JAV patvirtintas dviejų minučių koronaviruso testas https://www.vz.lt/verslo-aplinka/202...aviruso-testas
detaliau: https://www.massdevice.com/fda-clear...covid-19-test/
Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų Maisto ir vaistų administracija skubos tvarka patvirtino kaip tinkamą naudoti „Bodysphere Inc" sukurtą testą, kuriuo galima nustatyti koronavirusą per bemaž dvi minutes, rašo „Reuters".
Yes, but: The Bodysphere two-minute test can only detect the coronavirus in people who have had the infection for several days, meaning the test can't be used too early on when the body hasn't produced enough antibodies.
Bodysphere said it has contracted cargo planes to deliver the product to the front lines and touted its capability of having millions of test kits reach those front lines within weeks.
Bodysphere said it has contracted cargo planes to deliver the product to the front lines and touted its capability of having millions of test kits reach those front lines within weeks.