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    Parašė Jesolo Rodyti pranešimą
    Pukuotaji Asado rezima JTO kaltina nusikaltimais zmoniskumui. Kaip cia sitaip galejo nutikti, kad nekaltajam, gerajam Asadeliui pateike tokius kaltinimus? tikriausiai nesusipratimas kazkoks
    Remiantis šia logika, Antrojo Pasaulinio karo metu sąjungininkai pirma turėjo nuteisti J.Staliną ir bombarduoti Maskvą. Ir palikti "pukuotuką" fiurerį ramybėje.

    Niekas gi nesako, kad B.Asadas šventas. Kai kuriose išoriškai klestinčiose šalyse kalėjimuose ne mažiau baisu, bet ten nėra karo, o valdžios niekas nelinksniuoja JTO.
    Paskutinis taisė Sula; 2016.02.09, 12:55.


      Parašė Jesolo Rodyti pranešimą
      Pukuotaji Asado rezima JTO kaltina nusikaltimais zmoniskumui. Kaip cia sitaip galejo nutikti, kad nekaltajam, gerajam Asadeliui pateike tokius kaltinimus? tikriausiai nesusipratimas kazkoks
      Nauja dainele radai? Tai, kas vyksta Sirijos kaleimuose lygiai taip pat vyksta Egipte, Libijoj, Huylostane, Brazilijoj ir visur kitur treciajam pasaulyj.

      Niekas ir nesako, kad al Assadas yra sventas. Bet jis vis geresnis pasirinkimas nei pukuotukai, kurie 2013 Latakijos puolime skerde visus kaimu gyventojus. 2014 rytu Sirijos puolime FSA susimete su Daesh skerde civilius, o pasidavusius kareivius saude, kryziavo ir degino. 2013 Raqqa puolime buvo paimta 300 kariskiu, kuriu visi isskersti, o dalis specialiai sumaitoti, bet palikti gyvi tam, kad mirtu nuo gangrenos. Puolime dalyvavo Ahrar al Sham, Al Nusra, FSA ir DAESH. Visi 4 tuo metu buvo patys geriausi draugeliai, o DAESH tebelaike demokratiskais sukileliais Gal nustok varyt dvigubus standartus jei net konflikto istorijos nezinai. Dalis zmoniu siam forume, iskaitant mane is pradziu buvo opozicijos pusej, kol tos opozicijos nesuvalge DAESH, o likucius al qaeda per al nusra, ahrar al sham, jaish al fatej ir jaish al islam.

      Assado palyginimas su stalinu gan geras. Be jo antras pasaulinis galejo baigtis labai skirtingai, nors jis pats buvo nei per plauka ne geresnis uz Hitleri. Niekada nera viskas juoda ir balta, siuo etveju Assadas yra gerokai mazesnis blogis, kuri spaudziant rusus galima pakeist labiau nuosaikia asmenybe, nei opozicija, kuri vercia rinktis tarp al Baghdadi ir al Jolani. O dar tiksliau tarp vieno al qaeda brancho ir kito

      Beje, kodel tada nesidalini, kaip pukuotos opozicijos kaleimuose sekasi? Vieninteliai tam konflikte normalius kalejimus teturi Kurdai ir Irakieciai, taciau tas "normalus" jau labai placiom ribom pasizymintis


        Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
        Nauja dainele radai? Tai, kas vyksta Sirijos kaleimuose lygiai taip pat vyksta Egipte, Libijoj, Huylostane, Brazilijoj ir visur kitur treciajam pasaulyj.

        Niekas ir nesako, kad al Assadas yra sventas. Bet jis vis geresnis pasirinkimas nei pukuotukai, kurie 2013 Latakijos puolime skerde visus kaimu gyventojus. 2014 rytu Sirijos puolime FSA susimete su Daesh skerde civilius, o pasidavusius kareivius saude, kryziavo ir degino. 2013 Raqqa puolime buvo paimta 300 kariskiu, kuriu visi isskersti, o dalis specialiai sumaitoti, bet palikti gyvi tam, kad mirtu nuo gangrenos. Puolime dalyvavo Ahrar al Sham, Al Nusra, FSA ir DAESH. Visi 4 tuo metu buvo patys geriausi draugeliai, o DAESH tebelaike demokratiskais sukileliais Gal nustok varyt dvigubus standartus jei net konflikto istorijos nezinai. Dalis zmoniu siam forume, iskaitant mane is pradziu buvo opozicijos pusej, kol tos opozicijos nesuvalge DAESH, o likucius al qaeda per al nusra, ahrar al sham, jaish al fatej ir jaish al islam.

