Man visad buvo idomu, kaip susiformavo saudu ir izraelio blokas gali ginkluot, bet... tereikia uzdaryt Turkijos pasieni ir visus teroristelius galima bus napalmu naikint
No announcement yet.
Neramumai islamo pasaulyje (AF, SY, IQ, EG, LY, TN, DZ, MA, YE, BH, ...)
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąMan visad buvo idomu, kaip susiformavo saudu ir izraelio blokas gali ginkluot, bet... tereikia uzdaryt Turkijos pasieni ir visus teroristelius galima bus napalmu naikintPost in English - fight censorship!
Parašė balietis Rodyti pranešimąMan rodos, Izraeliui iš principo nepatinka moderni priešlėktuvinė gynyba Sirijoj. Ir Putiną jie greičiausiai išsikvietė (jei taip galima sakyti) ne pasiaiškinti, bet perspėti.
Parašė Galis Rodyti pranešimąspeju kad bent jau sikart putinas i susitikima ne tai kad nevelavo, bet atejo anksciau? :-)Post in English - fight censorship!
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąSiandien masinis ruskiu judejimas. Nuo ryto epizodiskai stebedamas flightradara uzmaciau 2 tu154 skrebdancius is teherano i Latakia ir 3 antonov 12 is huylostano. Visi lektuvai - russian air force. Manau, kad kazka stipraus mudzahedam ir demokratiskiem fanatikam putleris verda ir ruretu isvirt labai jau greitai.It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
Panasu, kad putleris katik laimejo artimuosius rytus. JAV kapituliuoja
The U.S. military has assessed that the type of Russian aircraft in Syria is consistent with protecting their own forces, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday and called on Russia and Iran to be helpful in ending the four-year conflict.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąPanasu, kad putleris katik laimejo artimuosius rytus. JAV kapituliuoja
ReutersLažinuos- 2017 metais Lietuvos gyventojų skaičius didės.
One fail is just not enough
Syrian fighters trained by the United States to combat the Islamic State group have reportedly handed over their weapons to Syria's al-Qaeda affiliate, the Nusra Front.
Sources told regional experts that fighters from Division 30, the first faction to graduate from the US train and equip program based in Turkey, betrayed the US and gave their weapons to Nusra Front on Monday.
- See more at:
Dar viena nauja huylostano baze:
Kitam fronte, Saudu statytinis Hadi grizo i Adena, po ilgo laiko praleisto su savo wahabistais
Paskutinis taisė ViR2; 2015.09.23, 11:03.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimą
US-trained Division 30 rebels 'betray US and hand weapons over to al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria', 2015.09.23
Geriausia tai šita vieta:Last Wednesday, General Lloyd Austin, head of US Central Command, shocked leaders in the US Senate's armed services committee when he said there were only handful of programme graduates still fighting inside Syria. "We're talking four or five," he said.
F. Šimaitytė. Nusikalstami režimai, o ne pabėgėliai yra tikroji problema, 2015.09.21
Ypatingai patiko ši vieta:Saudo Arabija turi galimybių pasipriešinti Islamo valstybei ir daryti papildomą spaudimą B. Assado režimui."Šūkis "rokas prieš narkotikus" skamba panašiai kaip "bitės prieš medų" (arba saudai prieš ISIS )).Paskutinis taisė Dadis; 2015.09.23, 14:06.
Objektyvumo delei, situacija Sirijoj ir "parama secular oposition" yra tapus tokia anekdotiska, kad Iranui/Sirijai/Shia grupems ar betkam anti-Saudi block net nereikia jokios propagandos varyt, patys saudo sau i kojas sekmingai
Lendang giliau i islamistu sudeti turim toki vaizda:
Free Syrian Army:
Southern Front
Syria Revolutionaries Front
Jarabulus Brigade
Al-Qassas Army
Liwa Thuwwar al-Raqqa
Jihad in the Path of God Brigade
Dawn of Freedom Brigades
Northern Sun Battalion
Knights of Justice Brigade
Thuwar al-Sham Battalions
Homs/Hama Liberation Movement
Shields of the Revolution Council
Falcons of al-Ghab
101st Division
13th Division
16th Division
46th Division
111th Division
Jabhat Ansar al-Islam
Falcons of Mount Zawiya Brigade
1st Infantry Brigade
1st Coastal Division
al-Rahman Legion
Farouq Brigades
New Syrian Forces (30th Division)
Boldu pazymetos islamistines grupuotes + radikalai. Ne boldu - "sekuliarios grupes", kurios remiamos vakaru. Pastebesiu, jog visos sios grupuotes veikia po FSA veliava (kiek dar is jos liko).
