Oranžinis pimpačkiukas reikalavo kompromato apie Joe Biden arba jo sūnų, kuris dirba Ukrainos naftos bendrovėje Burisma. Negavęs kompromato, sustabdė planuotą karinę pagalbą.
Kaip sakoma, with friends like that, who needs enemies.
Revelations that President Trump pressured Ukraine’s new leader to investigate the son of former vice president Joe Biden have focused fresh attention on hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid the administration withheld from the country until last week.
During August and September, lawmakers were engaged in what Republican and Democratic aides described as an unprecedented struggle with the administration to release nearly $400 million in military assistance for Ukraine — $250 million of it controlled by the Pentagon and $141 million by the State Department.
Kaip sakoma, with friends like that, who needs enemies.