Lažybų bendrovės pirmą kartą po labai ilgo laiko jau galvoja, kad vatnikui nepavyks laimėti JAV rinkimų.
Trump: 48.78%
Harris: 51.28%
Aš nelabai Harris fanas, kol kas negirdėjau jos tvirtos pozicijos dėl Putino ir Ukrainos, bet tai vis tiek yra 164165165 kartų geriau, nei JAV orbanas, kuris net neturėdamas realios valdžios pusę metų blokavo JAV paramą Ukrainai ir net neslepia, kad jei taps JAV prezidentu tą paramą iš kart nutrauks.
Trump: 48.78%
Harris: 51.28%
Aš nelabai Harris fanas, kol kas negirdėjau jos tvirtos pozicijos dėl Putino ir Ukrainos, bet tai vis tiek yra 164165165 kartų geriau, nei JAV orbanas, kuris net neturėdamas realios valdžios pusę metų blokavo JAV paramą Ukrainai ir net neslepia, kad jei taps JAV prezidentu tą paramą iš kart nutrauks.
Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively on Thursday evening that he intends to negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine as President-elect before he even is sworn in as the next president of the United States.
“I know both heads of the countries,” Trump said. “I know President Putin very well. I want to see the death stopping. There’s death and there’s destruction. They are destroying the whole fabric of a certain part of the world. I want to get it negotiated, and get it done.”
Trump said his Democrat opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, would keep the war going and keep flowing hundreds of billions of American tax dollars into Ukraine rather than ending it. He said Harris would do nothing, and because of her inaction “millions of people will die” if she were to win the election in November. He also said Harris’s ineptitude could drag the world into a global war.
“I know both heads of the countries,” Trump said. “I know President Putin very well. I want to see the death stopping. There’s death and there’s destruction. They are destroying the whole fabric of a certain part of the world. I want to get it negotiated, and get it done.”
Trump said his Democrat opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, would keep the war going and keep flowing hundreds of billions of American tax dollars into Ukraine rather than ending it. He said Harris would do nothing, and because of her inaction “millions of people will die” if she were to win the election in November. He also said Harris’s ineptitude could drag the world into a global war.