        Assado palyginimas su stalinu gan geras. Be jo antras pasaulinis galejo baigtis labai skirtingai, nors jis pats buvo nei per plauka ne geresnis uz Hitleri. Niekada nera viskas juoda ir balta, siuo etveju Assadas yra gerokai mazesnis blogis, kuri spaudziant rusus galima pakeist labiau nuosaikia asmenybe, nei opozicija, kuri vercia rinktis tarp al Baghdadi ir al Jolani. O dar tiksliau tarp vieno al qaeda brancho ir kito

        Beje, kodel tada nesidalini, kaip pukuotos opozicijos kaleimuose sekasi? Vieninteliai tam konflikte normalius kalejimus teturi Kurdai ir Irakieciai, taciau tas "normalus" jau labai placiom ribom pasizymintis
        Sumoj per abi puses jau keli SIMTAI TUKSTANCIU zmogeliu ne savo noru pasiusti pas Mahomeda, o cia aiskina apie 300 nupiskintu kareivuku, kaip apie baisiausia ivyki. Kiba Asadas zudo pasitelekes svaicaru eutanazijos specus? Kaip tie simtai tukstanciu kojytes istiese?
        Show must go von!


          Paprastai, arba jihadistai laiko gyvus skydus, kaip yra dabar Aleppe, arba neleidzia civiliams istrukt is ju kontroliuojamos teritorijos. O sirai yra priversti kariaut surealistinem salygom. Vaizdas is miesto musiu daznai primena toki:

          Kuomet civiliu gyvenimas tesias toliau, o absoliuti dauguma ju zuva del atsitiktiniu suviu/sprogimu arba, kaip collateral damage per bombordavimus jihadistu/fsa/daesh objektu Per JAV Irako invazija zuvusiu skaicius yra apie 500 000 zmoniu, o su kai kuriom kosminem studijem kyla ir iki 1 260 000 Tai taip tiek Irakieciu kojytes istiese? Karas yra karas, civiliu auku isvengt neimanoma net ir su JAV ginkluote


            tavo pranesimus skaitant galima pasijausti lyg ziurint kokia RT arba piervyj baltyskij. Dominuoja amerikieciai, banditai, visi teroristai ir pan. Zodziu, Rytu fronte nieko naujo.


              Taip, Vakarų koalicija naudoja pažangias "humaniškas" bombas, kurios tik sugriauna pastatus, tačiau nepakenkia žmonėms. Žmones žudo tik Sirijos ir Rusijos armijos.


                Jesolo, tau nuosirdziai rekomenduoju nustot ziuret RT ir visus sunni religinius kanalus, pamatysi pasauli kitom spalvom ir nustos vaidentis bandytai, amerikosai, labusai ir pan

                SDF (YPG + Jaish al Thuwar) isvadavo Menagh oro baze. Taip, kaip klostosi siaures Aleppo frontas, panasu, kad kurdai skuba atkirsti Sirijos kariuomene, kad si negaletu judeti auksciau nei Menagh ir likusia dali pasiliks sau. Taip pat kruva pranesimu, kad FSA ir kitu nuosaikiuju likuciai derasi del isiliejimo i SDF gretas, tam, kad isvengtu Sirijos kariuomenes puolimo ir kartu isstumtu Nusra ir Ahrar al Sham pukuotukus.

                Kas man keista, tai Daesh pasyvumas sitam fronte. Jihadistai panikoj, gauna i skudurus is 2 pusiu ir labai aktyviai stumiami lauk, net vietinis gyventoju palaikymas jiems yra beveik nebeegzistuojantis, bet... Daesh neplecia fronto ir nebando pasinaudoti situacija. Tai arba tebegalioja Daesh ir Jund al Aqsa/Ahrar susitarimas arba Daesh nebeturi jokiu pajegumu puolimui ir yra issvaiste savo pajegumus.