Kiti dalyviai:
Islamic Front
Ahrar ash-Sham (gerieji galvu kapotojai, kapota galvas ir Daesh ir Sirams + ivalde Daesh vaizdo klipu stiliu)
Jaysh al-Islam (tie patys, kurie pries savaite nuzude 60 pasidavusiu Sirijos kareiviu uzimtam oro uoste)
Al-Tawhid Brigade
Al-Fawj al-Awaz
Northern Storm Brigade (paskutiniam VICE klipe uzfiksuoti, kur nuolat kartoja, kaip ispjaus SHIA PIGS)
Ansar al-Sham
Junud al-Sham
Abu Amara Battalions
Abu Jaafar Battalion
Liwa al-Fatah
Liwa Usud al-Jadoor
Army of Mujahedeen (absoliutus "religion of piece" nesejai)
Authenticity and Development Front
Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya
Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki
Fastaqim Kama Umirt
Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union
Sham Legion
Criterion Brigades (nepriklausomi, teoriskai sekuliarus)
Mustafa Martyrs Brigade
Syrian Turkmen Brigades
Sultan Murad Brigade
Sultan Mohamed Fatah Brigade
Muslim Brotherhood of Syria (demokratiski fanatikai)
Hamas (Turbus Hamas cia jau demokratijos skleidejai?)
Na ir desertui liko Ansar Al Sharia, Army of Conquest ir pan, kurie yra ultra radikalus, bet kovoja siaures fronte kartu su FSA grupuotem Kaip valstybej, kurioj Sunni sudaro beveik 60% visu grupuociu, sakyciau, kad gan keista, kai vakarai vadina tuos 60% zmoniu "astovaujancias" grupuotes sekuliariais Ypac net tada, kada Assadas ir Sirijos valdzia bendrai turi virs 70% palaikyma is populiacijos...
Prancuzai remia Syria?
Prancuzai panasu, kad paruoda Mistralius Egiptui, o tuo tarpu Egiptas:
Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi has begun supplying Bashar Assad with arms, including missiles, after concluding a secret deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his consent to pick up the tab, debkafile’s military and intelligence sources reveal. The first batch of short-range Egyptian-made surface missiles has reached the Syrian forces fiercely battling rebels for weeks for the recovery of the strategic town of Zabadani without breaking through (See picture showing missile with Egyptian factory markings.)
It is not clear if the Egyptian missiles have also been passed to the Hizballah forces fighting with the Syrian army, considering that El-Sisi and Hizballah are at daggers drawn.
Our sources also reveal that the Egyptian arms consignments are freighted from Port Said to the Syrian port of Tartus by Ukrainian cargo vessels. These ships are today the most popular means of transport for clandestine and Black Market arms freights across the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas.
Sums and quantities are yet to be determined, but Western intelligence sources report that Ukrainian vessels called in at Egyptian ports at least three times from July 22 to Aug. 22 and sailed off to Syria laden with weapons.
It is a deal that may affect the fate of the Assad regime from five, often conflicting, perspectives:
1. By providing Assad with an additional source of weapons, Cairo is reducing his dependence on Iran. This suits the Syrian ruler very well at this time, because he is fully aware of Tehran’s latest steps to draw Gulf rulers and Moscow into supporting a plan for ending the Syrian war, by installing a provisional government in Damascus and so easing his exit.
2. A certain parting-of-the ways has developed between Moscow and Tehran on how to terminate the Syrian conflict. By sending Assad arms, Cairo casts its vote for Moscow’s perspective in preference to Tehran’s.
