6 11-Jun-2006 SCG: NED 0:4
7 11-Jun-2006 MEX: IRN 4:0
8 11-Jun-2006 ANG: POR 0:6
ps. Giedra70, arba tu susimaišei galvodama, kad ANG tai Anglija, arba tu slapčia žinai, kad portugalai pardavė rungtynes, arba tu aiškiaregė esi. Angolos pergalė prieš Portugaliją būtų žiauriausias čempionato įvykis...
OK, now I get it: these are you guys' predictions!
Are they based on sympathies, or also on the reputation of the respective teams?
They are based on the sanity and a bit on supposition . Just take your guess if you guess which country wins you will get 1 point and if you guess thre result then you will get some extra point. And in the end best guesser wins the title of "Football whizz " for four years