Nieko, ne pirmas ir ne paskutinis kartas, kada nuleidziam nosis. Reikia tiketis, kad ateityje mums seksis geriau ir LT komandoje, vel bus daug geru prasimususiu zaideju, o ne kaip dabar....
Lietuvos krepšininkas Darius Songaila neturi jokių kliūčių pereiti iš "Sacramento Kings" į "Chicago Bulls" ekipą. Tai paaiškėjo po to, kai Sakramento komanda trečiadienį sutiko anuliuoti lietuvio galimybes varžiusią sutartį.
Krepšininko agento teigimu, "Bulls" ir D. Songaila jau artimiausiu metu pasirašys vienų metų 2,2 mln. JAV dolerių vertės sutartį.
Dėl užsitęsusių derybų su NBA klubais D. Songaila šiemet atsisakė atstovauti Lietuvos rinktinei Europos čempionate Serbijoje ir Juodkalnijoje.
Na ka, mano bloga nuojauta pasitvirtino... FRA treneris pries rungtynes su Lietuva teige turintis slaptu ginklu, o tai mane ir neramino - tai yra labai geras ir protingas treneris, kuris be reikalo nesimeto nereikalingais zodziais. Be to, jis puikiai sutelke komanda, del jo grizo Rigaudeau ir tt.
Na o del Lietuvos rinktines, tai ka, cia ir pasimate visas patirties trukumas. Pries tai tris rungtynes Lietuvaiciai laimejo daugiau maziau lengvai, be didesnes psichologines itampos ir nemazu skirtumu, o kai atejo lemiamos rungtynes ir komanda pradejo pralaimineti, lietuviai(t.y. jaunimelis) "po spaudimu" pradejo zaisti neitiketinai blogai...
Jokios as cia tragedijos nematau (ypac kai as pats nesu joks super aistringas krepsinio fanas). Tik dabar reikia tiketis, kad sie Lietuvos krepsininkai gavo gera pamoka ir kad lietuviai pateks i pasaulio cempionata... Na o dabar visi mars sirgti uz Prancuzijos rinktine, nes pries cempionus pralosti niekada nera geda!
22 September 2005
France whipped defending champions Lithuania to reach the EuroBasket semi-finals on Thursday but star point guard Tony Parker is keeping his feet on the ground with a tough fight against Greece now on the cards.
Parker came off the bench and was exquisite for much of the game as Les Bleus won 63-47. He finished with 11 points and five assists, but pulled the strings in a key first-half run which saw the French grab a stranglehold on the game.
"l feel we have a lot of work to do and are by no means the default favourites to win the EuroBasket," he said.
"I don't think that we are favourites going against Greece.
“ Our team has more belief now than we did two games ago „
Boris Diaw
"We lost to them by 14 points in the group stages and we know it's going to be a tough game, but one we all look forward to so we can get revenge for that loss."
And revenge was the name of the game against the Lithuanians as well, as Parker & Co wanted to beat a Lithuanian side that kept them out of the finals at the EuroBasket in Sweden two years ago.
That setback was followed by a loss to Italy, which prevented France from qualifying for the Olympics.
"They (Lithuania) weren't the same team in terms of players," Parker said.
"But still, it's good enough for us to know that we were able to avenge a loss that has been in the back of our minds for the past two years."
Parker, especially had some unfinished business from that semi-final defeat in Sweden as he committed two costly turnovers late to help the Baltic country claim victory.
"For me this is definitely a good moment. I feel I've made up for those errors."
Boris Diaw was sensational for France against, pouring in 18 points and grabbing 11 rebounds while also dishing out three assists.
"Our team has more belief now than we did two games ago," he said. "Greece will obviously be a tough game, but like this game, we'll have revenge on our mind."
"I'm very disappointed," said Vidas Ginevicius, the Lithuanian point guard who cried after the defeat.
"We played the worst game of our preparation or the tournament and worst of all is the fact we left our worst performance for the most important game.