3. El-Sisi is now diametrically opposed on Syrian policy to the GCC led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates who are patrons of the rebel movement dedicated to toppling Assad.
4. He is also on the opposite side to Israel and Turkey. Israel backs the rebels fighting in southern Syria to create a barrier against the encroachment of Hizballah and Iranian Al Qods Brigades up to its northern border and the Golan. Turkey and the US have reached terms on Syrian policy. Saturday, Aug. 30, Turkish jets carried out their first air strikes in Syria against the Islamic State, as part of its deal with the US.
5. The Russian-Egyptian understanding on the Syrian question is a signpost that clearly marks the way to deepening military and strategic relations between Moscow and Cairo.
Taking the lead on a resolution of the Syrian question, the Kremlin staged a discussion last Tuesday, Aug. 18, with three Arab visitors: Jordan’s King Abdullah, UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the Egyptian president. It was led by Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Foreign Minister in charge of Middle East Affairs, and followed by individual tête-à-têtes between Putin and each visitor in turn.
The Russian and Egyptian leaders did their best, according to debkafile’s Moscow sources, to draw the Jordanian and UA rulers over to their pro-Assad policy, or at least accept common ground for a measure of cooperation. In effect, Putin and El-Sisi were out to convince Jordan and the US to back away from the Syrian rebel cause and the Saudi line. Their future actions may indicate how far they succeeded.
Parašė Aleksas666 Rodyti pranešimąJeigu šuo nori sudžiuvusio kaulo, tai tegul jis jį ir turi, tik dar klausimas ar nepasprings tuo kaulu brisius. rusija pastaruoju metu mėgina save rodyti kaip didelį žaidėją tarptautinėje politikoje, na bet įvertinus kiek musulmonų yra pačioje rusijoje tai tampa akivaizdu, kad jiems gali atsirūgti tokie išsikėlimai.
Parašė ViR2 Rodyti pranešimąOne fail is just not enough
Pasikartosiu ką rašiau kitoje temoje, bet kadangi tenais tema apie Ukrainą, tai geriau persikelti čia.
Obama su Putinu veikiausiai šiaip sau nesusitikinėtų. Tikėtina, kad po šio susitikimo įvyks tam tikri lūžiai. O tai yra išsprendžiama Ukrainos Donbaso problemos (iki to buvo einama išanksto Ukrainai patvirtinus dalinę regiono autonomiją, o rusams atitraukinėjant pajėgas) + pradedama aktyvi ir kordinota vakarų, Rusijos, Irano, Izraelio ir pan. ataka prieš ISIS bandant išspręsti Sirijos/Irako ir pabėgelių krizę. Rezultate Assadas turėtų trauktis, surengiant Sirijoje demokratinius rinkimus. Ukraina susigražina Donbasą. Krymas lieka Rusijai. Atšaukinėjamos visos sankcijos.
Parašė Eidvis Rodyti pranešimą
Pasikartosiu ką rašiau kitoje temoje, bet kadangi tenais tema apie Ukrainą, tai geriau persikelti čia.
Obama su Putinu veikiausiai šiaip sau nesusitikinėtų. Tikėtina, kad po šio susitikimo įvyks tam tikri lūžiai. O tai yra išsprendžiama Ukrainos Donbaso problemos (iki to buvo einama išanksto Ukrainai patvirtinus dalinę regiono autonomiją, o rusams atitraukinėjant pajėgas) + pradedama aktyvi ir kordinota vakarų, Rusijos, Irano, Izraelio ir pan. ataka prieš ISIS bandant išspręsti Sirijos/Irako ir pabėgelių krizę. Rezultate Assadas turėtų trauktis, surengiant Sirijoje demokratinius rinkimus. Ukraina susigražina Donbasą. Krymas lieka Rusijai. Atšaukinėjamos visos sankcijos.
Parašė Galis Rodyti pranešimątada taip iseina kad Putinas isiverze i Donbasa tam, kad veliau kariaudamas Sirijoje galetu is Donbaso issinesdinti.Visi forumų moderatoriai yra forumo balastas.