Eidvis Gal trumpink postus rašydamas ir geriau paklausyk suvokiant frazes, kai sako, kad po 1 mėnesio iš brigados lieka tik 20% ir ji atitraukiama naujai komplektacijai be jokio patirties perdavimo naujiems
Ir palygink su tuo vaizdeliu ir surašyta info. Būtina paspausti Show more:
Ir palygink su tuo vaizdeliu ir surašyta info. Būtina paspausti Show more:
There are 4,400 airplanes and helicopters on an area of 10.5 km². There is everything: from cargo planes to B-52 bombers, military transport Hercules aircraft and F-14 Tomcat fighter-interceptor jets.
Sierra Army Depot is roughly estimated to store 1,440 M-1 Abrams tanks, 503 M-2 Bradley IFVs, 738 M-113 armored personnel carriers and M-577 command vehicles, 98 M-109 155mm self-propelled howitzers, 209 M-119 105mm towed howitzers, and 110 M-198 155mm towed howitzers.
Sierra Army Depot is roughly estimated to store 1,440 M-1 Abrams tanks, 503 M-2 Bradley IFVs, 738 M-113 armored personnel carriers and M-577 command vehicles, 98 M-109 155mm self-propelled howitzers, 209 M-119 105mm towed howitzers, and 110 M-198 155mm towed howitzers.