officials said on condition they not be named as talks take place behind closed doors.

              One official speculated that Ukrainian officials may be wielding an element of strategic ambiguity that would give them space for movement further ahead.

              A central element of any future talks will be Ukraine’s NATO membership (...) And while it’s unlikely the US president will do so, such an offer is viewed as a potential bidding chip for any negotiations involving the Kremlin.

              Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris declined to say if she would support Ukraine’s push to join NATO if elected, but asserted that Kyiv must be part of any US negotiation with Vladimir Putin over ending the ongoing conflict.

              Anoniminiai šaltiniai visada menkaverčiai ir šiuo metu situacija dar lanksti, bet iš esmės niekas nepasikeitė nuo 2023-ių rudens ir akivaizdu kad Ukraina bus priversta perduoti okupuotas teritorijas Rusijai, jų de jure nepripažįstant Rusijos dalimi. Tik jei tą padarys demokratų prezidentas, viskas bus įvilkta į aksominį gražbylysčių audeklą, o jei Trumpas, tai rusų agentas. Vakarų Europa nori prekiauti su Rusija ir turbūt 2026-2027-ais jau prekiaus. Vokietija išlieka politine Europos neganda.
              Paskutinis taisė Kaimai; Vakar, 09:49.


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