                  Paskutinis taisė ViR2; 2016.02.10, 18:49.


                    na, sie skaiciai ir ju proporcijos mazdaug tokios, kokias ir isivaizdavau. Tiesa, jie kiek priestarauja ajatolos ir volodios spaudos atstovu skelbiamoms mintims.
                    Paskutinis taisė Jesolo; 2016.02.10, 20:52.


                      Rusijos karybos ekspertas: laukia antrasis Groznas, o galbūt netgi baisesnis scenarijus


                        Jau ką rusai sugeba, tai kovot su terorizmu kiliminiais bombardavimais. Teisėtai išrinktam Sirijos prezidentui šitoj vietoj problemų irgi nekyla.


                          Sandoris su velniu: ISIS dujų gamykloje pluša rusų inžinieriai

                          Panašu, kad šią teoriją patvirtino ir Sirijos valdančiajam režimui lojalus dienraštis „Tishreen“.

                          2014 m. sausį, jau gamyklą užgrobus ISIS, jis išspausdino straipsnį, kuriame cituojami Damasko pareigūnai, teigiantys, kad „Stroytransgaz“ įgyvendino 80 proc. projekto, o likusią dalį užbaigs antroje metų pusėje.

                          Apie tai, kad gamyklą jau tuo metu valdė ISIS džihadistai, laikraštis nutylėjo.
                          Show must go von!


                            Pirma mintis perskaičius "dujų gamykla": Zyklon-B.


                              Aha Cia toks pat patikimumas, kaip ir kitu pro-jihadi simpatizuotoju burtai

                              Sakot tukstancius pabegeliu gina? Na tikrai, pora tukstanciu jihadistu seimos nariu ir nedidelis kiekis ju palaikytoju gali but Cia begantis "pabegeliai" Azaz pasienio perejoj

                              Kaip sakei Jesolo? Tavo putkinas apie tai pranese, bet tai tera RT fabrikacija? Priesingai, cia yra AFP nuotraukos/pranesimas

                              Turkey sends in aid for stranded Syrian refugees

                              Istikro, tai man net asaros bega, kai pagalvoju, kad vargsai jihadistu seimu nariai pasienyje privalo atiduoti savo savizudziu liemenes, ginklus, peilius... Ar uz tokia Liet... Sirija jie kovojo? Ar kas nors paklause ko nori megai... jiha... tfu, pabegelis?!

                              The Turkish military detained 34 people and seized up to 15 kg of explosives and four suicide-bomber vests as they tried to enter Turkey from Syria, Turkish media reported the army as saying on Wednesday.

                              The private Dogan news agency and other media outlets said the group, consisting of four men, 10 women and 20 children, was detained on Tuesday night in the Oguzeli district of southeastern Gaziantep province, across the border from an area controlled by Islamic State militants.
                              Jei griztant prie rimtos temos, tai manau kvaila verkti del poros desimciu tukstanciu civiliu, kurie per Afrin pabego i Idlibo sultonata ir is ju 3k bega per Azaz perejo, kai tuo tarpu valstybes kontroliuojamoj Aleppo dalyj yra arti milijono civiliu, kurie ten gyvena is slepias nuo pukuotuku


                              "Democracy leads to retardation"

                              Idlib sultonatas, vakarietiski jihadistai sudegino piktojo Assado nuotrauka ir pakeite ja nekalto prasidejimo pukuotuku Osamos nuotrauka su demokratijos kupina citata:

                              O siaip, jei norit idomesnio pasiskaitymo ir siek tiek kitokiu sraipsniu, o ne bukos propagandos is abieju pusiu, tai va:
                              We Don’t Have Rights, But We Are Alive
                              A gay soldier in Assad’s army

                              When I asked Hassan, a twenty-four-year-old reporter for a local TV channel in Damascus, if he could introduce me to members of Syria’s gay community, he took me to an anonymous-looking bar in the heart of the capital’s Old City. I’d met him two years earlier, in September 2013, while marooned in Damascus on a journalist visa from the Syrian regime. We’d hung out over the course of a week, mostly in that very bar, and I’d gotten to know some of his friends and family. So it took me by surprise when, shortly after we entered the dim, cavernous establishment and found a seat, he looked me in the eye and said, matter-of-factly, “You do know I’m homosexual, don’t you?”

