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Estijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Nyderlandų, Vokietijos keliai pro automobilio langą
Naujas video: Niedersachsen, NL - Bremen, 126 km, 29 May 2012
Parašė Mørtã Rodyti pranešimąKas yra netbook'as?
Turim čia tokį, nes žmonai kasdien į darbą nešiotis reikia, o ten tekstus rašinėt. Tai, kad kompiuterį galima įsidėti į rankinuką, o krauti užtenka 1-2 kartus per savaitę aišku yra gerai ir savo funkciją jis atlieka.
Bet man pačiam koks iPad'as tiktų kur kas labiau, nes rimtesniems reikalams yra stalinis kompas, o 99% mano naudojimosi netbuku sudaro būtent interneto brauzinimas įvairiomis formomis. Čia iPadas turi nerealu pranašumą, galimybę naudoti jį pasukus vertikaliai, "portretu". Nes turimo netbuko 16:10 (ar 16:9) ekrano formatas nelabai patogus tiek internetui, tiek tekstų rašymuiIt's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on
Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąToks iki minimumo supaprastintas, nebrangus (teoriškai) ir kompaktiškas notebukas. Klasikinis pavyzdys - Asus Eee serija.Parašė Tomas Rodyti pranešimąBet man pačiam koks iPad'as tiktų kur kas labiau, nes rimtesniems reikalams yra stalinis kompas...Estijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Nyderlandų, Vokietijos keliai pro automobilio langą
Naujas video: Niedersachsen, NL - Bremen, 126 km, 29 May 2012
Taigi, iPadas dar dorai "neikrito" i rinka, o bangos jau kyla.
Nezinau ar linkas veiks todel tekstas:
Amazon bows to Macmillan over e-books
Amazon has backed down in a dispute with Macmillan over e-book pricing and has restored the publishers’ books to its online store.
The climbdown could encourage other publishers to follow Macmillan’s lead, pushing up e-book prices.
Amazon said customers would “decide for themselves” whether $14.99 for a new publication (the price Macmillan is setting) or $9.99 (the price Amazon wanted to charge) was “reasonable” for a new bestseller. Until now Amazon has been selling e-books just as it sells regular books – buying them for half the list price then naming its own price. The publishing industry says this has artificially devalued books.
Instead, Macmillan will start selling e-books using the “agency model”, which is already used by most bookstores and is now backed by Apple with its iPad device. In this model, the publisher sets the price and keeps 70 per cent of the revenue, while the retailer keeps 30 per cent.
“We don’t believe that all of the major publishers will take the same route as Macmillan,” Amazon said.
However, five of the big six book publishers indicated ahead of the iPad launch that they planned to move all their e-book distribution agreements to the agency model. One senior media executive said publishers “across the board want to see the agency model” being adopted.
Gaunasi lyg ir konkurencija atvirksciai. T.y. ne leidejai konkuruoja del skaitytoju, bet platintojai ima kokuruot del leideju
Parašė a_p Rodyti pranešimąTaigi, iPadas dar dorai "neikrito" i rinka, o bangos jau kyla.
Nezinau ar linkas veiks todel tekstas:
Kitaip tariant, Dziobsas leidejams pasiule geresni deala nei Amazon (buves ebook'u srityje de facto monopolistas), del ko gerokai smuks Kindle patrauklumas. Mums kaip vartotojams tai blogos zinios.
Gaunasi lyg ir konkurencija atvirksciai. T.y. ne leidejai konkuruoja del skaitytoju, bet platintojai ima kokuruot del leideju.
Parašė Mørtã Rodyti pranešimąAj, ne, toks subnoutas netinka, iki zaisliuko jam truksta patogumo. O ir darbui jis visai netinkamas.Analogiskai.
Gal kas gali pakomentuoti, kad Kindle klaviatura po ekranu ? Atrodo tai jis ne kaip ;/
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
iTunes update to 9.0.3.
Parašė AppleiTunes 9.0.3 provides a number of important bug fixes, including:
• iTunes no longer ignores your "Remember password for purchases" setting.
• Addresses problems with syncing some Smart Playlists and Podcasts with iPod.
• Resolves a problem recognizing when iPod is connected.
• Addresses issues that affect stability and performance.
iTunes 9 comes with many new features and improvements, including:
• An improved look and feel, including a new Column Browser for easily browsing your artists or albums, movies, TV shows, and more.
• iTunes Store has a brand new look, with improved navigation for quick and easy exploration.