"It's easy to see where we went wrong if you look at the statistics."
Lithuania are usually one of the best shooting sides in the world. Tonight, they could have been the worst, making just two of 20 from three-point range.
They were also inferior on the boards, with France grabbing 47 rebounds to just 35 for the Lithuanians.
Antanas Sireika, the losing coach, said: "We played our worst game for a long time. I think maybe the pressure was too much for our young guys to handle[B], but all the same, congratulations to France. They played a great game."
23 September 2005
Just when Lithuania looked as if they had recovered from their injuries and defections and were nearing a repeat of their EuroBasket 2003 title, they couldn't find their top game.
On Thursday, the defending champs bowed out of EuroBasket 2005 with a 63-47 loss to France in a style less than worthy of a champion.
"There are too many emotions right now," said Robertas Javtokas, one of the very few Lithuanian players who talked to the media.
The Lithuanian Supporters Endured A Tough Night Against France
"We looked really tired. In the first five minutes, you could see that we were tired."
Lithuania coach Antanas Sireika said: "Our young players were very nervous. We just couldn't score."
He also congratulated the French, who lost to Lithuania in the 2003 semi-finals in Stockholm and were out for revenge.
"You also have to congratulate France," Sireika added. "They played very well. I guess they're even now."
The title-holders made just two of 20 three-pointers in the game and were out-rebounded 47-35 at the Belgrade Arena.
"We looked lost out on the court," Javtokas said.
"This was our worst game since we started preparaing for this tournament," Lithuanian guard Vidas Ginevicius admitted.
"You only have to look at the statistics to see where we were. And the worst thing of all is, this was our worst game in a game that meant everything."
Ginevicius cried after the defeat.
France boast the outstanding strong and athletic Boris Diaw, Florent and Mickael Pietrus and Tony Parker.
Javtokas said: "I don't think they were more athletic. I just think they played better tonight."
Javtokas also apologised to the Lithuanian fans - so well known for their support of the national team.
"It's really bad for the fans," he said. "And I wish they could have seen the real Lithuania team."
Lithuania play Russia on Friday in a classification match for a chance to earn a berth at FIBA World Championships 2006.
22 September 2005
Two nights after knocking out the host nation, France dethroned the defending champions with a 63-47 win over Lithuania to reach the semi-finals of EuroBasket 2005 and qualify for the FIBA World Championship in 2006.
France reached the last four of this tournament for the second time in a row with a dominant defensive performance, particularly in the first half when they held the Lithuanians to a mere 16 points.
Antanas Sireika´s men had entered the game on a roll by coming out of a highly competitive Group B with an undefeated 3-0 record, all the triumphs by double-digits.
Thursday night was a horror show for Lithuania, though.
Parker was back to his best against Lithuania
They were 27 points off their first half scoring average from their previous three games (43). For the contest, the Baltic giants were two of 20 from three-point range, and shot a woeful 33% overall from the floor.
Boris Diaw, who has emerged as one of the stars of this EuroBasket, finished with a game-high 18 points, 11 rebounds and three assists as a more athletic French team reigned supreme.
Both teams started sloppy, were tentative and missed often. Lithuania were just three of 12 from the field in the opening quarter and committed seven turnovers, while France were four of 11 with five turnovers. The jitters became more evident when France´s Frederic Weis failed to draw iron on a free throw attempt.
It got no better for Lithuania in the second quarter as they shot five of 15 from the floor. The Lithuanians did not attempt a free throw in the first half and misfired on all nine of their three-point attempts. They were outrebounded 26-15 in the first half and 47-35 for the game.
Tony Parker, who did not start for the second consecutive game, had a major impact when he entered the clash with three minutes remaining in the first quarter because with the San Antonio Spurs point guard pulling the strings, France went on a 15-2 run to open up a 16-point second quarter lead.
Although he connected on just one field goal, Parker truly seemed to get France´s offence in gear and he also dished out four first-half assists.