                              Letter from Damascus: We Don’t Have Rights, But We Are Alive (Harpers Journal)

                              Suprantu, kad Jesolo ir kitiems Grazulis ir ko palaikytojams gali nesiskaityt, bet rekomenduoju permesk akim, neblogas straipsnis

                              Jabhat al-Nusra's return to Aleppo worries activists
                              Jabhat al-Nusra is back in the city of Aleppo, a year and a half after its big pullout, in mid-2014, in the wake of its resounding defeat by the Islamic State (IS) in the eastern region. This defeat forced Jabhat al-Nusra to regroup its forces to embark on the project of its leader, Abu Mohammed al-Golani, with the aim of establishing an Islamic emirate, which is what happened in Idlib province.

                              There is no doubt that this return will reshuffle the cards of the armed groups in Aleppo, who are not pleased to see Jabhat al-Nusra regaining control over the city.

                              In this context, a full military, political and administrative integration was announced yesterday between al-Sham Front and Thuwar al-Sham.

                              Large convoys were successively dispatched by Jabhat al-Nusra toward Aleppo a few days ago. This was documented on the Twitter account @jnhallab, with posted video footage showing the entry of the convoys. This action revealed the mystery behind the checkpoints that Jabhat al-Nusra had deployed during the previous two weeks in some districts of the city and that had stirred broad waves of criticism and protests among the city's activists. The checkpoints were not the ultimate objective. The facts reveal that the deployment was a preliminary step in preparation for the incoming convoys. The checkpoints were to protect the convoys and ensure the security of the headquarters and warehouses where they would be stationed.

                              According to information obtained by As-Safir from a private source, the entry of Jabhat al-Nusra’s convoys was planned several months ago, even before the Russian intervention at the end of September 2015. The source told As-Safir that according to the plan, the convoys were supposed to enter Aleppo shortly after the appointment of Abu Hajar al-Homsi as the emir of Jabhat al-Nusra in Aleppo in August 2015, but accelerating events, the Russian Sukhoi storm and the Syrian army attack on the southern countryside of Aleppo, forced Jabhat al-Nusra to postpone the move.

                              Some activists did not rule out the possibility that Jabhat al-Nusra’s return to Aleppo’s districts might involve several objectives at this stage. These could include gaining a foothold in the economic capital of the country as a prelude to mastering the game and imposing new facts on the ground to disrupt the political process.

                              Golani, Jabhat al-Nusra’s leader, had described participation in the political process as a “great betrayal of the blood of those who sacrificed their blood” and has not hidden his intention to undermine it. The developments on the field and the major progress achieved by the Syrian army on a number of fronts, in Latakia, Aleppo and Daraa, pushed Jabhat al-Nusra’s leadership to accelerate the execution of the scheme it had sought to implement since it controlled Idlib. Jabhat al-Nusra had always wanted to add Aleppo to its emirate and it now worries it might see its strongholds in Idlib surrounded and under siege in light of the Syrian army’s military operations and progress toward the western countryside of Aleppo.
                              Al Monitor
                              Paskutinis taisė ViR2; 2016.02.12, 14:13.


                                Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
                                Kaip sakei Jesolo? Tavo putkinas apie tai pranese, bet tai tera RT fabrikacija? Priesingai, cia yra AFP nuotraukos/pranesimas
                                what? mano putkinas? tu palaikai rusus, ju visus sajungininkus, ju vykdoma politika ir cia dar rasineji tokius vejus. C'mon.

                                Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
                                Suprantu, kad Jesolo ir kitiems Grazulis ir ko palaikytojams gali nesiskaityt

                                cia irgi logikos neturintis teiginys, tai net nera ka komentuoti.


