Dislokuojamų pajėgų kiekiai stebina. Tai ypatingai brangi operacija ir be nieko atsitraukus generalitetas paklaus putleriuko: tai kas čia buvo ? Vardan ko čiia mus taip mėtė, ei, ką ta reiškia ?
Nors venas toks Kremliaus trubadūras iš Vokietijos prieš kokias penkias dienas pasakė ko gero pagrindinį Kremliaus tikslą. Aišku pirma apkaltino Ukrainą žvanginimu ginklais (sic):
“I very much hope that the saber-rattling in Ukraine will finally stop,” said Schröder in the podcast “Die Agenda”. “Because what I have to hear there, including the accusations against Germany, because of the reasonable cancellation of arms deliveries, that sometimes knocks the bottom out of the barrel.”
Bet galiausiai pasakė , kad karo nebus ir kodėl viso to reikia. Ir tai beje su mumis labai susiję:
Schröder also saw the Russian troop deployment on the border with Ukraine as a reaction to NATO maneuvers and NATO forces deployments in the Baltic States and in Poland. “Of course, this has implications for thinking and threat analysis in Russia itself and their preparations ,” he said. You have to take that into account if you are looking for a settlement with Russia. The former chancellor does not expect a Russian invasion of Ukraine. “I do not believe that. And I also don’t think that the Russian leadership can and does have an interest in intervening militarily in Ukraine.”
Nors venas toks Kremliaus trubadūras iš Vokietijos prieš kokias penkias dienas pasakė ko gero pagrindinį Kremliaus tikslą. Aišku pirma apkaltino Ukrainą žvanginimu ginklais (sic):
“I very much hope that the saber-rattling in Ukraine will finally stop,” said Schröder in the podcast “Die Agenda”. “Because what I have to hear there, including the accusations against Germany, because of the reasonable cancellation of arms deliveries, that sometimes knocks the bottom out of the barrel.”
Bet galiausiai pasakė , kad karo nebus ir kodėl viso to reikia. Ir tai beje su mumis labai susiję:
Schröder also saw the Russian troop deployment on the border with Ukraine as a reaction to NATO maneuvers and NATO forces deployments in the Baltic States and in Poland. “Of course, this has implications for thinking and threat analysis in Russia itself and their preparations ,” he said. You have to take that into account if you are looking for a settlement with Russia. The former chancellor does not expect a Russian invasion of Ukraine. “I do not believe that. And I also don’t think that the Russian leadership can and does have an interest in intervening militarily in Ukraine.”