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    Dr. Bret Weinstein and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya discussion 2023 06 23 (click on image):

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Capture.JPG Views:	0 Size:	34,1 kB ID:	2060894

    ''Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Bret Weinstein and Jay Bhattacharya about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s controversial appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience," during which he discussed how Big Pharma manipulated data during the COVID vaccine trials; Joe Rogan’s attempt to set up a debate about vaccines between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Peter Hotez; Kamala Harris and Dr. Fauci’s COVID-vaccine propaganda; Bret and Jay’s participation in Ron DeSantis’ COVID-19 mRNA vaccine accountability roundtable; what Jay thinks the biggest mistake was in the handling of the pandemic; and much more.''

    The Nuremberg Code 1947
    Paskutinis taisė spekas; 2023.07.01, 19:22.


      Čia keli antivakseriai eis vienas kitam pritarti?


        Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly

        Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right.

        By Bret Swanson
        July 7, 2023 5:38 pm ET

        ''Twitter blacklisted Stanford physician and economist Jay Bhattacharya for showing Covid almost exclusively threatened the elderly, severely reducing the visibility of his tweets. When Stanford health policy scholar Scott Atlas began advising the White House, YouTube erased his most prominent video opposing lockdowns. Twitter banned Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology, for calling attention to the vaccines’ dangers. YouTube demonetized evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein, who suggested the virus might be engineered and predicted vaccine-evading variants. And those are only a few examples.

        Social-media platforms were powerful tools for full-spectrum censorship, but they didn’t act alone. Medical schools, medical boards, science journals and legacy media sang from the same hymnal.

        Legions of doctors stayed quiet after witnessing the demonization of their peers who challenged the Covid orthodoxy. A little censorship leads people to watch what they say. Millions of patients and citizens were deprived of important insights as a result.

        Health authorities and TV doctors insisted young people were vulnerable, demanded toddlers wear masks, closed schools, beaches and parks, and were loath to contemplate crucial cost-benefit analysis. The economy? Mental health? Never heard of them.

        These “experts” denied the protective effects of recovered immunity, a phenomenon we’ve known about since the Plague of Athens in 430 B.C. They effectively prohibited generic drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, such as azithromycin and ivermectin, which low-income nations around the world were deploying successfully. They failed to appreciate the evolutionary dynamics of mass vaccination during a pandemic.


          Parašė spekas Rodyti pranešimą
          Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly

          Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right.

          By Bret Swanson
          July 7, 2023 5:38 pm ET

          ''Twitter blacklisted Stanford physician and economist Jay Bhattacharya for showing Covid almost exclusively threatened the elderly, severely reducing the visibility of his tweets. When Stanford health policy scholar Scott Atlas began advising the White House, YouTube erased his most prominent video opposing lockdowns. Twitter banned Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology, for calling attention to the vaccines’ dangers. YouTube demonetized evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein, who suggested the virus might be engineered and predicted vaccine-evading variants. And those are only a few examples.

          Social-media platforms were powerful tools for full-spectrum censorship, but they didn’t act alone. Medical schools, medical boards, science journals and legacy media sang from the same hymnal.

          Legions of doctors stayed quiet after witnessing the demonization of their peers who challenged the Covid orthodoxy. A little censorship leads people to watch what they say. Millions of patients and citizens were deprived of important insights as a result.

          Health authorities and TV doctors insisted young people were vulnerable, demanded toddlers wear masks, closed schools, beaches and parks, and were loath to contemplate crucial cost-benefit analysis. The economy? Mental health? Never heard of them.

          These “experts” denied the protective effects of recovered immunity, a phenomenon we’ve known about since the Plague of Athens in 430 B.C. They effectively prohibited generic drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, such as azithromycin and ivermectin, which low-income nations around the world were deploying successfully. They failed to appreciate the evolutionary dynamics of mass vaccination during a pandemic.
          O ką čia šitie tekstai turėtų mums pasakyti, ko nežinojome iki šiol?


            Parašė MikasRidikas Rodyti pranešimą

            O ką čia šitie tekstai turėtų mums pasakyti, ko nežinojome iki šiol?
            Šitie tekstai turi mums pasakyti, kad kalbos laisvės absoliutistai mãno, kad "Shouting fire in a crowded theater" yra OK. Ir galbūt jie teisūs.
            If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.


              Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from its consequences.


                Parašė MikasRidikas Rodyti pranešimą

                O ką čia šitie tekstai turėtų mums pasakyti, ko nežinojome iki šiol?
                Kad cenzūra buvo mirtina čia forume daug kas nežinojo, daug kas pasisakė už cenzūrą.


                  Parašė sankauskas Rodyti pranešimą

                  Šitie tekstai turi mums pasakyti, kad kalbos laisvės absoliutistai mãno, kad "Shouting fire in a crowded theater" yra OK. Ir galbūt jie teisūs.
                  Kad ne apie melagingą gaisro skelbimą rašo, o rašo:

                  Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right.


                    Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą
                    who turned out to be right.
                    Nes jie taip pasakė. Negi abejosi


                      Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą

                      who turned out to be right.
                      If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.


                        Parašė sankauskas Rodyti pranešimą


                        (World health organization, forumiukas neleidžia didžiosiomis raidėmis posto įkalt :/)
                        Paskutinis taisė rmss; 2023.07.11, 12:14.