                                  Visgi BBC gerbiu - net nereikia lyginti su mūsų "šūddelfiais".
                                  Gana senokas straipsnis apie "nuosaikiuosius" Sirijos sukilėlius:

                                  Are there 70,000 Syrian 'moderates' ready to back UK?
                        , 2015.12.01

                                  Šiaip gal kelia abejonių tik gan nuosaikus požiūris į Jaysh al-Islam:
                                  Although hardly a palatable group in and of itself, Jaysh al-Islam does at least represent Syrians that live in that area, and is explicitly not jihadist.
                                  Bet visa kita panašu į tai, ką mums čia pastoviai dėsto ViR2:
                                  But while it may be possible to identify 65,000-75,000 personnel in brigades that fight both Assad and IS, the problem is that these groups of fighters, particularly in the north of the country, are not powerful enough to take on al-Qaeda or IS by themselves, or in many cases break their current alliances/ceasefires with them.
                                  The problem is that numerically within Jaysh al-Fatah the more moderate groups do not stand a chance against the hardliners.
                                  The SDF generally operates in a tense ceasefire with the Assad regime and has even been accused of being in open alliance with it, and as a result the British government does not include the YPG or the SDF - which may have as many as 40-50,000 troops - in its estimate.
                                  But let's be honest - Western airpower and reconnaissance have been aiding the Kurdish forces for more than a year, and they are part of the West's anti-IS strategy in Syria, whether they fight Assad or not.
                                  Such is Syria, where one man's ally is another's mortal enemy, leading to a strategy in which the best solution is to back the groups we dislike the least.
                                  Gal tik reiktų pridėti, kad reikia palaikyti mažiausiai blogus "key players", o tokie yra kurdai ir (deja) Assadas. Tarp smulkmės gal dar mažesnių "blogiukų" atsirastų (pamenat kesylis Sirijos kosmonautą minėjo? ), bet jie nevaidina jokios rimtesnės rolės, taigi tai būtų tik resursų švaistymas.
                                  Visai šviežias straipsnis:

                                  How President Putin is getting what he wants in Syria
                        , 2016.02.11

                                  Irgi nemažai teisingų minčių:
                                  We are not talking here about morality or what is right - there is precious little of that to go round on any side.
                                  Syria is an appallingly complex problem, and no single party can be blamed for the continuation of the war.
                                  The West backs so-called moderate militias - but who exactly are these moderates?
                                  Many are being forced into alliances with groups close to al-Qaeda.
                                  Yes, Washington and al-Qaeda are objectively on the same side - contradiction number one.
                                  Of course, the West is largely in it to defeat so-called Islamic State (IS).
                                  But is this the primary goal of its regional allies such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey?
                                  No, their chief goal is to secure their strategic stakes in Syria - ideally by destroying President Assad.
                                  IS is their enemy, but in many ways a secondary one - contradiction number two.
                                  The West's most effective allies on the ground are Kurdish fighters.
                                  But the Turks see them as a threat and any nascent Kurdish entity as a nightmare to be avoided at all costs - contradiction number three.
                                  Mr Putin has shown Russia remains a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East, just at a time when the Americans seem best characterised by vacillation.
                                  He has shown Russia has a limited but nonetheless impressive expeditionary military capability, and he has given a runout to much of Russia's latest hardware.
                                  In unifying ends and means, Mr Putin knows what he wants. And, for now, he seems to be getting it.
                                  Pamąstymui - sėkmingas Putino karinis pasirodymas Sirijoje naudingas ne tik daugumai normalių žmonių pačioje Sirijoje (islamistų nelaikau normaliais), bet ir mums patiems - daugiau Rusijos baimės Vakaruose, taigi ko pasekoje rimtesnis požiūris į NATO kolektyvinę gynybą, didesnis dėmesys visokioms bendroms pratyboms, padidintas kariuomenių finansavimas etc. - negi blogai?
                                  Paskutinis taisė Dadis; 2016.02.12, 22:53.


