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Rusijos karas prieš Ukrainą ir bandymai grasinti NATO
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąFirst person shooter:
Paskutinis taisė Taj Mahal; 2023.06.19, 10:55.
Parašė Taj Mahal Rodyti pranešimą
O kodėl ginklai skamba kaip airsoft?
Parašė vytauc Rodyti pranešimą
Nes slopintuvai uždėti. Čia gi SOPas.
Tą ką esu matęs buvo gerokai garsiau.
Įtariu kad ne “pramogų tikslais” Švedija mokina ukrainiečių pilotus skraidyti su Saab Jas Gripen E-series.
Paskutinis taisė Taj Mahal; 2023.06.19, 11:06.
- 2 patinka
Panašu kad Ukrainai padedančios šalys siųs vis sudėtingesnius/galingesnius ginklus, jei karas toliau tęsis.- Kovas, 2022
Sweden will provide Ukraine with an additional 5,000 anti-tank weapons. Sweden has already sent 5,000 anti-tank weapons, along with other military materiel to Ukraine.
' - Birželis, 2022
Sweden plans to deliver more arms to Ukraine, including anti-tank weapons, as well as mine-clearing equipment, says its defence ministry.
' - Sausis, 2023
Sweden is to send 50 CV90 IFVs to Ukraine
' - Vasaris, 2023
Der Spiegel: Sweden will give Ukraine Stridsvagn 122 battle tanks.
' - Vasaris, 2023
Today, 24 February, the Government presented a new extensive support package for Ukraine. It includes subsystems of the HAWK anti-aircraft system and essential parts of the IRIS-T anti-aircraft system, in cooperation with Germany. Sweden also intends to provide Leopard 2 battle tanks.
' - Kovas, 2023
Sweden to hand over Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine
' - Kovas, 2023
Sweden will send Archer artillery systems to Ukraine and help the UK build its stock back up by replenishing it.
' - Gegužė, 2023
Sweden to train Ukrainian pilots on JAS 39 Gripen jets
' - ...
Paskutinis taisė Taj Mahal; 2023.06.19, 11:51.
- 1 patinka
- Kovas, 2022
The Economist: Ukraine gets its F-16s
The first batch of the f-16 fighter jets that Ukraine is preparing to receive is expected to arrive in late September 2023.
- 3 patinka
Parašė Taj Mahal Rodyti pranešimąĮtariu kad ne “pramogų tikslais” Švedija mokina ukrainiečių pilotus skraidyti su Saab Jas Gripen E-series.
Nuotraukos iš Saab tinklapio.
- 1 patinka
Parašė Taj Mahal Rodyti pranešimą
Aš nepakankamai žinau, bet ar tikrai taip tyliai po slopintuvų būna?
Tą ką esu matęs buvo gerokai garsiau.
- 1 patinka
Parašė vytauc Rodyti pranešimą
Pridėkim dar, kad mikrofonas kažkiek slopina, plius gruntinės sienos taip pat garsą sugeria.
Kitas dalykas - matosi gi pataikymai.
- 2 patinka
Parašė Eidvis Rodyti pranešimąPrasidėjus Ukrainos kontrapuolimui, į Ukrainą ir Rusiją atvyksta kelių afrikos valstybių lyderiai su 'taikos planu', tuo tarpu į Kiniją atvyksta Blinkenas, t.y. pirmasis tokio aukšto rango JAV politiko vizitas Kinijoje per paskutinius 5 metus. Sutapimas?
- 1 patinka
Parašė Dundorfas Rodyti pranešimą
Afrikiečiai dairosi kas duos grūdų, apie ką Blinkenas Kinijoje šnekėjo ir ar/ką susitarė neaišku.
Pagal viską vizitas buvo sėkmingas. Programoje nebuvo Blinkeno pokalbio su pačiu Xi, bet Xi atėjo ir pasišnekėjo. Kaip suprantu karo klausimu kinai žadėjo, kad ginklų netieks, bet Blinkenas spaudė, kad kontroliuotų privačias kinų kompanijas kurios teikia arba galii suteikti rusams produktus ir technologijas. Kinai lyg ir žadėjo kontroliuoti. Kinai liko labai patenkinti, kad JAV nepripažins Taivano nepriklausomybės (jeigu jėga nebus bandomas pakeisti dabartinis status quo) ir nesistengs pakeisti Kinijos politinės santvarkos. Šituo kinai labai liko patenkinti: matyt kažkokia baimė juos ten spaudžia
QUESTION: You said that you have received assurances – or you said the United States has received assurances from China that they will not provide lethal aid to Russia. Were those assurances specifically made to you today? And do you believe that is a final decision on behalf of Chinese leadership given the U.S. has said that they are considering providing lethal aid to Russia in the past?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thanks. So, with regard to assurances on providing lethal assistance to Russia for use in Ukraine, this is not – this is not new today. This is something that China has said in recent weeks and has repeatedly said – not only to us, but to many other countries that have raised this concern – that they are not and will not provide lethal assistance to Russia for use in Ukraine. And that’s an important commitment, an important policy. And as I’ve said, we’ve not seen anything right now to contradict that. But what we are concerned about is private companies in China that may be providing assistance, in some cases dual use, in some cases clearly directed at enhancing Russia’s military capacity in Ukraine. That is a concern, and it’s something that I pointed out to our Chinese counterparts and urged that they be vigilant in policing that.
SECRETARY BLINKEN:I raised U.S. concerns – shared by a growing number of countries – about the PRC’s provocative actions in the Taiwan Strait, as well as in the South and East China Seas. On Taiwan, I reiterated the longstanding U.S. “one China” policy. That policy has not changed. It’s guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiqués, the Six Assurances. We do not support Taiwan independence. We remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side. We continue to expect the peaceful resolution of cross-strait differences. We remain committed to meeting our responsibilities under the Taiwan Relations Act, including making sure that Taiwan has the ability to defend itself. We also spoke about a range of bilateral issues, including continuing to develop principles to guide our relationship, as discussed by President Biden and President Xi in Bali late last year.
On food security, we believe China can play a key role in alleviating global food insecurity. I underscore the importance of supporting a long-term expansion of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which has facilitated the export of almost 32 million tons of grain from Ukraine; with approximately 18 million tons going to developing countries. A long-term expansion is critical for avoiding food shortages in the some of the poorest, most food-insecure countries in the world, as well as price surges.
I raised as a priority the issue of synthetic opioids and fentanyl, a crisis in the United States. Fentanyl is the number-one killer of Americans aged 18 to 49. I made clear that we need much greater cooperation to address this critical issue. We agreed to explore setting up a working group or joint effort so that we can shut off the flow of precursor chemicals, which helped fuel this crisis and a growing number of deaths.
- 6 patinka
Parašė suoliuojantis Rodyti pranešimąWe do not support Taiwan independence.
It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
- 5 patinka
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimą
Laukiame Maldeikio komentaro.
2021 Spalio 27
- 1 patinka
The Guardian: US president says ‘real’ possibility Vladimir Putin could use tactical nuclear weapons (archyvas)
Reikėtų prisiminti kad JAV žvalgyba kol kas gana daug teisingų spejimų padarė. Nuo pat karo pradžios ir dar net jam neprasidėjus.
Paskutinis taisė Taj Mahal; 2023.06.20, 12:58.