Parašė Mantaz
Gan idomus straipsnelis, kuriame teigiama, kad naujai atejusieji darbuotojai is naujuju ES saliu padare minimalia itaka ten jau dirbusiems t.y. ateidami ne pasieme kazkieno darbo vieta, o ja sukure (ir taip kure pridetine verte).
A separate report from the Department for Work and Pensions suggests that the influx of east European workers has had a positive impact on the economy. It said that despite fears that the incomers would displace existing workers and depress wages, their arrival had allowed certain sectors to expand, creating more jobs and leaving pay levels unchanged.
''Our results suggest that the primary impact has been to increase output and total employment, with minimal impact on native workers,'' the study added. ''Overall, the economic impact of accession … appears to have been modest, but broadly positive, reflecting the flexibility and speed of adjustment of the UK labour market.'' One in five of the new workers had gone to London to work, although the Midlands and the South West were now seeing rising numbers.
''Our results suggest that the primary impact has been to increase output and total employment, with minimal impact on native workers,'' the study added. ''Overall, the economic impact of accession … appears to have been modest, but broadly positive, reflecting the flexibility and speed of adjustment of the UK labour market.'' One in five of the new workers had gone to London to work, although the Midlands and the South West were now seeing rising numbers.
Na ir dar turekim omeny, kad ne visi vaziuoja vien del didesnio uzdarbio ar kasdieniniu materialiniu "vertybiu". Reikia tureti omeny tokius dalykus kaip kulturinis gyvenimas, galimybes keliauti ir t.t. Tai irgi savotiskas "produktas" ar vertybe, kuria kur kas sunkiau gauti Lietuvoje negu pvz. D.Britanijoje.
Ir dar del nusinestu investiciju. Kodel tu toks tikras, kad visi tie keli simtai tukstanciu tiesiog dingo be pedsako? Daug kas siuncia tuos pacius uzdirbtus pinigus i Lietuva savo tevams, seneliams ir t.t. Arba tiesiog atvaziave i Lietuva isleidzia nemaza dali savo svetur uzdirbtu lesu. Taip daro tikrai daug kas. Taigi nereiktu pervertinti to didelio skaiciaus "prarastu" zmoniu.