„Neturėtų taip nutikti. Dabar gydytojų atlyginimai geri. Net labai geri (vidutinis atlyginimas – 4 000 eurų į rankas, – aut. past. ). Didžioji dalis gydytojų tikrai pasiliks“, – sakė laikinasis meras.
To bear the “healthy” claim, a food product needs to:
Contain a certain amount of food (food group equivalent) from at least one of the food groups or subgroups (such as fruits, vegetables, fat-free and low-fat dairy etc.) recommended by the Dietary Guidelines.
Adhere to specified limits for the following nutrients: saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars.
As an example, to include the “healthy” claim on the package, a cereal needs to contain a certain amount of whole grains and adhere to limits for saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. Nuts and seeds, higher fat fish, such as salmon, certain oils, and water are examples of foods that did not qualify for the “healthy” claim before but are foundational to a healthy eating pattern and recommended by the Dietary Guidelines. These foods now qualify to bear the “healthy” claim. Many foods that fit into a range of budgets such as some peanut butters and canned fruits and vegetables also qualify.
Manufacturers who choose to use the “healthy” claim have three years to conform but can use the new criteria sooner.