                                    Parašė Jesolo Rodyti pranešimą
                                    what? mano putkinas? tu palaikai rusus, ju visus sajungininkus, ju vykdoma politika ir cia dar rasineji tokius vejus. C'mon.
                                    Palaikau rusu politika Sirijoje, bet ne rusus O pats tamsta nuolat vejus postini arba diskutuoji kaimo bobos stilium
                                    -Assad is the butcher of his own people!
                                    -What is your proof?
                                    -Assad targets only FSA!
                                    -Wheres proof again?
                                    -Barrel bombs!!
                                    cia irgi logikos neturintis teiginys, tai net nera ka komentuoti.
                                    Na jei embrace'ini jihadi mentaliteta ir sunni salafi pakraipa, kaip demokratine, tuomet pripazisti ir visu geju zudyma, metyma nuo stogu ir pan, kaip tokia pat "demokratija" Negali but "Jihadi Jesolo" tik ten, kur tai yra "fun"

                                    Tuo tarpu Sirija izenge i Raqqa ir stumiasi iki Tabqa oro bazes. Tai leis visiskai atkirsti jihadistus siaures Aleppe

                                    Dadi, BBC daznai abi puses praleidzia, tai yra raso ir is tos ir is tos puses. Bet ikelsiu viena pilna straipsni. Saltinis idomus, bet autorius gan daznai geru straipsniu pasaudo:

                                    In Syria, If You Can’t Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists

                                    Upon reading the increasingly desperate headlines pumped out by the Western media as Western-backed terrorist forces begin to fold under an effective joint Syrian-Russian offensive to take the country back, readers will notice that though the term “moderate rebels” or “moderate opposition” is used often, the Western media is seemingly incapable of naming a single faction or leader among them.

                                    The reason for this is because there are no moderates and there never were. Since 2007, the US has conspired to arm and fund extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda to overthrow the government of Syria and destabilize Iranian influence across the entire Middle East.

                                    Exposed in Seymour Hersh’s 2007 article, “The Redirection Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?,” it stated explicitly that:

                                    The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

                                    The “catastrophe” the Western media constantly cites in its increasingly hysterical headlines is the predictable manifestation of not Syrian and Russian security operations ongoing in Syria today, but of the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007 that has indisputably been put into play, starting in 2011 under the guise of the so-called “Arab Spring.”

                                    When the West does attempt to give names and faces to these so-called “moderates,” it is a simple matter to trace them directly back to Al Qaeda.

                                    The BBC’s “Rebel Commander” Plays Dress-Up

                                    In a recent video report published by the BBC titled, “Syria conflict: Rebels ‘feel abandoned’ by Britain and US,” BBC’s Quentin Sommerville claims he “secretly” contacted US-backed rebels from Turkey. The alleged “remote” interview was covered in both locations by professional camera crews, despite Sommerville claiming the situation was so bad, the rebels could not be reached. The “senior rebel commander inside Aleppo” interviewed by the BBC was none other than Yaser Abdulrahim,

                                    Despite appearing in a brand new, crisp “Free Syrian Army” uniform never worn once into the field, and sitting beside an equally pristine “Free Syrian Army” French colonial flag, Yaser Abdulrahim has absolutely no affiliations with the otherwise nonexistent “Free Syrian Army.”

                                    Instead, he is a commander of Faylaq Al-Sham, composed of Al Qaeda terrorists and Muslim Brotherhood extremists. Faylaq Al-Sham and its commander Yaser Abdulrahim, according to Sommerville himself, are part of the larger Fatah Halab umbrella group which also includes Al Qaeda affiliates Ahrar ash-Sham (Ahrar Al-Sham -red.) and Jaysh al-Islam – the latter of which literally placed civilians in metal cages on rooftops to use as human shields against Syrian-Russian airstrikes.

                                    Human Right Watch, in their report titled, “Syria: Armed Groups Use Caged Hostages to Deter Attacks,” would reveal that:

                                    In the course of fighting between armed groups and government forces in the nearby `Adra al-`Omalia in December 2013, Jabhat al-Nusra and Jaysh al-Islam abducted hundreds of civilians, mostly Alawites, according to the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria. The hostages, many of them women and children, are being held in unidentified locations in Eastern Ghouta. The concern is that they are among those in these cages.

                                    The Human Right Watch report is also very alarming, considering it implicates Jaysh al-Islam, a member of Yaser Abdulrahim’s Fatah Halab, as collaborating and fighting alongside US State Department listed terrorist group, Jabhat al-Nusrah.

