Ir ką apie vizitą rašo Izraelio spauda
Lithuanian prime minister impressed with Israel
Lithuanian Prime Minister Plants Tree in Jerusalem
Manyčiau, tai pirmas kartas, kai Lietuva ir jos politikai taip pozityviai nušviečiami Izraelio spaudoje. Tai didelis pasiekimas.
Lithuanian prime minister impressed with Israel
“Your country is close to our hearts. For us it is not just a place on the map but a page in our history,” Peres tells Andrius Kubilius.
Holocaust was very much on the mind of Kubilius who told Peres and other Israeli dignitaries that 2011 has been designated as Holocaust Remembrance Year in Lithuania, and that many commemorative events related to Holocaust history have been planned. “We shall try to revive Litvak heritage,” he said.
During his visit to Israel, Kubilius met with Lithuanian Holocaust survivors, participated in a memorial service at Yad Vashem, and attended the opening at Beit Hatefutsot of an exhibition of Jewish Spiritual Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto. The opening was attended by many from Israel’s Lithuanian community, including Holocaust survivors and offspring of Holocaust survivors. Kubilius described it as an important and emotional event and declared that it was "shameful” that some Lithuanians had taken part in the implementation of Nazi atrocities.
During his visit to Israel, Kubilius met with Lithuanian Holocaust survivors, participated in a memorial service at Yad Vashem, and attended the opening at Beit Hatefutsot of an exhibition of Jewish Spiritual Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto. The opening was attended by many from Israel’s Lithuanian community, including Holocaust survivors and offspring of Holocaust survivors. Kubilius described it as an important and emotional event and declared that it was "shameful” that some Lithuanians had taken part in the implementation of Nazi atrocities.
Moving beyond the Holocaust, the Lithuanian PM expressed pride in what he termed "Litvak achievements” in Israel and reiterated this when he met with Peres.
Kubilius mentioned how impressed he had been by the people he had met and sites he had visited in Israel, particularly those in the “very holy city” of Jerusalem. On Sunday, he visited the Western Wall, where he prayed for the Jewish people, and later on in the Old City, the Lithuanian PM attended services at St Saviour’s Church.
And in keeping with a custom recently reintroduced, Kubilius visited Herzl’s tomb and placed a wreath there.
And in keeping with a custom recently reintroduced, Kubilius visited Herzl’s tomb and placed a wreath there.
Emphasizing the strong historical bonds between Lithuania, Israel and the Jewish people, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Mr. Andrius Kubilius, said that his first visit to Israel was a “very emotional moment” as he prepared to plant a tree in KKL-JNF's Grove of Nations on December 19, the first full day of his state visit to Israel.
Manyčiau, tai pirmas kartas, kai Lietuva ir jos politikai taip pozityviai nušviečiami Izraelio spaudoje. Tai didelis pasiekimas.