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Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą ir bandymai grasinti NATO
Parašė Eidvis Rodyti pranešimąUkrainiečiai atsikovojo Urozhaine kaimą, bent deepstate žemėlapis taip rodo.Tai dar vienas žingnis į priekį, bet problema, kad vasara jau baiginėjasi ir tokiais žingsniais žygiuojant bus sudėtinga atsikovoti užgrobtas teritorijas.
Parašė Eidvis Rodyti pranešimąYra kvaila kritikuoti ukrainiečių taktiką, strategiją ar kaip jie kariauja nuo sofos. Antra vertus lygiai taip pat yra kvaila nepripažinti, kad kontrapuolimas, toks, koks jis buvo planuotas, nepavyko.
It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimą
Na va, Eidvis pasirodo žino UA armijos planus.
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąAš tai kitaip būčiau kariavęs.
Kad atstatyti tik kas sugriauta, Ukrainai reikės žymiai daugiau pastangų ir resursų nei reikėtų kad iš Gargždų padaryti Vilnių...
Ir dar priedo tūkstančiai sveikų žmonių, kurie visą likusį gyvenimą bus tokie:
Paskutinis taisė T-K-K; 2023.08.14, 09:41.
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąTai kad neužfiksuota jokio bandymo dideliu mastu prasiveržti tankais per minų laukus
- 1 patinka
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąTai kad neužfiksuota jokio bandymo dideliu mastu prasiveržti tankais per minų laukus
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąTai kad neužfiksuota jokio bandymo dideliu mastu prasiveržti tankais per minų laukus
Kiek žinau ukrainiečių žvalgybinės grupės praktiškai be šarvuotos technikos prasmunka gana giliai į priešo užnugarį, bet tik tam, kad išžvalgyti, išprovokuoti taikinius.
Parašė Eidvis Rodyti pranešimą
Apie tai, kad minų laukai yra didelė problema, buvo neišsigalvota, o užfiksuota, tame tarpe ir video. Kad tą suprasti/užfiksuoti tam nebūtina dideliu mastu šimtus tankų per minų laukus varyti.
It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
- 1 patinka
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąIr tikrai manai, kad tie minų laukai UA armijos vadovybei buvo kažkokia staigmena privertusi iš esmės keisti puolimo planą?Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo
- 1 patinka
Timothy Snyder: Ten reasons Ukraine should win the war
The first and the most fundamental is that Ukraine’s victory is the only way to achieve peace. All the people would like for this war to come to an end, and a victory by Ukraine is the only way to do that. A Russian victory will lead to further Russian aggression. A Ukrainian capitulation will lead to the continuation of policies of atrocity on Ukrainian soil. The only way this war could end is a sufficient Ukrainian success on the field of battle that Russia believes is in its interest to negotiate.Secondly, the Ukrainian victory is important for the security of the region. The only way that the Ukrainian population could be protected is by way of Ukrainian victory. But it is also very significant for the populations of the Baltic countries, Poland, Romania, and Moldova that Russian aggression against the neighboring country not succeed.Number eight. Ukrainian victory is also very important for the future of Russia. The Ukrainians should not be thinking about this factor, but for the rest of us who are concerned about the security of Europe and the security of the world, it is very important what kind of Russia we will be living alongside in decades to come.
For Russia to become a normal country where Russian interests are observed by Russian leaders, it is very important that Russia loses this war. It is very important that Russians cease to pursue a foreign policy that is about gathering land on a basis of entirely untenable myths. It is very important for Russia, for Russians, and for future Russian governments to be in a position to think instead about the future of Russia and about the reality of Russian interests. And a defeat on a battlefield here will be a step forward towards that kind of Russia. Russia where Russians are able to think about a future away from imperialism. Russia where the past perhaps weighs a bit less heavily as myths on the decisions of the President. And Russia where interests can be considered and the future can be considered.
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Putin, Trump, Ukraine: how Timothy Snyder became the leading interpreter of our dark times
Historians aren’t supposed to make predictions, but Yale professor Timothy Snyder has become known for his dire warnings – and many of them have been proved correctSnyder’s view of Putin was still more ominous. In Putin’s Russia, Snyder sees a corrupt autocracy that has turned to neo-fascism in an attempt to regain its imperial glory. He was one of the few anglophone commentators to anticipate Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine – a prediction that even his friends scoffed at – and warned in his book Black Earth that “a new Russian colonialism” threatened European stability. In his opinion, the full-scale invasion that started last year was not, as some saw it, a minor regional conflict, but rather an atrocity of epochal significance: “It is about the possibility of a democratic future,” he wrote in Foreign Affairs.
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Putin Is Fighting, and Losing, His Last War
Russian nuclear propaganda assumes that the bully always wins. But the bully does not always win. Russian propagandists want us to think that nuclear powers can never lose wars, on the logic that they could always deploy nuclear weapons to win. This is an ahistorical fantasy. Nuclear weapons did not bring the French victory in Algeria, nor did they preserve the British Empire. The Soviet Union lost its war in Afghanistan. America lost in Vietnam and in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Israel failed to win in Lebanon. Nuclear powers lose wars with some regularity.Indeed, Russian leaders have already indicated what they will do if they believe that they are losing: change the terms of reference and change the subject in Russian media. The assumption in Russian politics is that rhetoric overcomes reality. And the rhetorical preparations for defeat have been made. Beneath Mr. Putin’s vague bellicosity is the idea that Russia wins if it avoids (in his words) “strategic defeat” imposed by NATO. Almost no matter what happens, it will be easy for him to define the war in Ukraine as a strategic victory. Since the Kremlin claims that it is fighting NATO, all Mr. Putin has to say is that Russia stopped NATO from crossing into Russia.By taking nuclear blackmail seriously, we have actually increased the overall unpredictability of nuclear war. If nuclear blackmail enables a Russian victory, the consequences will be incalculably awful. If any country with nuclear weapons can do whatever it likes, then law means nothing, no international order is possible and catastrophe beckons at every turn. Countries without nuclear weapons will have to build them, on the logic that they will need nuclear deterrence in the future. Nuclear proliferation would make nuclear war much more likely in the future.The way forward to strategic thinking is to free ourselves from our own anxieties and consider the Russian ones. The Russians talk about nuclear weapons not because they mean to use them but because they believe a large nuclear arsenal makes them a superpower. Nuclear talk makes them feel powerful. They see nuclear bullying as their prerogative and believe that others should automatically yield at the first mention of their weapons. The Ukrainians have not allowed this to affect their tactics.
War is unpredictable. Military history is full of surprises.
When Russians talk about nuclear war, the safest response is to ensure their very conventional defeat.
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Paskutinis taisė T-K-K; 2023.08.15, 08:42.
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