                                    The US State Department’s official statement listing al-Nusra as a foreign terrorist organization, titled, “Terrorist Designations of the al-Nusrah Front as an Alias for al-Qa’ida in Iraq,” states:

                                    Since November 2011, al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. During these attacks numerous innocent Syrians have been killed. Through these attacks, al-Nusrah has sought to portray itself as part of the legitimate Syrian opposition while it is, in fact, an attempt by AQI to hijack the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign purposes.

                                    It appears, ironically enough, that through the deception of the Western media, al Nusra has been amply assisted in fully hijacking “the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign purposes.”

                                    The BBC’s abhorrent dressing-up of literal members of Al Qaeda and their affiliates in their recent interview fits into a larger pattern of deceit aimed at salvaging the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007, but upended when in late last year, the Russian Federation upon the invitation of the Syrian government, intervened in the conflict.

                                    With Aleppo teetering at the edge of liberation from what are clearly terrorist forces – the BBC’s propaganda and propaganda like it being propagated by the West represents a cynical attempt to perpetuate – not end – the suffering of the Syrian people.

                                    What is worse still, is that the BBC claims their Fatah Halab-Al Qaeda umbrella group commander dressed as a member of the “Free Syrian Army,” is “US-backed.”

                                    This is either an attempt by the BBC to further deceive their audiences as to who the man they interviewed really was, or an inadvertent admission that the United States is in fact funding the very terrorist groups and their associates, populating their own US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations.

                                    Whatever the case, the fact that even a carefully staged production like the one published by the BBC is easily exposed as a deliberate attempt to cover up the terroristic identity of what’s left of the West’s “rebels,” adds further imperative to the Syrian government and their Russian, Lebanese, Iraqi, and Iranian allies to end the war and fully restore order to the entirety of Syria’s territory. To negotiate with “rebels” who are clearly terrorists dressed in literal costumes, is an absurdity the West would never accept foisted upon them – thus, no other nation on Earth should accept the West foisting such terms upon them.


                                      Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
                                      Palaikau rusu politika Sirijoje, bet ne rusus
                                      Mielas kolega, islamo žinove. Nėra jokios rusų politikos Sirijoje. Tai rusų politika Rusijoje, siekianti savo veiksmais Sirijoje nukreipti subalvonintų masių dėmesį nuo Rusijos vidaus dalykų, rublio nuvertėjimo ir gresiančio ekonomikos kracho. Rusijoje ne kartą pasitvirtinęs dėsnis sako - gyvenimas prastėja, patriotinis kvaitulys kariaujant didėja ir dar labiau susispiečiama apie lyderį, koks jis bebūtų.


                                        Parašė J.U. Rodyti pranešimą
                                        Mielas kolega, islamo žinove. Nėra jokios rusų politikos Sirijoje. Tai rusų politika Rusijoje, siekianti savo veiksmais Sirijoje nukreipti subalvonintų masių dėmesį nuo Rusijos vidaus dalykų, rublio nuvertėjimo ir gresiančio ekonomikos kracho. Rusijoje ne kartą pasitvirtinęs dėsnis sako - gyvenimas prastėja, patriotinis kvaitulys kariaujant didėja ir dar labiau susispiečiama apie lyderį, koks jis bebūtų.
                                        Jei nedaryti paskutinio Rusijos Imperatoriaus klaidų.


                                          Parašė J.U. Rodyti pranešimą
                                          Mielas kolega, islamo žinove. Nėra jokios rusų politikos Sirijoje. Tai rusų politika Rusijoje, siekianti savo veiksmais Sirijoje nukreipti subalvonintų masių dėmesį nuo Rusijos vidaus dalykų, rublio nuvertėjimo ir gresiančio ekonomikos kracho. Rusijoje ne kartą pasitvirtinęs dėsnis sako - gyvenimas prastėja, patriotinis kvaitulys kariaujant didėja ir dar labiau susispiečiama apie lyderį, koks jis bebūtų.
                                          Na, tie lektuvai is oro neatsirado ir karo eigos is niekur nepakeite O kol rusai daro gera darba, ko nebesugeba JAV ir kolicija - del to galima tik pasidziaugt O dar geriau, kad jie tai daro savo pinigais ir kuo labiau klimps ir velsis sirijoj - tuo maziau tures resursu zaist "supervalstybe" Europoj

