na dar prisiminus mūsų gerbiamos JE Prezidentės Rusijos apibūdinimą,..
galėtume turėti pilną vaizdą.
Kas už ką serga.
O už ką sirgt, kai teroristai kariauja prieš teroristus? Nes praktiškai išvardintos visos konflikto pusės, jei turėt omeny, kad "nuosaikiųjų pūkuotukų" pusėje dominuoja alkaidukai.
na dar prisiminus mūsų gerbiamos JE Prezidentės Rusijos apibūdinimą,..
galėtume turėti pilną vaizdą.
Kas už ką serga.
Teisingai broli, reikia ispjaut visus tuos purvinus kuffarus! Takbir!
"When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers."
Gal jau galim susitart, kad nebetersiam temos su tokiom nesamonem? Nes nuskandini normalia info su visokiais savo ruoniais, rusu lektuvu nuotraukom ir kazkokiom veplionem. Vaikiska, neinformatyvu ir nukreipia nuo normalios diskusijos.
Istraukei ir Roth'o posto? Ir aisku neskaitei komentaru po siuo postu? Tada, kodel visi IDP's yra is pukuotuku valdomu teritoriju, bet Sirijos ir kurdu valdomose teritorijose IDP nefiksuojamas, o tik begama i jas? Keista, kai postini, nes nepaskaites, kaip eiline Kenny propaganda sudirbama.
Taip, pykstu, nes zinau, kad esu labai labai neteisus, esu kaltas ir del to blogai jauciuosi. Nuo siol busiu geras sunni ir eisiu galast Zulfiqar, tfu, paprasto peilio kufarams
Back to topic. Daesh, kartu su vakarietiskais pukuotukais toliau stumiasi Khanasser apylinkese. Kalba, kad Khanasser nuo pat ryto apsaudomas artilerijos is siaures vakaru:
Skaitant kesylio postus vis labiau suprantu, kad negalima žodžio "vatnikas" rezervuot vien "rusiško pasaulio" gyventojams - pasirodo jų gali būti ir "trispalvių".
Skaitant kesylio postus vis labiau suprantu, kad negalima žodžio "vatnikas" rezervuot vien "rusiško pasaulio" gyventojams - pasirodo jų gali būti ir "trispalvių".
BBC: Yemen conflict: Al-Qaeda joins coalition battle for Taiz
The BBC has found evidence in Yemen that troops from a Saudi-led coalition force and al-Qaeda militants are both fighting Houthi rebels in a key battle.
Taiz has suffered huge destruction as a result, and the UN says some 200,000 civilians are trapped inside the city without critical medical supplies or food.
During a visit to the frontline outside Taiz late last year, documentary maker Safa AlAhmad spoke to pro-government militiamen attacking Houthi fighters on a key hilltop with the support of troops from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who were providing tactical advice.
While there, Ms AlAhmad was warned by one group participating in the battle not to film them.
She was told they were members of Ansar al-Sharia, an affiliate of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and that they were angered by the presence of a woman.
Taip - aš esu Oleko senelis.
Grįžtant prie temos: radau 2013 m. "Congressional Research Service" parengtą dokumentą "Armed Conflict in Syria: U.S. and International Response" (žr. prielipą) - visai įdomu pažiūrėt, kad dėjosi Sirijoje beveik prieš 3 metus. Tyrime beje rašo ir apie saudų ir Kataro pagalbą "pūkuotukams", ir apie dalies opozicijos radikalizaciją ir islamizaciją, ir apie "nuosaikiųjų" sukilėlių veiksmus kartu su radikalais. Beje, įdomus momentas - rašoma, kad Saudo Arabija ir Kataras nesutaria ir palaiko skirtingas "pūkuotukų" grupuotes.
Many of these brigades are receiving support from Arab Gulf states such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, two counties that along with the United States played a key role in facilitating the creation of the SMC.
The decentralized nature and divided views of key Syrian opposition forces, coupled with disputes between competing foreign patrons (such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia) of various opposition groups have hampered attempts to create a unified front against the Asad regime.
The conference was widely viewed as a diplomatic victory of sorts for Saudi Arabia, which has sought to limit Qatari support for Syrian Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
In the ever-changing landscape of the armed Syrian opposition, Western officials have deemed SMC commanders to be more moderate in their political views than their more Islamist counterparts, although the SMC itself includes Islamist units and commanders. Although General Idriss was careful at first not to openly distance the SMC from more extreme factions of the opposition,10 such as Jabhat al Nusra, recently he stated that “We don’t work with Nusra. We don’t share anything with them.” However, the SMC has incorporated some members of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front, an Islamist coalition, into its structure. SMC members also reportedly coordinate on the battlefield with the Syrian Islamic Front, a group that includes an extremist militia known as Ahrar al Sham.11
In early 2012, U.S. officials stated that the violence and disorder paralyzing Syria was creating opportunities for Al Qaeda operatives and other violent Islamist extremists to infiltrate the country and conduct or plan attacks. According to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “Sunni extremists” had infiltrated Syrian opposition groups, which may be unaware of the infiltration. As of June 2013, Sunni extremist groups appear to be increasingly active in Syria, including groups sympathetic to or affiliated with Al Qaeda. In April 2013, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that extremist militias were present in 13 of Syria’s 14 provinces “and are starting to establish municipal services, provide humanitarian aid, food, hospitals and sharia law courts.”28
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Al Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), released a statement in April 2013 proclaiming a merger with the Nusra Front (Jabhat al Nusra li Ahl al Sham, Support Front for the People of Syria),29 although a reported Nusra leader downplayed any merger and pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri. Zawahiri in turn has instructed the groups to refrain from rivalry and continues to encourage foreign fighters to travel to Syria and calls on Muslims to offer material support to armed jihadist groups in Syria.
