Parašė ViR2
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Neramumai islamo pasaulyje (AF, SY, IQ, EG, LY, TN, DZ, MA, YE, BH, ...)
Kad Kimo saika Sirijoj kovoja?Anksciau antis laide, kad is pilotai pas Sirus tik is "the best korea"
Ta antis apie siaures korejos kazkokius dalinius ar mistinius kareivius tai atejus is opozicijos, jie nuolat panasias nesamones velia, keista, kaip niekas ufonautu dar nepranese besikaunanciu siru gretose
Cia tokie pat pavyzdziai is alkaiduku, kaip ir sitie:
Kai kitoj zinutej pats alkaidukas pripazista, kad didzioji dalis netekciu - sirai
Tokiom nesamonem patiket galima tik tada, kada patikesi, kad Ukrainos kariai nukryziavo maza rusu berniuka ir svesdami sokinejo per lauza su svastikom ir dainavo "benderovcu" ode, nes fake'o lygis tai adekvatus
Siandiena Palmyra buvo visiskai isvaduota. Dykumos roze pagaliau saugi! Puikios velykos
Pagauta gyva daesh ismata:
Kas liko is Palmyros muziejaus po daesh:
Ir prisiminkime zmogu, kuris atidave gyvenima Palmyrai, tiesiogine ir netiesiogine prasme. Tai zmogus, kurio deka didzioji dalis Palmyros muziejaus turtu buvo evakuoti i Damaska ir Latakia. Jei ne jis - zmonija butu praradusi viena svarbiausiu savo turtu:
Pabaigai, prancuzu parlamentaro selfis su Assadu
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąBuvo apie pilotus, bet jie tokie mistiniai, kad niekas ju nemate ir negirdejo, tik naujienose skaite
paprastai tokie dalykai nepralenda pro akis twiteryj, gan didelis ratas zmoniu, kurie entuziastingai gaudo tokius dalykus visose 3-se pusese. Pvz rusu veiksmai, lektuvu skrydziai, laivu turinys ir net pilotu pavardes jau buvo zinomos dar iki oficialiu veiksmu pradzios. O apie mistinius korejos pilotus ar kazkokius neegzistuojancius burius pranesa neaiskus arba vienadieniai saltiniai, be jokiu nuotrauku is musiu ar dar kazko, kas bent minimaliai patvirtintu ju sapaliones. Sakykim taip, gal Irano pajegu permetima butu lengviau praleist pro pirstus, bet s. korejos... Jie turi perskrist per puse pasaulio, kad atskristu i Sirija, jau nekalbant, kad betkokius skrydzius uz s. korejos ribu gaudo simtai entuziastu. Nors vienas ju paskleistu kazka panasaus, o dabar niekas apart neaiskiu saltiniuCia is tokiu fake'u operos, kur betkam protaujanciam net neturetu kilti klausimu apie pagristuma
Beje, nuostabus video is Palmyros operaciju. Fantastiniai vaizdai:
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąIr prisiminkime zmogu, kuris atidave gyvenima Palmyrai, tiesiogine ir netiesiogine prasme. Tai zmogus, kurio deka didzioji dalis Palmyros muziejaus turtu buvo evakuoti i Damaska ir Latakia. Jei ne jis - zmonija butu praradusi viena svarbiausiu savo turtu:
In the photo of Mr. Asaad’s dead body, red writing on a white placard suspended from his waist calls Mr. Asaad an “apostate” and lists his alleged crimes, including representing Syria at “infidel conferences,” serving as “the director of idolatry” in Palmyra, visiting Iran and communicating with a brother in the Syrian security services.Paskutinis taisė Dadis; 2016.03.29, 11:05.
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąKažin ką daro su tom šėtono išperom?
Liaudziai nubalsavus, pukuotukas pavirsta kompostu:
Parašė udrius Rodyti pranešimąOba, šiandien per radiją girdėjau, kad Obama pasveikino Asadą su Palmyros išvadavimu...Vai vai, kaip dabar bus kesyli , aaa ?
