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Jau seniai pamiršta kad prieš WW2, Čekija buvo industrial superpower europiniu mąstu.
Viena Čekijos įmonė buvo tokio dydžio, kad statė savo miestukus savo darbuotojams
Ir tuos miestukus statė ne tik Čekijoje bet ir Olandijoje, Šveicarioje, JAV, Brazilijoje, Indijoje ir t.t.
Company policy initiated under Tomáš Baťa was to set up villages around the factories for the workers and to supply schools and welfare. These villages include Batadorp in the Netherlands, Baťovany (present-day Partizánske) and Svit in Slovakia, Baťov (now Bahňák, part of Otrokovice) in the Czech Republic, Borovo-Bata (now Borovo Naselje, part of Vukovar in Croatia then in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia), Bata Park in Möhlin, Switzerland, Bataville in Lorraine, France, Batawa (Ontario) in Canada, Batatuba (São Paulo), Batayporã and Bataguassu (Mato Grosso do Sul) in Brazil, East Tilbury[20] in Essex, England, Batapur in Pakistan and Batanagar and Bataganj in India. There was also a factory in Belcamp, Maryland, USA, northeast of Baltimore on U.S. Route 40 in Harford County.
Diversification and foreign growth
Baťa also began to build towns and factories outside of Czechoslovakia (Poland, Latvia, Romania, Switzerland, France) and to diversify into such industries as tanning (1915),[7] the energy industry (1917), agriculture (1917),[7] forestry (1918),[7] newspaper publishing (1918),[7] brick manufacturing (1918), wood processing (1919),[7] the rubber industry (1923), the construction industry (1924),[7] railway and air transport (1924), book publishing (1926),[7] the film industry (1927),[7] food processing (1927),[7] chemical production (1928),[7] tyre manufacturing (1930),[7] insurance (1930),[7] textile production (1931),[7] motor transport (1932),[7] sea transport (1932),[7] and coal mining (1932),[7] airplane manufacturing (1934),[7] synthetic fibre production (1935),[7] and river transport (1938).[7] In 1923 the company boasted 112 branches.
Jan Antonín Baťa and international expansion
Jan Antonín Baťa, following the plans laid down by Tomáš Baťa before his death, expanded the company more than six times its original size throughout Czechoslovakia and the world. Plants in Britain, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Kenya, Canada and the United States followed in the decade. In India, Batanagar was settled near Calcutta and accounted from the late 1930s nearly 7500 Baťamen. The Baťa model fitted anywhere, creating, for example, canteens for vegetarians in India. In exchange, the demands on workers were the same as in Europe:
"Be courageous. The best in the world is not good enough for us. Loyalty gives us prosperity & happiness. Work is a moral necessity!"
Paskutinis taisė T-K-K; 2023.08.29, 14:35.
Parašė T-K-K Rodyti pranešimąJau seniai pamiršta kad prieš WW2, Čekija buvo industrial superpower europiniu mąstu.
Viena Čekijos įmonė buvo tokio dydžio, kad statė savo miestukus savo darbuotojams
Ir tuos miestukus statė ne tik Čekijoje bet ir Olandijoje, Šveicarioje, JAV, Brazilijoje, Indijoje ir t.t.
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