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In 2005, Huawei’s international contract orders exceeded its domestic sales for the first time. Huawei signed a Global Framework Agreement with Vodafone. This agreement marked the first time a telecommunications equipment supplier from China had received Approved Supplier status from Vodafone Global Supply Chain. The agreement established the terms and conditions for the supply of Huawei's solutions to any one of the Vodafone operating companies worldwide.[18] Huawei also signed a contract with British Telecom (BT) for the deployment of its multi-service access network (MSAN) and Transmission equipment for BT's 21Century Network (21CN), providing BT and the UK telecommunications industry with infrastructure necessary to support future growth.[19]
Jei tai tebūtų "kopijuokliai", Europoje ir JAV jie būtų užtampyti po teismus ir nešdintųsi atgal į savo Kiniją. Bet nieko panašaus nevyksta. Atvirkščiai, šiandien jie jau tikriausiai yra didžiausi pasaulyje telekomų įrangos tiekėjai. Nieko stebėtino, nes jie turi praktiškai neribotas galimybes atsirinkti žmogiškuosius resursus. Ligšioloniams lyderiams (Ericsson) tai daryti kur kas sunkiau.