Syrian army's blow to Islamic State presents a paradox for Obama, 2016.03.27
Situacija darosi mazu maziausiai keistaBet po bisky vis daugiau ateina i prota, kad ten nera jokios revoliucijos, yra 3 puses, vienoj Sirija, kitoj al qaeda dominuojami "sukileliai" ir daesh. Visi moderates arba buvo per ta laika ispjauti arba radikalizavos ir tapo nebeatskiriama alkaiduku dalis. Vienintele galimybe issaugot veida tai priverst sukileliu likuciu issizadet alkaiduku, integruot likucius i SDF/NSA/NSF gretas, susodint juos su Sirais prie vieno stalo ir suformuot pereinamaja valdzia + bendra fronta pries Idlibo alkaidukus ir Daesh.
Nes jau nebe juokinga darosi, kai vakaru lyderiai pilna gerkle skalambina uz alkaidukus ir net JAV state dep. atstovas spaudai lemena apie politinio dialogo su daesh butinybe ir bla bla bla ir tik prispaustas islemena, kad Da'ish yra ciut ciut blogiau uz Assada. Prie tokiu nesamoniu net Assadas pradeda atrodyti, kaip angelas, kuris toks tikrai neraBet ir velgi, problema ne Assadas, problema valdantis elitas - rezimas. Pakeitus Assada i kita zmogu - niekas nepasikeis jei isliks visa valdancioji grietinele, nes ir pradinis atsakas i sukilima buvo ne is Assado, o is jo aplinkos ir butent jo aplinka, kaip, kad psichinis Maher al Assad pridirbo su cheminiais ginklais, rajonu lyginimais ir pan. Kai tuo tarpu Assadas iskart pasidave protestu spaudimui ir paleido kalinius, ko reikalavo protestuotojai, nors puikiai zinojo, kad tarp ju pilna alkaiduku, radikalu ir kitu busimu trasu
Nors pas mus apie Palmyros isvadavima labai prigesinta zinia, bet idedu dali vaizdu. Sugriovimas nera toks baisus, kaip manyta:
Isjunkit sviesas - Nusaiyri lektuvai:
Baal sventyklos likuciai po Da'ish sprogdinimu:
Vaizdas nuo jos:
Ir alkaiduku dziaugsmas:
Beje, Sirijos puseje pastebetas besikaunantis Jason Statham, beliko Norriso sulaukt ir Daesh sakutes
O ka su jais? Nori Assadas ar ne - bet teks federalizuotisTai nepatiks nei Assadui nei pukuotuku draugui Erdoganui, bet jokios kitos iseities nera, nebent noretu suteikt pilna nepriklausomybe, tas pats pasakytina ir apie kurdus Irake
Herojiskas ruso poelgis, kai ji apsupo Daesh pukuotukai. Tokie dalykai visgi irodo, kad ne visi rusai yra vatnikai, o kai kurie turi pakankamai drasos mirt herojais.
A brave Russian special forces soldier who was on a Rambo-style one man mission to hunt for ISIS militants died a "hero" after calling in an airstrike on HIMSELF.
The fearless officer was directing Russian airstrikes at Islamic State targets near the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria when he was surrounded by terrorists.
Not prepared to go down without a fight, he ordered military officials to drop bombs on his location and died in the blast.
A spokesperson for the Russian military said: "An officer of Russian special operations forces was killed near Palmyra while carrying out a special task to direct Russian airstrikes at Islamic State group targets."
"The officer was carrying out a combat task in Palmyra area for a week, identifying crucial IS targets and passing exact coordinates for strikes with Russian planes.
"The officer died as a hero, he drew fire onto himself after being located and surrounded by terrorists."
Aleksandr Prochorenko:
Tuo tarpu Jaish al Fateh demokratiskieji jihadistai "nusege" moteriskaji T72 ekipaza is SDF, Azaz apylinkese:
Situacija kiek keista, kai jihadistai puola SDF pajegas naudodami JAV ginklus, o SDF ginasi/puola irgi naudodama JAV ginklus
What could be worse than a messy American intervention in Syria — a military campaign that looks to be as expensive, indeterminate, and possibly counter-productive as Uncle Sam's litany of other Middle East entanglements?
Maybe an expensive, indeterminate, and definitely counter-productive intervention in Syria where we're actually fighting ourselves by proxy.
Alas, that is exactly the situation on the ground, as U.S.-supported "moderate" militias find themselves fighting U.S.-supported Kurdish fighters in groups known as People's Protection Units (YPG). The former have the backing of the CIA, which supports their rebellion against the brutal Assad regime, coupled with their opposition to the radicalized Islam of ISIS. The latter are funded, armed, and trained by the Pentagon, which sees the Kurds as a vital piece in the anti-ISIS coalition.
