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Elon Musk’s automaker has been backsliding in China for the past five consecutive months on a year-on-year basis, according to data from the country’s Passenger Car Association. Tesla’s shipments plunged 49% in February from a year earlier to just 30,688 vehicles, the lowest monthly figure since way back in July 2022, when it shipped just 28,217 EVs — and that was in the middle of Covid.
Tuo tarpu pačiose JAV Elonas išvadino Arizonos senatorių Mark Kelly išdaviku, nes jis apsilankė Kijeve ir paragino atnaujinti karinę paramą Ukrainai. Va tik pats Mark Kelly buvės naikintuvo pilotas, pats dalyvavęs Irako kare 1991 metais, o 1996 su Shuttle skridęs į kosmosą. Nu absoliučiai chunveibiniška: atsibeldęs afrikaneris išvadina vietinius (ir neeilinius vietinius) išdavikais.
Elon Musk and Sen. Mark Kelly sparred on social media Monday, with the tech billionaire calling the Arizona Democrat a “traitor” over a series of posts in support of Ukraine and its people.
“You are a traitor,” Musk wrote on X on Monday, the platform he owns, in response to Kelly’s posts.
“Traitor? Elon, if you don’t understand that defending freedom is a basic tenet of what makes America great and keeps us safe, maybe you should leave it to those of us who do,” Kelly responded.