Other prominent armed Salafist groups include members of the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF),30 the Saquour al Sham brigades, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades,31 the Ummah Brigade (Liwa al Umma),32 and the Islam Brigade (Liwa al Islam).33 The Free Ones of the Levant Battalions (Kata’ib Ahrar al Sham) and other members of the SIF use jihadist rhetoric in some statements. Islamist fighters in the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front (SILF) rejected the reported merger of ISI and Al Nusra. The Lebanon-based extremist group Fatah al Islam has released a number of statements on the conflict and members of the group have been reported to be fighting in Syria.
JAV pareigūnai teigia, kad Rusija ir JAV susitarė dėl ugnies nutraukimo Sirijoje. Sprendimas bus pradėtas vykdyti šeštadienį, skelbia „AP“.
Nesuvokiama, kokio naivumo ar netgi durnumo lygio reikia būti darant susitarimus su Rusija. Bet kuriuo momentu koks nors Lavrovas, kai tik jiems bus patogu, išpūtęs akis meluos kad jie nepažeidinėja jokių susitarimų. Rusija gi darys tai, kas tuo momentu jai naudinga, yra tie susitarimai ar ne.
Man rodos, Turkija ten ir toliau kovos su terorizmu, o RF aviacija ir toliau bombarduos griežtai žemėlapyje apibrėžtas teritorijas su 200 km. paklaida.
Vargu ar ten kas siaurinej dalyj laikysis, nes tiek ahrar, tiek jaish al fateh pareiske, kad jiems jokios paliaubos negalioja. Bet Sirijos pietuose - nematau priezasciu, kodel paliaubos turetu nevykt Taip ppat visos paliaubos turetu vykt ir kisenese aplink Damaska isskyrus Jaish al Islam, gal net ir Rastan kisenej
Saudai, kaip ir sutinka su paliaubom, bet kartu ideda saugikli, kad jos tikrai neivyktu...
The main umbrella for Syrian opposition and rebel groups says it “agrees to a temporary truce” as long as the main opposition’s demands are met.
The High Negotiations Committee says in a statement issued after its meeting in Saudi Arabia late Monday that it “has given its acceptance of international efforts for a cessation of hostilities in Syria.”
The announcement came hours after the United States and Russia agreed on a new cease-fire for Syria that will take effect Saturday.
The HNC says “acceptance of the truce is conditional” to the Syrian government ending its siege of 18 rebel-held areas, releasing detainees and the cessation of aerial and artillery bombardment.
Indirect peace talks between the Syrian government and HNC collapsed on Feb. 3, because of a large-scale government offensive.
Pats Hijabas idomi asmenybe. Buves Sirijos ministras pirmininkas, pabeges pas Saudus, kai tik sie pamojavo petrodollars. Po to buvo jau mekenes apie susitaikyma, bet vel gaves nauja pinigu injekcija - toliau statytinis Vien jo pozicija per ir pries derybas keitese ne ka maziau, nei Butkeviciaus pareiskimai dienos laikotarpyj
Daesh uzeme Khanaser miesta, zuvusiu Sirijos pusej apie 60, +-450 evakuoti, prarasti 3 t72 ir kruva smulkios technikos. FSA jihadistai uzeme Rasm al Nafal ir Shalalah Kabirah.
Jund Al Aqsa issizadejo dalyvavimo kartu su Daesh uzpuolant Khanaser:
Pagal FSA ir Daesh saltinius, puolant Khanaser dalyvauja: Turkestan Islamic Party, Caucasus Emirate, Nusra, Fajr Al-Sham ir Daesh.
Daesh taip pat nukirto ir uzeme al Azib kaimeli kelyje is Hama i Ithriyah (tas pats kelias, kaip i Khanaser)
Tuo tarpu Jund al Aqsa isplatino pranesimus, kad pilnai, iskaitant pamokslautojus ir religinius veikejus, integruojasi i Jabhat al Nusra. Kartu su jais prie Nusros prisijungia ir Sham al Ummah. Smagu matyt, kad jihadistai konsoliduojasi po Nusros/Ahrar/JaF/JaI veliavom, bus lengviau juos bomborduot