BBC straipsnis su kai kuriais esminiais skaičiais ir projekcijom Rusijos ekonomikai. Net Rusijos CB prognozuoja 5% GDP susitraukimą kitamet. Realiai matyt bus arčiau 8-10% ... Rusijos valstybės ir didžiųjų naftos kompanijų skolos popieriai neoficialiai jau vertinami kaip junk, dėl to po truputį jaudina kredituojančias valstybes ir jų bankus ... Įdomu kokia yra Vakarų šalių bankų exposure Rusijos rinkai? Austrija matyt priekyje, bet įdomu kokios kitos šalys ten yra, šalia UK?
So the massive and unsustainable non-oil deficits in the public sector and trade explain why investors don't want to touch the rouble with even the longest barge pole ...
As for the exposure of overseas banks - at $364bn, including guarantees - that is serious but not existentially threatening (and loans made by UK banks are just a few percentage points of that).
There are also about half a trillion dollars of Russian bonds trading, with about a third of those issued by the government. Most of those will be viewed by investors as junk, even if they are not officially classified as such by the rating agencies.
As for the exposure of overseas banks - at $364bn, including guarantees - that is serious but not existentially threatening (and loans made by UK banks are just a few percentage points of that).
There are also about half a trillion dollars of Russian bonds trading, with about a third of those issued by the government. Most of those will be viewed by investors as junk, even if they are not officially classified as such by the rating agencies.