The Syrian rebels and the Kurds are fighting each other. Oh, and it's getting worse.
The fighting has intensified over the past two months, as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other as they have maneuvered through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, U.S. officials and rebel leaders have confirmed. [Chicago Tribune]
Of course, Washington has not exactly been forthcoming with recognition about this counteractive dynamic. "Syria continues to be a very complex and challenging environment," said U.S. Central Command spokesman Col. Patrick J. Ryder, who seems to be a master of understatement. He added, "I can tell you that we remain focused on supporting indigenous anti-[ISIS] ground forces in their fight against [ISIS]." That's technically true, as both the YPG and the rebels are indeed fighting ISIS. But it's also a supporting role that apparently does not exclude a proxy war against ourselves.
Of course, the Department of Defense (DoD) has told its Kurdish proxies to stop attacking the CIA-backed rebels, but with limited effect. To the rebels themselves, U.S. failure to control the YPG suggests America is not a trustworthy ally: As conflict among U.S.-supported groups continues, it looks like Washington is "just watching," in the words of one militia leader. "That is a major problem," notes Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, who is an authority on Syria. "It's not just that it's a nonsense policy. It's that we're losing influence so rapidly to the Russians that people just aren't listening to us anymore."
For its part, the Pentagon insists that it backs the Kurdish YPG only insofar as it is doing the things we like: Per a DoD official, the U.S. is "supporting the [YPG] east of the Euphrates River, in its fight against ISIS, but not in its new campaign against rebel groups to the west" — as if money isn't fungible and weapons and training can't be shared.
One reason American taxpayers are footing a seemingly endless bill to arm the YPG is that these Kurdish fighters face opponents who are also armed with American equipment. As the State Department said, ISIS "has obtained some heavy weaponry, and the Kurds need additional arms and we're providing those."
That's true as far as it goes, but it carefully avoids mentioning the source of that heavy weaponry ISIS is using: It includes hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of equipment which the United States military brought to Iraq following the 2003 invasion. Those materials were given to the Iraqi army, and are now in ISIS's hands.
We've paid to arm all actors in this messy conflict at one point or another. We're fighting ourselves by proxy. And we're bombing our own stolen stuff.
"It's very strange, and I cannot understand it," said Ahmed Othman, commander of one U.S.-backed rebel group in Syria, of the bizarre web of costly counter-productivity American foreign policy has become.
It is very strange indeed, and I can't understand it either.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
Na dabar bent jau turės mažiau pagrindo švaistytis tokiais pareiškimais:
“Since the Russian intervention in Syria, the dribble of people who were perhaps going back from these camps to Syria has stopped dead, and there is a new flow coming in because of the actions the Russians are taking – particularly in southern Syria along the border just a few kilometres from here,” Hammond said.
Russia’s intervention had been a major setback for international efforts to find a political solution to the crisis, Hammond said. The effect of the intervention was to strengthen Islamic State, he added.
“The Russians say they want to destroy Daesh but they are not bombing Daesh: they are bombing the moderate opposition,” Hammond said, using an Arabic acronym for Isis.
“Less than 30% of Russian strikes are against Daesh targets,” Hammond said. “Their intervention is strengthening Daesh on the ground, doing the very opposite of what they claim to be wanting to achieve.”
Parašė Jesolo Rodyti pranešimąbeje, tai kur tie irodymai ape Turkijos bendradarbiavima su ISIS, apie kuriuos kartu su RT, Bartasiunaite cia dziugiai kvykavo kai kurie actu kvepiantys dalyviai? dabar, kaip suprantu, tenka apsiriboti terminu "pukuotuku draugas".
Irodymu, iskaitant JAV spec pajegu perimtu Daesh popieriu Irake, kuriuose dokumentuojama prekyba nafta, laisva alkaiduku perejima per Turkijos teritorija, nuolatini artilerijos apsaudyma, kai tik kurdai/SDF bando perzengti Eufrata bandydami uzimti Jarabulus, pareiskimus, kad Eufratas yra Erdogano raudona linija Sirijoje, daugiau nei pilna. Kolkas Erdoganas yra naudingas Europai, todel nejudinamas net tada, kai Turkijos miestus su zeme sulygina, zurnalistus isgaudo, o akademikus sukisa i kalejimus, bet viskam savas laikas
Kaip kesyli/jesolo, ar jau suradai opozicijos Sirijoje pavadinima?