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Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą ir bandymai grasinti NATO
Parašė R.D. Rodyti pranešimą
Mūsų vata silpnai valdo anglų kalbą, jie daugiau į Rusiją orientuoti. Be to, kad suprasti ką sako Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reikia ne tik anglų mokėti, bet ir JAV vidaus situaciją suvoktiPaskutinis taisė DeSadas; 2023.07.15, 02:46."I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002
- George W. Bush President of the USA
Parašė rmss Rodyti pranešimąNepaisant kas tweeto autorius, rezervistų mobilizavimas biški kelia klausimų, ne? Pasak wiki pirmas toks atvejis nuo 2008, išskyrus 2014 ebolos ir 2020 covid suvaldymo misijoms.
Parašė DeSadas Rodyti pranešimą
vos ne Fullbright lauretu reikia but kad gaudytis usa politics.. Lietuvos vata saugi nuo to Tiesiog nesam ant tiek dar suvakareje. Kai vata prades cituot angliskai, tada jau visiskai busim pereje i vakaru pasauli.
BORIS JOHNSON: The West must be strong, end the mealy-mouthed procrastination and get Ukraine into Nato as fast as we can
So what were they frightened of? When Nato leaders came to Vilnius this week, it was surely obvious what they had to do. They had to be strong. That is the whole point of Nato. They had to show that they were in no way intimidated by Vladimir Putin and the sabre-rattling spookery of the Kremlin. They had to show that Nato countries recognise the immensity of the Ukrainian sacrifice and the obligations this imposes on us in the West — and they had to come up with a commensurate response.
For more than 500 days the Ukrainians have been resisting the Russian onslaught, a war they did nothing — repeat nothing — to provoke. Their cities have been bombed indiscriminately, their women raped, their children abducted and in Crimea there are camps where male prisoners of war are systematically castrated. It was up to the Nato leaders to demonstrate beyond doubt their belief in the fundamental principle of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation — the most successful military alliance in history.
We should have made it clear, once and for all, that it is for a sovereign people to decide which organisations they want to join, and that no non-member can veto them or hold them back. No country has done more or tried harder than Ukraine to demonstrate its fitness for Nato membership. No armed forces are more fearsome or more effective in their use of Nato weaponry. No country is in greater need of Nato membership. All the Alliance needed to do was to set out a timetable — not for instant membership; that makes no sense as long as the war is live — but for membership as soon as victory is won.
All we needed was words to the effect that accession could begin as soon as the war was over, on the understanding that this could be as early as next year.
I am sorry to say that the Vilnius conclusions are no firmer or more convincing than Nato’s Bucharest conclusions of 2008, which say — in paragraph 23, to be exact — ‘we agreed that these countries (Ukraine and Georgia) will become members of Nato’. That was 15 years ago, when Gordon Brown was still prime minister, and when Putin had yet to embark on his violent and revanchist plan to rebuild the Soviet empire. When allies agree? When conditions are met? According to the Bucharest conclusions, the allies agreed all this 15 years ago!
When will we learn the lesson of the past 20 years of handling Putin? It is our very ambiguity, our vacillation, our sucking-and-blowing-at-once, which has prompted him to invade. As long as he thinks there is a chance that he can wrest Ukraine back into the orbit of Moscow — as long as he thinks he can recreate the Soviet Union — he will try.
As long as he thinks he can get away with violence against Ukraine, and others, he will use violence. As long as Ukraine is deprived of those formal Article 5 Nato security guarantees that ensure the collective defence of all members, Putin will continue to inflict murder and mayhem — and to destabilise the world and the world economy.
That is why we in Nato must set out a timetable, as rapidly as possible. I know that is the ambition of the UK Government, and I know how hard Britain has been campaigning behind the scenes. The reluctance does not lie in London; far from it.
The problem is that there are still some of our friends and partners who think this war can only end in a negotiated solution. They believe that we should be craftily ambiguous now — because they think that the issue of Ukraine’s Nato membership could yet be part of the deal.
You could make a bargain with Putin, they think: you get your troops out and we’ll keep Ukraine out of Nato. That is madness. Throughout this war there has been a Western tendency to make the same mistake, over and over again: to overestimate Putin, and to underestimate Ukraine.
Look at Putin’s position. It was only three weeks ago that Yevgeny Prigozhin — founder of the Wagner Group and hitherto seen as his leal* and faithful mastiff — suddenly turned on his master and sent his troops to march on Moscow. Some now say that the ‘mutiny’ was all a cunning ploy by Putin, just to show that Russia could be even more chaotic with other people in charge. What nonsense. This was no masquerade. This was near anarchy — the Wagner Group actually shooting down Russian helicopters, actually killing Russian soldiers.
