vyrai baikit bairius, al quaeda ir daesh niekada nepazeistu jokiu paliaubu, tai grieztai draudzia ju aukstos morales normos ir moraliniai isitikinimai. Al Qaeda ir Daesh siekia isskirtinai politinio proceso ir ivesti demokratiska sharia forma ![Šypsena](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/smile.gif)
Charles Lister (Daily Beast) irgi tau pritaria. Tokiu aukstu morales normu mujahideenai tai pukiai irode pries purvinus kurdus. Irode, jog didziasirdiskosios vertybes, tikroji tiesa ir sventasis jihadas gali suvienyti fsa/daesh sirdis:
Nenustoji kesyli stebinti, pjauni nuolat ant RTardu, apsimeti geruoju elfu, bet pacio informacija isskirtinai saliska. Manau net nereikia but genijum, kad sugebetum perskaityt tokius dalykus:
Kovo 11d. Moteru mini demonstracija Aleppe, uz demokratija ir laisve:
Al Qaeda ir FSA demonstracija Salqin (Idlibas):
Nevykusi Jund Al Aqsa ataka pries 4 susitaikiusius kaimus siaures Hama:
Demokratiskasis Kaukazo Emiratas apie savo role kovojant su piktuoju Assadu:
Kovo 12 protestas Idlibe. Nuosaikieji Daesh, Al Qaeda ir FSA susijunge kovai su piktuoju Assadu:
Prie Kovo 11 FSA protesto Idlibe prisijungia nuosaikioji Al Qaeda, susiremimai prasidejo po sio video filmavimo:
Kovo 12d. demokratijos paveiktos siaures Hama moterys pareiske, jog jos nenori jokio susitaikymo su valdzia (no reconciliation):
Tuo tarpu i vakaru arba konkreciau - kesylio tipazo ziniasklaida is siu protestu perduodamos tokios nuotraukos:
Kairej issizada al Nusra valdymo (photoshopas), o desinej orginalus (issizada pukuotuku valdymo).
Beje, po Division 13 sumusimo ir ju HQ uzemimo Idlibe, FSA fanboy's pradejo pasakot, kaip buktai reiketu visiem "nuosaikiem" pukuotukam susivienyti taip, kaip susivienijo pries Daesh:
Pries ir po![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Bet pala, negi negirdejai apie Division 13 ir al Nusra pukuotuku susiremimus??? Prasom, po FSA protestu Maarat al Numan, Nusra supyko, kad jos kontroliuojami pukuotukai drista kelt galvas ir uzeme Div13 HQ, issaude kruva pukuotuku ir guess what? Pereme nemaza kieki TOW![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Kaip atrodo protestai po veiksmo:
Naudodamasis proga noreciau pasveikinti naujai isrinkta National coalition of Syrian revolution and opposition forces - Anas Al-Abdah. Ura! Beje, man atrodo, kad jo moralines vertybes yra netgi dar aukstesnes uz likusiu pukuotuku! Gi bachurelis su kostiumu ir taip toliau, barzda trumpa, what could go wrong?
Oh wait, cia jo tevukas - Salafi pakraipos, labai entuziastingas, itakingas ir gerai zinomas SAUDU preacheris - Muhammad Al-Abdah![Šypsena](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/smile.gif)
Taip, kad mielas alkaiduk, esi teisingam kelyje i sharia demokratija. Tik buk geras, isvaziuok ir pats pas saudus ar kur i Idliba/Raqqa pasidziaugt demokratija, laisve, sharia ir yezidi sekso vergemis![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Normalia nata:
Dadi, sito anksciau klausei:
Charles Lister (Daily Beast) irgi tau pritaria. Tokiu aukstu morales normu mujahideenai tai pukiai irode pries purvinus kurdus. Irode, jog didziasirdiskosios vertybes, tikroji tiesa ir sventasis jihadas gali suvienyti fsa/daesh sirdis:
Nenustoji kesyli stebinti, pjauni nuolat ant RTardu, apsimeti geruoju elfu, bet pacio informacija isskirtinai saliska. Manau net nereikia but genijum, kad sugebetum perskaityt tokius dalykus:
Kovo 11d. Moteru mini demonstracija Aleppe, uz demokratija ir laisve:
Al Qaeda ir FSA demonstracija Salqin (Idlibas):
Nevykusi Jund Al Aqsa ataka pries 4 susitaikiusius kaimus siaures Hama:
At approximately 1:45 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Thursday morning, the Al-Qaeda linked rebel factions “Jund Al-Aqsa” and “Jabhat Al-Nusra” launched a massive offensive in the northern countryside of the Hama Governorate, targeting 4 recently reconciled villages near the strategic town of Ma’an. According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus City, Jund Al-Aqsa and Jabhat Al-Nusra struck the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses at the villages of Hifsin, Qarah, Taybat Al-Ism, and Umm Haratayn, resulting in a fierce night battle that engulfed the Aleppo-Damascus Highway (M-5 Highway) on Thursday. The source added that the extremist rebel forces have not captured anything of note just yet; however, this is likely due to the air support from the Russian Air Force’s hind helicopter gunships that are hunting down the militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jund Al-Aqsa.
https://www.almasdarnews.com/article...northern-hama/ | Al-Masdar News
https://www.almasdarnews.com/article...northern-hama/ | Al-Masdar News
The Caucasus Emirate in Syria, the official Syrian branch of the al Qaeda-linked Caucasus Emirate, has released two videos highlighting its role in the current fighting in the Aleppo province.
