Tarptautinė spauda šiomis dienomis išspausdino keletą straipsnių apie vasario mėn. vykusius JAV ir Rusijos eks-kariškių, ir eks-spec. tarnybų darbuotojų neoficialius pokalbius. Šiuose pokalbiuose rusai atvirai grasino brnduoliniu karu jei NATO stiprins savo karines pajėgas Baltijos šalyse. Iš esmės rusai demonstratyviai ir labai aršiai reikalavo , kad Baltijos šalys būtų paliktos neginamomis. Didžiausią straipsnį apie tai parašė The Times, bet jis atvirai neprienamas. Kai kurias detales paskelbė The Independent
They added that “the same conditions that existed in Ukraine and caused Russia to take action there” existed in the three Baltic states, which like Ukraine have significant numbers of people who regard themselves as ethnically Russian.
Russia was considering taking steps in the Baltics, according to the notes, but this would most likely be “destabilising actions that would be even harder to trace back to Russia than those of eastern Ukraine”.
If Nato then responded, that would make it “a potential co-aggressor against Russian-speaking minorities in Baltic states”, a situation described as “potentially more dangerous than that in Ukraine to the United States”.
They added that “the same conditions that existed in Ukraine and caused Russia to take action there” existed in the three Baltic states, which like Ukraine have significant numbers of people who regard themselves as ethnically Russian.
Russia was considering taking steps in the Baltics, according to the notes, but this would most likely be “destabilising actions that would be even harder to trace back to Russia than those of eastern Ukraine”.
If Nato then responded, that would make it “a potential co-aggressor against Russian-speaking minorities in Baltic states”, a situation described as “potentially more dangerous than that in Ukraine to the United States”.