And in the aftermath, Sergei Surovikin, the tough-nut general who used to be in charge of the Russian invasion forces, has suddenly vanished under suspicion of being in sympathy with the attempted coup. Another sacked general, Ivan Popov, is accusing Putin of decapitating the army. You can see what is happening. The Russian military know they are facing defeat and humiliation in Ukraine, and they are preparing their dolchstosslegende — their stab-in-the-back-myth — to explain how they were betrayed and let down by incompetent politicians.
Yes, it will take time for the Ukrainians to break through the Vietcong-style dug-outs that the Russians have mined and booby-trapped in the captured areas. We must be patient. We must show strategic continence.
We must give the Ukrainians the air cover — the F-16 fighter jets — to get it done. But they will do it, and once they do, there is only one way to make sure such an invasion never happens again, to settle once and for all the question of Ukraine’s political identity and orientation — for the stability of Ukraine, and Russia, and the world.
It has worked for the Balts. It has worked for Eastern Europe. It is now the only way forward for Ukraine. It is time to be strong, end the mealy-mouthed procrastination — and get Ukraine into Nato as fast as we can.Paskutinis taisė Arunasx; 2023.07.15, 07:28.Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo
- 8 patinka
Parašė rmss Rodyti pranešimąNepaisant kas tweeto autorius, rezervistų mobilizavimas biški kelia klausimų, ne? Pasak wiki pirmas toks atvejis nuo 2008, išskyrus 2014 ebolos ir 2020 covid suvaldymo misijoms.
- 1 patinka
Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą
Negalima gi taip net svarstyti. Jei "vata" parašė, vadinasi netiesa.
Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimąNegalima gi taip net svarstyti. Jei "vata" parašė, vadinasi netiesa.
- 2 patinka
Parašė digital Rodyti pranešimąGator, prašome nenusišnekėti. Apie tai neseniai rašiau - jei kacapai kažką parašė, mes net nežiūrime, ar tai tiesa, ar netiesa. Kai parašo kažkas kitas, tada galime apie tai diskutuoti.
Ne visai suprantat jav žmonių požiūrio, tikrai ne visi ir gal net ne dauguma, kurie pasisako už įvairius taikos planus būtinai palaiko rusiją. Ten yra tiesiog kitoks supratimas, jie yra kitame kontinente ir tt.
Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą
Tai dėl kacapų rašymo sutinku, bet rfk tai jankis, ne kacapas.
Ne visai suprantat jav žmonių požiūrio, tikrai ne visi ir gal net ne dauguma, kurie pasisako už įvairius taikos planus būtinai palaiko rusiją. Ten yra tiesiog kitoks supratimas, jie yra kitame kontinente ir tt.
- 1 patinka
Parašė Creatium Rodyti pranešimą
Kitoks supratimas, bet smarkiai įtakotas rusiškos propagandos. Tą nesunkiai galima pamatyti paklausius ką pasakoja apie karą Ukrainoje tas pats RFK ar koks David Sacks. 1:1 tą, ką teigia rusiška propaganda yra atkartojama. Iš oro tokios nuomonės nesusiformuoja.
Neilga dokumentika (karių komentarai) apie mūšį dėl Popasna'os, kai rusai savo galia buvo pačiame pike: pilna artilerijos sviedinių, tankų, pėstininkų,o Ukraina tuo metu baiginėjo savo sovietinius sviedinius, o pagalba iš vakarų dar tik važiavo. Pamenu ir Arty Green komentarą, kai vyko karščiausios kovos dėl Bakhmuto, kad visgi pastarajame nėra taip blogai, kaip blogai buvo Popasna'oje, jis daugiausia omeny turėjo artilerijos persvarą ir oro antskrydžius.
- 1 patinka
Paskutinis taisė Arunasx; 2023.07.16, 23:24.Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo
Parašė Arunasx Rodyti pranešimąNaudingų idiotų yra visur. Atkreipkite į autoriaus pavardę
Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo
- 3 patinka
Šiek tiek apie Rusijos artileriją ir jos laukiančius iššūkius.If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.
- 1 patinka
Ir prie to pačio dar vienas geras straipsnis apie kasetines bombas.If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.
Parašė Sula Rodyti pranešimąGaila, kad geležinkelio tiltas, matyt, atlaikė. Visgi pagrindiniai kroviniai juo juda.
OK. Gegužės 5 atidaryta gelež. linija.Paskutinis taisė Galys; 2023.07.17, 08:32.