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[TR] 2016.07.15-16 Karinis perversmas Turkijoje
CNN Turk television's website citing commander of the 3rd army (that one is located in eastern part of the country) saying he opposes the coup attempt and asking his fellow officers to return to their barracks.
Turkish Army Ready to Crackdown on Coup Plotters: Army General Musa Avsever, speaking to ATV Television
Turkey has seen several military coups over the last 50 years, but this one is different
1960: The military took over the government on May 27 during a time of heightened tensions between the government and the opposition, following some loosened rules on religion, but more restrictions on press. Prime Minister Adnan Mederes was executed.
1971: The military stepped in amid economic and socio-political troubles. The chief of the general staff gave a memorandum to the prime minister, who resigned shortly thereafter. The military then had a "caretaker" government installed.
1980: The chief of the general staff announced the coup on the national channel during a time of economic stress. The years following this coup "did bring some stability," according to Al Jazeera, but the "military also detained hundreds of thousands of people; dozens were executed, while many others were tortured or simply disappeared." Notably, while this was "the bloodiest military takeover in Turkey's history," it was also "highly supported by the public, which viewed military intervention as necessary to restore stability," according to Dr. Gonul Tol, writing in Foreign Affairs.
1997: The military issued "recommendations" during the National Security Council meeting. Al Jazeera writes that the prime minister agreed to some measures, such as compulsory eight-year education. He resigned soon after. This is often referred to as the "post-modern" coup.
"E-coupe" in 2007: The military posed an ultimatum on its website to warn the Justice and Development Party (AKP) against backing Abdullah Gul for president. He belonged to an Islamist government. "The public and the AKP were outraged, and Gul was elected," noted Tol in Foreign Affairs. "The military's attempt to intervene against a popular party dealt a serious blow to its standing in society, and in an early vote held right after the e-coup, the AKP increased its vote share by 13%."
As for 2016 ...
Even though Turkey has seen a few military coups in recent decades, there are some notable differences between the ones in the past and the current one.
Business Insider reached out to Tol, director of the Middle East Institute's Center for Turkish Studies, who explained some of the differences:
"[T]he situation is still very fluid but this is a very atypical coup. In the past, the military acted on calls from the people and staged a coup against an unpopular government. That is not [the] case today. The AKP and Erdogan might be very polarizing and might have alienated an important segment of society, but they still have the backing of almost 50% of the population. And we also have not seen large-scale calls for a military intervention, security collapse, chaos, the factors that played an important role in past coups. Also missing in this coup is the chain of command. In the past, the top brass went on TV right after the coups and explained [to] the public the reasons for the intervention. That has not happened yet. So this coup might not have the backing of the top brass."
As an endnote, Tol added that "if Erdogan survives this, his hand will be even more strengthened and he will be able to convinced people more easily that a presidential system is necessary."
ir truputį apie lietuvius perversmo fone ir meną net sudėtingiausiose situacijose rasti kaltus valdžioje:
Po poros valandų tas pats vyras paskambino vėl: "Esame užsibarikadavę duše, nes čia vyksta rimtas mūšis. Sraigtasparnis skraido žemai, o apačioje šaudo. Nesuprantam, ar kariai tarpusavyje šaudosi, ar į žmones. Bijom išeiti. Visi mus paliko likimo valiai. Perduokite linkėjimus užsienio reikalų ministrui", - skaudžia ironija pokalbį baigė vyras.
Skaitykite daugiau: http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/emigr....d?id=71822852Į neramumų krečiamą Turkiją ankstyvą šeštadienio rytą iš Vilniaus oro uosto išskrido per 300 keleivių.
Lietuvos užsienio reikalų ministerija šeštadienį paragino lietuvius susilaikyti nuo kelionių į Turkiją, kur pranešta apie karinį perversmą.
Skaitykite daugiau: http://www.delfi.lt/verslas/transpor....d?id=71823152
Parašė Lettered Rodyti pranešimąNetobula, bet stabili sistema tikrai geriau nei chaosas, kuris dabar vyksta tose šalyse.
Parašė Galis Rodyti pranešimąna perversmas kaip ir nepavyko, o ateities archeologai, manau, jau turės tiek galingą įrangą, kuri kelių kilometrų uolienų gylyje fiksuos Turkijos turizmo griaučius.
Parašė andyour Rodyti pranešimąVisi Turkijos turistai dabar keliaus po Europą, ten taškys pinigus. Jeigu nekeliaus, tai taškys pinigus namie, keliaudimi aplink ar pirkdami prekes ir vartodami paslaugas.
Parašė andyour Rodyti pranešimą/\
Taip geriau, jei Europa išliks stipresnė, pats žinai kodėl.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąEch, zlugo... o taip daug vilciu teike, kad pavyks. Ziauriai gaila, nes dabar diktatorius netik opozicija nusienaus, bet ir isvalys visa kariuomene... putkino draugelis valdys iki gyvenimo galo dabar
Parašė Galis Rodyti pranešimątiesą sakant nelabai suprantu, kaip Europa bus stipresnė, jei turkai neteks savo turizmo.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąEch, zlugo... o taip daug vilciu teike, kad pavyks. Ziauriai gaila, nes dabar diktatorius netik opozicija nusienaus, bet ir isvalys visa kariuomene... putkino draugelis valdys iki gyvenimo galo dabar
Parašė spirit Rodyti pranešimąTai bent dienelė. Iš pradžių teroro aktas Nicoje, dabar šitas. Gal dar kažkas nutiks šiąnakt?
Parašė mag Rodyti pranešimą... O Sultono liepimas žmonėms į gatves eiti tai apgailėtinas....
O tai kas tada, jei ne tauta, turi dalyvauti, kai vyksta įvykiai, galintys nulemti tautos gyvenimą?
Manau, kad jei tautai netinka perversmas, tai - taip, tauta turi stoti prieš tankus.