Mokslininkai žino, kad coronavirusai nėra naujas dalykas ir nuo visų ankstesnių susidarydavo imunitetas. Kol nėra įrodyta priešingai, nėra tikslo manyti, kad covid-19 atveju imunitetas nesusidaro. Buvo keletas atvejų paskelbtų apie pakartotinius susirgimus, kurie po to buvo nurašyti ant false negative testų rezultatų.
Researchers do know that reinfection is an issue with the four seasonal coronaviruses that cause about 10 to 30% of common colds. These coronaviruses seem to be able to sicken people again and again, even though people have been exposed to them since childhood.
It's also possible that, for some reason, the body's immune response to seasonal coronaviruses is just not that robust or that something about the infection itself may inhibit the body's ability to develop long-term immunity.