Švedija ruošiasi pilnai atsisakyti naftos (kuro pavidalu) importo iki 2020 metų.
Sweden's Quest to be the First Oil-free Nation
Šiuo metu Švedijoje iškastinio kuro atsisakoma ne tik mažuose, bet ir didensiuose miestuose. Kristianstad, Väksjö ir kt. jau gyvena be iškastinio kuro.
Apie 2020 m. bus uždraustas eismas motorinėms transporto priemonėms, neatitinkančioms normų, šios šalies keliuose.
Sweden's Quest to be the First Oil-free Nation
(..) International oil dependency is one of the world’s biggest problems and as Sahlin notes, a Sweden free of fossil fuels would give the country enormous advantages, “not least by reducing the impact from fluctuations in oil prices. The price of oil has tripled since 1996.” Sweden’s investments, actions and laws are no accident, and although Sweden’s goal of eliminating oil consumption is seen as ambitious by the rest of the world, their attention to the detrimental effects of this dependence is worth noting. As Nelson Mandela reminds us “it seems impossible until it is done.”
Apie 2020 m. bus uždraustas eismas motorinėms transporto priemonėms, neatitinkančioms normų, šios šalies keliuose.