Darosi įdomu ar Izraelio pozicija pasikeis nors kiek. Bendrame kontekste labai jau nekaip atrodo. Plius chuilostano pastangos lėmė Sirijos režimo išsaugojimą, kas nėra Izraelio "draugai"
Zelenskyy is interested in speaking before the Israeli parliament next week. If Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy does not allow him to speak before the plenum, or guarantee that a significant number of lawmakers attend, he plans to speak before Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial or broadcast his speech to the Israeli public at Tel Aviv's Rabin Square.
"Zelenskyy is exhausted from conversations with leaders, he wants to talk to the public," the officials explained.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Embassy has begun mapping out the 20 major Israeli companies operating in Russia, in an attempt to persuade them to voluntarily join the sanctions next week, as other international companies have done.
"Zelenskyy is exhausted from conversations with leaders, he wants to talk to the public," the officials explained.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Embassy has begun mapping out the 20 major Israeli companies operating in Russia, in an attempt to persuade them to voluntarily join the sanctions next week, as other international companies have done.