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Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą ir bandymai grasinti NATO
Vokietijos Šolcą kitą savaitę gali bandyti versti iš sosto dėl atsisakymo duoti sunkius ginklus Ukrainai.Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų, ypač Kalnapilis myžalų,
Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo
- 5 patinka
Parašė Čikupakas Rodyti pranešimąŠįkart jau prie daug mažesnio stalo Putinas duoda nurodymus Šoigu ir su dešine ranka prilaiko stalą.
- 4 patinka
Parašė Čikupakas Rodyti pranešimąŠįkart jau prie daug mažesnio stalo Putinas duoda nurodymus Šoigu ir su dešine ranka prilaiko stalą.
o gal kad galvon neduoti Soigu tai laikosi uz stalo
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002
- George W. Bush President of the USA
- 1 patinka
Šiandieninė amerikiečių parama:
Dave Brown
JUST IN: DoD says the new package for Ukraine includes:
-72 155mm howitzers and 144,000 artillery rounds
-72 tactical vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers
-Over 121 Phoenix Ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems
-Field equipment and spare parts
How have international companies, ignoring sanctions, armed the Russian army?
[Kaip užsienio kompanijos, ignoruodamos sankcijas, ginklavo rusijos armiją?]
Rusiškas BMD su prancūziškomis Thales "smegenimis". BMD-4 Bakhcha
- 3 patinka
Vokietijos kanclerio melo istorija apie ginklus Ukrainai:
- 2 patinka
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąNe liepsnojanti Maskva, tik Tverė, bet vis tiek malonu (labiausiai man patinka tas business as usual vyriškis su portfeliu):
Sudegė kažkoks slaptas aerokostminio projektavimo institutas, kuriame buvo kuriami visokie ten iskanderai ir kiti analogų pasaulyje neturintys ginklai.
Paskutinis taisė Tomas; 2022.04.21, 19:26.It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
- 3 patinka
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąSudegė kažkoks slaptas aerokostminio projektavimo institutas, kuriame buvo kuriami visokie ten iskanderai ir kiti analogų pasaulyje neturintys ginklai.
Jack Detsch
NEW: Ukraine has more tanks available in country than Russia, thanks to European deliveries of Soviet-era T-72 tanks: senior defense official
- 5 patinka
German policies towards Russia were defined not by some "guilt complex" about WWII and not by pacifism. This explanation just sounds nice. "Yes, we have made some stupid decisions, but it is because we are good people!"
German Russophilia is not a product of guilt; it is not a manifestation of pacifism. It is even not entirely about greed and profit. It is about imperialism. We can even talk about "imperial", not "imperialistic" way of thinking.
Eastern Europe was divided between Empires:
German Reich, Austria-Hungary, Russia and in some way Ottoman Empire. Now there are only Russia and Germany, which dominates the EU (and Erdogan is trying to make some neo-Ottomanist comeback).
The future of Eastern Europe has been and in many ways still is defined by the Empires, not by Easter Europeans themselves. Germans can not imagine that you can talk to Ukraine about political and military alliances without talking to Russia.
Empires are easily "accepted" as they are, even if they do awful and inhumane things to their own people and neighbours. And former vassal states have to behave in an ideal way to deserve an acceptance and a right to sit at the same table with "real people".
Good example: Russian diplomats, literally, defecate on stage and rub their shit in the faces of the EU politicians. Their behaviour is more insulting than any GG Allin performance. They advocate war crimes and genocide and they do it for many years.
Russians can behave as they wish, and they still get respect and dialogue. Ukrainian diplomats are being ton-policied. Ukrainians should be kind and gentle and behave well even while they are literally being killed.
Russian officials openly say that they don't believe that Ukraine is a real country. Sadly, in Germany they think the same, just don't put it so far. They still believe that such a concept as "Russian zone of interests" is legit. They forget real people living in this "zone".
That's why Lindner wanted to wait a few days for the defeat of Ukraine. He did not imagine that Ukraine could fight back, "a vassal state" could not defeat an "Empire". It is not about military expertise; it is about failure to accept Ukraine as an independent entity.
And now, when the Ukrainian army beats the Russians in the field and on the sea, Germany also feels hurt. The very idea of the fellow Empire being defeated and dismantled is very traumatic for Germans.
That's why they are being so pissed about Zelensky's attitude towards Steinmeier. The Comedian did not just violate diplomatic protocols or some good manners rules. He broke the hierarchy of vassals and masters.
The most insulting thing was to meet representatives from Poland and Baltic states, while, a great and powerful Germany, was left out. These Ukrainians are killing Russian soldiers better than anybody in history. They don't respect other Empires as well. What next? Anarchy?
Paryškinta vieta yra kodėl aš advokatauju rimtesnę rytų europos sąjungą vietoj nuolankaus paklusimo ES kaip ayskiros šalys.
- 5 patinka
Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą
Paryškinta vieta yra kodėl aš advokatauju rimtesnę rytų europos sąjungą vietoj nuolankaus paklusimo ES kaip ayskiros šalys.
Galiausiai nelabai supratau kodėl apie tai yra rašoma šioje temoje. ES nėra gynybinis aljansas. Nato yra gynybinis aljansas, kuriame mes ir esam.Paskutinis taisė Čikupakas; 2022.04.21, 22:30.
- 9 patinka
Parašė Čikupakas Rodyti pranešimąNereikia nusikalbėt dėl to nuolankaus paklusimo ES. Visų pirma tai Lietuvai dar yra nemažai ko išmokti iš vakarų ES valstybių. VIsų antra, buvimas ES Lietuvai davė milžinišką ekoniminę naudą ir ištrauškė iš tos skylės, kurioje buvom likę po sovietų sąjungos. Trečia, ES nėra kažkokia diktatūra, netgi atsilikėliškoms homofobiškoms ir ksenofobiškoms valstybėms vietos yra.
Galiausiai nelabai supratau kodėl apie tai yra rašoma šioje temoje. ES nėra gynybinis aljansas. Nato yra gynybinis aljansas, kuriame mes ir esam.
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