The first video shows a nighttime operation against Kurdish forces in the Aleppo neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsud. No nightvision equipment appears to have been used in the video, however, heavy fighting can be heard. The Caucasus Emirate in Syria is not the only al Qaeda-linked group fighting the Kurds in Sheikh Maqsud. Ansar al Islam, which was originally founded in Iraq in 2001, has reported its forces are fighting the Kurds in the area. Additionally, the Uzbek group Katibat Imam al Bukhari, which is loyal to the Afghan Taliban, has released a video showing its forces fighting the Kurds there as well.
The second video was reportedly recorded shortly before the battle at Al Eis in the southern Aleppo countryside. A fighter in the group, presumably a native Syrian, gives a short Arabic-language address in which he states that the Caucasus Emirate in Syria and two other al Qaeda groups, Jund al Aqsa, and the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch, will fight together to “liberate the Aleppo countryside from Assad, Iran, and Satan’s dogs [referring to Iranian-backed Iraqi militias].” The jihadists later reported success at Al Eis, but the Assad regime has stated that its forces and their allies have recaptured the area.
The Caucasus Emirate in Syria was formed when the former emir of Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar (Army of Emigrants and Helpers), Salahuddin Shishani, was removed from his post along with his deputy, Abdul Karim Krymsky, last summer. A small group of Chechen and other North Caucasian fighters followed suit and left with Shishani. The group then released a video announcing its formation and its bayah (allegiance) to the Caucasus Emirate and its emir at the time, Abu Usman Gimrinsky . However, From Chechnya to Syria has reported that Shishani was also deposed of his leadership position of the Caucasus Emirate in Syria, and now leads another small Chechen-led group.
The first video shows a nighttime operation against Kurdish forces in the Aleppo neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsud. No nightvision equipment appears to have been used in the video, however, heavy fighting can be heard. The Caucasus Emirate in Syria is not the only al Qaeda-linked group fighting the Kurds in Sheikh Maqsud. Ansar al Islam, which was originally founded in Iraq in 2001, has reported its forces are fighting the Kurds in the area. Additionally, the Uzbek group Katibat Imam al Bukhari, which is loyal to the Afghan Taliban, has released a video showing its forces fighting the Kurds there as well.
The second video was reportedly recorded shortly before the battle at Al Eis in the southern Aleppo countryside. A fighter in the group, presumably a native Syrian, gives a short Arabic-language address in which he states that the Caucasus Emirate in Syria and two other al Qaeda groups, Jund al Aqsa, and the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch, will fight together to “liberate the Aleppo countryside from Assad, Iran, and Satan’s dogs [referring to Iranian-backed Iraqi militias].” The jihadists later reported success at Al Eis, but the Assad regime has stated that its forces and their allies have recaptured the area.
The Caucasus Emirate in Syria was formed when the former emir of Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar (Army of Emigrants and Helpers), Salahuddin Shishani, was removed from his post along with his deputy, Abdul Karim Krymsky, last summer. A small group of Chechen and other North Caucasian fighters followed suit and left with Shishani. The group then released a video announcing its formation and its bayah (allegiance) to the Caucasus Emirate and its emir at the time, Abu Usman Gimrinsky . However, From Chechnya to Syria has reported that Shishani was also deposed of his leadership position of the Caucasus Emirate in Syria, and now leads another small Chechen-led group.
Prie Kovo 11 FSA protesto Idlibe prisijungia nuosaikioji Al Qaeda, susiremimai prasidejo po sio video filmavimo:
Kovo 12d. demokratijos paveiktos siaures Hama moterys pareiske, jog jos nenori jokio susitaikymo su valdzia (no reconciliation):
Tuo tarpu i vakaru arba konkreciau - kesylio tipazo ziniasklaida is siu protestu perduodamos tokios nuotraukos:
Kairej issizada al Nusra valdymo (photoshopas), o desinej orginalus (issizada pukuotuku valdymo).
Beje, po Division 13 sumusimo ir ju HQ uzemimo Idlibe, FSA fanboy's pradejo pasakot, kaip buktai reiketu visiem "nuosaikiem" pukuotukam susivienyti taip, kaip susivienijo pries Daesh:
Pries ir po
![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Bet pala, negi negirdejai apie Division 13 ir al Nusra pukuotuku susiremimus??? Prasom, po FSA protestu Maarat al Numan, Nusra supyko, kad jos kontroliuojami pukuotukai drista kelt galvas ir uzeme Div13 HQ, issaude kruva pukuotuku ir guess what? Pereme nemaza kieki TOW
![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Kaip atrodo protestai po veiksmo:
Naudodamasis proga noreciau pasveikinti naujai isrinkta National coalition of Syrian revolution and opposition forces - Anas Al-Abdah. Ura! Beje, man atrodo, kad jo moralines vertybes yra netgi dar aukstesnes uz likusiu pukuotuku! Gi bachurelis su kostiumu ir taip toliau, barzda trumpa, what could go wrong?
Oh wait, cia jo tevukas - Salafi pakraipos, labai entuziastingas, itakingas ir gerai zinomas SAUDU preacheris - Muhammad Al-Abdah
Taip, kad mielas alkaiduk, esi teisingam kelyje i sharia demokratija. Tik buk geras, isvaziuok ir pats pas saudus ar kur i Idliba/Raqqa pasidziaugt demokratija, laisve, sharia ir yezidi sekso vergemis
![(Merkia akį)](https://www.miestai.net/forumas/core/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Normalia nata:
Dadi, sito anksciau klausei: