Pirmas žingsnis buvo pakitusi JAV retorika, iš 'Rusija užpuolė Ukrainą', į 'neaišku kas ten įvyko'. Antras žingsnis JAV jungtinėse tautų balsavime atsisako pasmerkti Rusijos agresiją. Trečias žingsnis - JAV traukiasi iš Putino kriminalinio persekiojimo. Putinas nepadarė jokių nusikaltimų. Sekantis žingsnis - kriminalis ukrainiečių persekiojimas dėl niekšiško Rusijos užpuolimo ir sukelto karo.
U.S. to Withdraw From Group Investigating Responsibility for Ukraine Invasion
The decision is the latest indication of the Trump administration’s move away from holding President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia accountable for crimes committed against Ukrainians.
The Justice Department has quietly informed European officials that the United States is withdrawing from a multinational group created to investigate leaders responsible for the invasion of Ukraine, including President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, according to people familiar with the situation.
The group was created to hold the leadership of Russia, along with its allies in Belarus, North Korea and Iran, accountable for a category of crimes — defined as aggression under international law and treaties that violates another country’s sovereignty and is not initiated in self-defense.
The decision is the latest indication of the Trump administration’s move away from holding President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia accountable for crimes committed against Ukrainians.
The Justice Department has quietly informed European officials that the United States is withdrawing from a multinational group created to investigate leaders responsible for the invasion of Ukraine, including President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, according to people familiar with the situation.
The group was created to hold the leadership of Russia, along with its allies in Belarus, North Korea and Iran, accountable for a category of crimes — defined as aggression under international law and treaties that violates another country’s sovereignty and is not initiated in self-defense.