• iTunes LP and iTunes Extras create unique experiences that feature exclusive interviews, videos, photos, and more — available with select album and movie purchases on the iTunes Store.
• Home Sharing helps you manage your family's iTunes collection between computers in your home. iTunes can automatically transfer new purchases, or you can choose just the items you want.
• Genius Mixes are created for you by iTunes and play songs from your library that go great together.
• iPod and iPhone syncing now allows you to organize your iPhone and iPod touch home screens directly in iTunes. Syncing is now also more flexible, allowing you to sync individual artists, genres, or TV show and Podcast episodes.
• iTunes U items are now organized into their own section in your iTunes library.
• Sync with iPod nano (5th generation), iPod classic (Fall 2009), and iPod touch (Fall 2009).
• iTunes 9 also includes many other improvements, such as HE-AAC encoding and playback, more flexibility with Smart Playlists rules, simpler organization of your media files inside an iTunes Media folder, and more.Paskutinis taisė x21; 2010.02.03, 07:34.
Parašė innuendo Rodyti pranešimąO kaip aš norėčiau netbook'o, ypač kai kasdien reikia tampytis savo 15.6" HPEstijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Nyderlandų, Vokietijos keliai pro automobilio langą
Naujas video: Niedersachsen, NL - Bremen, 126 km, 29 May 2012
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Parašė Mørtã Rodyti pranešimąKam toki pirkai? Aš iškart supratau, kad man reik mažo, tai ir turiu mažą (12")
Parašė Ežiukas Rodyti pranešimą
Parašė innuendo Rodyti pranešimą....
O kur ta klaviatūra turi būti?
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Smagus tekstas
Alt Text: Who’s Still Excited About the iPad?
Tons of iPads are currently being assembled in a secret underground Taiwanese bunker accessible only by helipad or telepad, and the general reaction of people on the web is strident, viciously defended indifference.
Nonetheless, there’s no real doubt that Steve Jobs will sell an iPad or 3 million when the tablets become available later this year. The question is, who will be first in line to snap them up? Let’s look at the people who are really excited about the iPad.
If the hand-warmer app can make its way to the iPad, Apple’s new device may become the new favorite place for cats worldwide to sit, beating out such favorites as “a single piece of paper,” “the remote control” and “your face.” It remains to be seen how much heat the iPad can give off, but if previous Apple notebooks are any indication, sous-vide chefs might also adopt the iPad as mobile cooking stations.
Star Trek cosplayers
The Trek/Apple connection is nothing new. Many people saw an iInfluence on the bridge of the latest Star Trek movie, and this new device looks a lot like the PADDs used in Star Trek: The Next Generation and later series. I was never able to figure out how “boop boop bip” translated into “divert the secondary inertial dampers into the aft shield array, modulate the transporter frequencies according to known Ferengi phase patterns, and slip acid into Picard’s tea,” but now I know: There’s an app for that.
Screen-protector manufacturers
The iPhone screen is resistant to scratches, but not impervious. This creates a market for companies to charge 10 bucks for three pieces of plastic and a wipey-cloth. A larger screen adds half a cent’s worth more plastic, and another $5 to the price for those willing to pay for advanced protection. More cost-conscious folks will just wrap their precious iPads in veggie bags from the supermarket. Inexpensive, and the quick fix probably reduces carbon emissions or something.
These humanoids, introduced in the Dungeons and Dragons supplement Races of Stone, are so large that regular iPhones don’t reach from their rocklike ears to their cavernous mouths. A +2 to Constitution and the ability to re-roll Athletics checks doesn’t help when you can’t call home from the grocery store to find out what kind of frozen chicken nuggets your wife prefers. While Goliaths are eagerly awaiting the iPad, they’re already lobbying Apple to introduce one with full phone capabilities.
Somehow, we’ve become a living-room laptop household, which means that hypothetical questions are instantly entered into Google, any song mentioned is pulled up on YouTube and URLs are mailed at the slightest provocation. Astonishingly, we still get visitors, and my laptop often gets pressed into service for mail-checking and chimp-video display.
My laptop is a professional work machine, however, and contains many important documents and bookmarks, not all of which have “naughty” in the title.
I’ll be in line with the hordes on iPad Day Zero. The weird little device is going to sit on my coffee table with a “Go Ahead and Play With Me” sticker on it, and my MacBook is going back into my work bag, where it belongs. Until someone wants to show me something cool in Flash, I guess.
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Parašė Ežiukas Rodyti pranešimą.