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Spreading like wildfire: Why wooden skyscrapers are springing up across the world
Parašė Eikantas X Rodyti pranešimąKada turėsim NMC medinių dangoraižių?
Spreading like wildfire: Why wooden skyscrapers are springing up across the world
Medzio jau seniai turim su Swedbank. Tai kaip ir diktuojam madas O fantazijos apie pastatus su mediniais remais ir liks tik fantazijom. Pagalvok apie paprasciausiai gaisro padarinius.
The World’s Most Advanced Building Material Is... Wood
And it’s going to remake the skyline
By Clay Risen Posted February 6, 2014
Fire is, of course, the first concern that comes to mind with wood construction. And yet, mass timber is actually safer in a fire than steel. A thick plank of wood will char on the outside, sealing the wood inside from damage. Metal, on the other hand, begins to melt. “Steel, when it burns, it’s like spaghetti,” says B.J. Yeh, the technical services director for APA—the Engineered Wood Association.
Parašė Eikantas X Rodyti pranešimą"Steel, when it burns ..."There is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste (J. W. Goethe).
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London's burning?
Obviously, when it comes to wooden buildings, there's one burning question.
Are timber skyscrapers a fire hazard?
Ramage says Oakwood Tower -- which will be an extension of the Barbican Center in Central London -- will exceed the fire standards of regular steel and concrete buildings.
His center has been awarded £250,000 ($353,785) from the Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council in the UK to research timber construction techniques, such as fire proofing.
"There is a huge perception problem," says Ramage. "Timber doesn't burn in the way the public imagines.
"The great fires of London and Chicago were both sparked by very small pieces of wood. Very big pieces of wood are quite hard to set on fire -- they aren't kindling material."
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Is bendro supratimo, medi yra daug lengviau paveikti, susilpninti. Tai dregme, ziurkes, grybelis, ir turbut aibe kitu veiksniu kurie nera tiek pavojingi plienui. Speju jau sugalvojo kaip keis konstrukcijas jei uzsiliepsnos koks vienas aukstas, bet velgi tai yra sunku isivaizduoti. As uz, sekmes jiems, bet tiesiog skamba neitiketinai.
Parašė B.S. Rodyti pranešimąNezinau as tu visu technologiju, bet skamba neitiketinai.
Is bendro supratimo, medi yra daug lengviau paveikti, susilpninti. Tai dregme, ziurkes, grybelis, ir turbut aibe kitu veiksniu kurie nera tiek pavojingi plienui. Speju jau sugalvojo kaip keis konstrukcijas jei uzsiliepsnos koks vienas aukstas, bet velgi tai yra sunku isivaizduoti. As uz, sekmes jiems, bet tiesiog skamba neitiketinai.
Parašė Creatium Rodyti pranešimąKą "skamba neįtikėtinai". Atsidarai video ir pasižiūri. Medį kelias minutes tiesiogiai degina kaitria liepsna, o jis tik pasvyla. Ir čia dar purškalas, o ne normalus medžio impregnavimas.