Lithuania came out with a better offensive effort to start the second half and the two teams went back and forth for much of the third quarter. Lithuania cut France´s lead to eight with just under a minute to go in the third after consecutive baskets by Darjus Lavrinovic.
Trailing 44-36 with 10 minutes to go, they were unable to solve the French.
Diaw connected on a short jumper and Parker hit a tear-drop runner and then a three-pointer in the course of a 7-0 run, breaking Lithuania´s momentum and giving France a 15-point lead. France extended to their biggest lead of 17 and essentially put the game out of reach following a three-pointer by Antoine Rigaudeau with 4:58 remaining in the game.
Parker finished the game with 11 points and five assists, while Weis, a late addition to the French squad in the build-up to this event, collected 11 rebounds.
France avenged their semi-final loss to Lithuania in the 2003 EuroBasket and are now two wins away from claiming their first EuroBasket gold medal in the country´s history. Their best previous finish was a silver medal back in 1949.
Crucially for France, the pressure is also off regarding the FIBA World Championship. With six teams gaining berths from Europe, they are assured of a place as semi-finalists here in Belgrade.
Lithuania, playing with an almost completely new squad from its 2003, will now be playing for fifth place and that, too, would be good enough to reach Japan. Ksistof Lavrinovic led the Lithuanians with 11 points.
France will match up against Greece in the semi-final on Saturday, while Lithuania plays Russia.
Lietuvos čempionų gretose, po vienerių metų pertraukos ir vėl matysime amerikietį Eduardo Cota, kuris pakeitė į Kauno ekipą neatvykusį tautietį Rod’ą Strickland’ą. 29erių metų įžaidėjas su “Žalgiriu” pasirašė vienerių metų kontraktą. Pasak Kauno “Žalgirio” trenerio G.Krapiko, Ed’as yra pažįstamas, stabilus ir jau “patikrintas” žaidėjas, kurio kokybė yra neabejotina. “Jis buvo puikus mūsų komandos vedlys Eurolygoje bei nepamainomas Lietuvos čempionate.” - sakė G.Krapikas.
Ypač sėkmingas bus Ed’o Cota ir Tanokos Beard’o, tendemas, kuris taps grėsmingu ginklu bet kuriam varžovui. “Mes su Tanoka Beard’u kalbėjomės apie E.Cotą ir jis buvo “už” “ – teigė G.Krapikas.
2002/2003m. sezone rungtyniaudamas “Žalgiryje” E.Cota LKL čempionate vidutiniškai pelnydavo po 11.9 taško, atlikdavo po 4.4 rezultatyvaus perdavimo. Eurolygos turnyre “Žalgirio” įžaidėjas buvo dar naudingesnis – vidutiniškai įmesdavo po 12.1 taško ir atlikdavo 6.5 perdavimo. 2003/2004 sezone E.Cota Lietuvos čempionate vidutiniškai pelnydavo po 9.1 taško ir atlikdavo 4.9 rezultatyvaus perdavimo. Eurolygoje amerikiečio žaidimas taip pat buvo labai sėkmingas. Legionierius pelnydavo po 13.4 taško ir atlikdavo po 5.7 rezultatyvaus perdavimo.
Praėjusiame sezone E.Cota rungtyniavo Sankt Peterburgo “Dinamo” ekipoje ir buvo vienas svarbiausių žaidėjų šiame klube. Rusijos čempionate amerikietis vidutiniškai įmesdavo po 10.9 taško ir 6.5 karto rezultatyviai perduodavo kamuolį komandos draugams. Rungtyniaudamas “FIBA Europe” turnyre, E.Cota vidutiniškai pelnydavo po 10.5 taškų ir atlikdavo po 6.1 rezultatyvaus perdavimo. Patikimas E.Cota žaidimas padėjo Sankt Peterburgo klubui tapti “FIBA Europe” turnyro nugalėtojais.