Po CDC atnaujintos informacijos apie kaukių naudą ilgai laukti nereikėjo ir WHO taip pat atnaujino rekomendacijas - kaukės gali sumažinti užsikrėtimo riziką per lašelius; respiratoriai būtini tuomet kai padidėja tikimybė pasigauti virusą per aerozolius:
Current information suggests that the two main routes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiratory droplets and contact. <...> Wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including COVID-19. However, the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection, and other measures should also be adopted. <...> Medical masks should be reserved for health care workers. <...> Use a particulate respirator at least as protective as a US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Healthcertified N95, European Union standard FFP2, or equivalent, when performing or working in settings where aerosol-generating procedures, such as tracheal intubation, non-invasive ventilation, tracheotomy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, manual ventilation before intubation, and bronchoscopy are performed.
Current information suggests that the two main routes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiratory droplets and contact. <...> Wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including COVID-19. However, the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection, and other measures should also be adopted. <...> Medical masks should be reserved for health care workers. <...> Use a particulate respirator at least as protective as a US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Healthcertified N95, European Union standard FFP2, or equivalent, when performing or working in settings where aerosol-generating procedures, such as tracheal intubation, non-invasive ventilation, tracheotomy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, manual ventilation before intubation, and bronchoscopy are performed.