                          Parašė MikasRidikas Rodyti pranešimą

                          Nes jie taip pasakė. Negi abejosi
                          Mintis yra, kad jie tikrai nepalaiko šaukimo fire teatre. Jie palaiko diskusiją ir teisingo atsakymo išsiaiškinimą, o ne kitos nuomonės cenzūrą.

                          2 skirtingi dalykai, o sankauskas jam įprastu būdu bando prilyginti abu.


                            Parašė spekas Rodyti pranešimą
                            Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly

                            Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right.

                            By Bret Swanson
                            July 7, 2023 5:38 pm ET


                            ''Twitter blacklisted Stanford physician and economist Jay Bhattacharya for showing Covid almost exclusively threatened the elderly, severely reducing the visibility of his tweets. When Stanford health policy scholar Scott Atlas began advising the White House, YouTube erased his most prominent video opposing lockdowns. Twitter banned Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology, for calling attention to the vaccines’ dangers. YouTube demonetized evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein, who suggested the virus might be engineered and predicted vaccine-evading variants. And those are only a few examples.

                            Social-media platforms were powerful tools for full-spectrum censorship, but they didn’t act alone. Medical schools, medical boards, science journals and legacy media sang from the same hymnal.

                            Legions of doctors stayed quiet after witnessing the demonization of their peers who challenged the Covid orthodoxy. A little censorship leads people to watch what they say. Millions of patients and citizens were deprived of important insights as a result.

                            Health authorities and TV doctors insisted young people were vulnerable, demanded toddlers wear masks, closed schools, beaches and parks, and were loath to contemplate crucial cost-benefit analysis. The economy? Mental health? Never heard of them.

                            These “experts” denied the protective effects of recovered immunity, a phenomenon we’ve known about since the Plague of Athens in 430 B.C. They effectively prohibited generic drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, such as azithromycin and ivermectin, which low-income nations around the world were deploying successfully. They failed to appreciate the evolutionary dynamics of mass vaccination during a pandemic.
                            Dieve vel prasideda su savo tuo ivermectinu ir azitromicinu... ekspertai mat susirinko.
                            "I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002

                            - George W. Bush President of the USA


                              Parašė Taj Mahal Rodyti pranešimą

                              Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from its consequences.
                              Speech with consequences is not free.
                              Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą

                              Kad cenzūra buvo mirtina čia forume daug kas nežinojo, daug kas pasisakė už cenzūrą.
                              Cenzūra nebuvo mirtina.
                              Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą

                              Mintis yra, kad jie tikrai nepalaiko šaukimo fire teatre. Jie palaiko diskusiją ir teisingo atsakymo išsiaiškinimą, o ne kitos nuomonės cenzūrą.

                              2 skirtingi dalykai, o sankauskas jam įprastu būdu bando prilyginti abu.
                              Tai kodėl pagal juos teisingo atsakymo išaiškinimas yra melagingos informacijos citavimas?


                                Parašė Gator Rodyti pranešimą

                                Kad cenzūra buvo mirtina čia forume daug kas nežinojo, daug kas pasisakė už cenzūrą.
                                O kokia Lietuvoje buvo cenzūra?


                                  Parašė Kitas Džiugas Rodyti pranešimą

                                  O kokia Lietuvoje buvo cenzūra?
                                  Keletą antivakserių šiame forume išbanino


                                    Parašė MedinisStrazdas Rodyti pranešimą

                                    Keletą antivakserių šiame forume išbanino
                                    Tik tiek? Galvojau, kad kalbama apie valstybės vykdomą cenzūrą.

                                    Kodėl pandemijos metu privatus forumas negali atsikratyti kenkėjų?


                                      Parašė Kitas Džiugas Rodyti pranešimą

                                      Tik tiek? Galvojau, kad kalbama apie valstybės vykdomą cenzūrą.

                                      Kodėl pandemijos metu privatus forumas negali atsikratyti kenkėjų?
                                      Interneto platformos - redaguojama spauda ar vieša erdvė pasisakymams? Forumiukai, snukiaknygės ir t.t. labiau bando būt antru variantu. Bet tada nelabai suderinama su cenzūra kol nėra aiškių BK pažeidimų.


                                        Parašė mantasm Rodyti pranešimą

                                        Interneto platformos - redaguojama spauda ar vieša erdvė pasisakymams? Forumiukai, snukiaknygės ir t.t. labiau bando būt antru variantu. Bet tada nelabai suderinama su cenzūra kol nėra aiškių BK pažeidimų.
                                        Interneto platformos - autokratinės karalystės kuriose vietininkai (moderatoriai) patys sprendžia kas gyvens o kas mirs (bus išbanintas).


                                          Parašė MedinisStrazdas Rodyti pranešimą

                                          Interneto platformos - autokratinės karalystės kuriose vietininkai (moderatoriai) patys sprendžia kas gyvens o kas mirs (bus išbanintas).
                                          Teisiškai - ne. Nes tada tokioms platformoms galiotų panašus reguliavimas kaip spaudai dėl turinio jose.

                                          Be to geras klausimas ką daryti su itin didelėmis platformomis kurios praktiškai tampa viešąja erdve. Ir kai jų diktatoriukai gali reguliuoti gerokai platesnius visuomeninius procesus.

