JAV naftos kompanijos nepatenkintos tokiomis žemomis kainomis. Trumpas spaudžiamas kaip nors spręsti šią problemą. Labiausiai realus scenarijus - saudai sumažina gavybą, JAV apdeda Rusiją papildomomis sankcijomis, kad parodyti arabams, kad rusai negali turėti papildomos naudos tokiu atveju.
U.S. oil producers are being punished by the sharp drop in prices. The crisis stems from Russian and Saudi concerns over the U.S. shale industry, which in recent years has transformed the market, making America self-sufficient in oil and the world's top producer.
The Journal cited an unnamed administration official who said that the U.S. would ask the Saudis to return to lower production levels, and could prepare additional sanctions on Russia to show Riyadh that its rival would not benefit too much from bolstered prices.
U.S. oil producers are being punished by the sharp drop in prices. The crisis stems from Russian and Saudi concerns over the U.S. shale industry, which in recent years has transformed the market, making America self-sufficient in oil and the world's top producer.
The Journal cited an unnamed administration official who said that the U.S. would ask the Saudis to return to lower production levels, and could prepare additional sanctions on Russia to show Riyadh that its rival would not benefit too much from bolstered prices.