Turtingi Juozaičio rinkėjai 
Scientific Research Finds That Closing Borders Is Most Effective Way Of Combatting COVID-19
Kaip ir logiška - vandenį iš valties galima semti be galo, kol neužtaisytos skylės.
Britanija nusprendė, kad atvykstančius karantinuos 14 d. Sprendimas, aišku, pora mėnesių vėluoja. Kitoms šalims labiau aktualu karantinuoti atvykstančius britus.
18 Million People Entered the UK as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Raging

Scientific Research Finds That Closing Borders Is Most Effective Way Of Combatting COVID-19
Kaip ir logiška - vandenį iš valties galima semti be galo, kol neužtaisytos skylės.
The data tallies with the fact that the US and the UK, which have the first and third highest air travel globally, have also suffered the most COVID-19 deaths with 74,600 and 30,615, respectively so far.
The US did not close its airports until late March, while Britain’s borders have remained completely open with little to no testing or quarantining of incoming travellers happening at all.
On the other hand, nations like Austria, Denmark and New Zealand closed their borders within days of their first confirmed cases, and have experienced much fewer deaths.
The US did not close its airports until late March, while Britain’s borders have remained completely open with little to no testing or quarantining of incoming travellers happening at all.
On the other hand, nations like Austria, Denmark and New Zealand closed their borders within days of their first confirmed cases, and have experienced much fewer deaths.
Britanija nusprendė, kad atvykstančius karantinuos 14 d. Sprendimas, aišku, pora mėnesių vėluoja. Kitoms šalims labiau aktualu karantinuoti atvykstančius britus.
18 Million People Entered the UK as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Raging