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Parašė John Rodyti pranešimąLabai vertas pažiūrėti BBC dokumentinis filmas This World - The Fastest Changing Place on Earth: China
Žvilgsnis mikro lygiu į Kinijos urbanizaciją, kur kalbama ne apie kokį nors didmiestį, bet eilinį mažą kaimelį, kurio vietoje statomas naujas miestas. Viskas užfiksuota filmo kūrėjų kameromis per 6 metus (t.y. tiek, kiek užtruko pastatyti naują miestą), bendraujant su ten buvusio kaimo gyventojais.
Youtube videoOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Gal jau postinau, bet dabar i tema. Filmas apie modernaus progreso pamatus.
Labai rekomenduoju sita filma. Ne propoganda, argumentuota, idomu.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Parašė keen Rodyti pranešimąMan isimintiniausia vieta, kur moteriske pasakoja kaip pasikeite jos gyvenimas ~ 'I was miserable before, now after end of the day i watch TV. I am happy'.
Parašė John Rodyti pranešimąLabai vertas pažiūrėti BBC dokumentinis filmas This World - The Fastest Changing Place on Earth: China
Žvilgsnis mikro lygiu į Kinijos urbanizaciją, kur kalbama ne apie kokį nors didmiestį, bet eilinį mažą kaimelį, kurio vietoje statomas naujas miestas. Viskas užfiksuota filmo kūrėjų kameromis per 6 metus (t.y. tiek, kiek užtruko pastatyti naują miestą), bendraujant su ten buvusio kaimo gyventojais.
Youtube video
Parašė kaunaz Rodyti pranešimąSakyti, kad tai yra WOW ir cool, tas pats kaip nufilmavus visą silikoninių papų įstatymo proceso nuo A iki Z dokumentiką, ir paskui sakyti WOW kokie papai. Tie dirbtinai išaugę arba nuo nulio pastatyti Kinijos miestai ir yra maždaug tas pats kaip visokios Olialia.
Šiaip tai praktiškai visa Kinija taip buvo (ir tebėra) perstatoma per paskutinius 30 metų, pradedant nuo Šendženo, po to apimant visus kitus Pajūrio miestus, po to didesnius vidinius miestus ir, galų gale, vidinių regionų kaimus. Aišku, realybėje matyti visą tą progresą yra dar įdomiau.
Parašė keen Rodyti pranešimąMan isimintiniausia vieta, kur moteriske pasakoja kaip pasikeite jos gyvenimas ~ 'I was miserable before, now after end of the day i watch TV. I am happy'.
Gal kam pasirodys įdomu. Užtikau M.Adomėno Fb sienoje.
Social Attitude Test
Testas apie politines-socialines-religines pažiūras. Visai smagu pasitikrinti
Štai ką testo rezulatatai sako apie John
Political Values
Radicalism 66.5
Socialism 43.75
Tenderness 15.625
These scores indicate that you are a very tough-minded moderate progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a liberated atheist. It appears that you are cynical towards religion, and have a suspicious and unsympathetic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a pragmatist with very few strong opinions.
This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.
Unlike many other political tests found on the Internet which base themselves on untested (and usually ideologically motivated) ideas, this inventory is adapted from Hans Eysenck's own political inventory which was developed after extensive empirical investigations in the 20th Century.Paskutinis taisė John; 2013.08.25, 00:28.
Parašė John Rodyti pranešimąGal kam pasirodys įdomu. Užtikau M.Adomėno Fb sienoje.
Social Attitude Test
Testas susijęs su politinėmis ri religinėmis pžiūromis. Visai smagu pasitikrinti
Štai ką testo rezulatatai sako apie John
Būtų įdomu užtikti daugiau panašių politinių/socialinių testų.Lažinuos- 2017 metais Lietuvos gyventojų skaičius didės.
Parašė Aleksas666 Rodyti pranešimąJie tyčiojasi, aš nežinau ką atsakyti, nes žydai yra normalūs, o musulmonai ne
Radicalism 36.25
Socialism 6.25
Tenderness 68.75
These scores indicate that you are a tender-minded moderate conservative; this is the political profile one might associate with a sincere clergyman. It appears that you are trusting of religion, and have a compassionately humanistic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as right-wing.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a eugenicist with several strong opinions.
This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.
Nieko naujo, nuosaikus dešinysis.
Political Values
Radicalism 44.5
Socialism 18.75
Tenderness 43.75
These scores indicate that you are a moderate; this is the political profile one might associate with a regular person. It appears that you are moderate towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as right-wing.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an egalitarian with several strong opinions.
This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.Lažinuos- 2017 metais Lietuvos gyventojų skaičius didės.
Political Values
Radicalism 52.75
Socialism 43.75
Tenderness 46.875
These scores indicate that you are a moderate; this is the political profile one might associate with a regular person. It appears that you are moderate towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with very few strong opinions.
This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.
Unlike many other political tests found on the Internet which base themselves on untested (and usually ideologically motivated) ideas, this inventory is adapted from Hans Eysenck's own political inventory which was developed after extensive empirical investigations in the 20th Century.******* Fb
Net nežinau prie ko pagal šitą turėčiau save priskirt. Lyg ir liberalas.
Radicalism 66.5
Socialism 62.5
Tenderness 31.25
These scores indicate that you are a tough-minded moderate progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a liberated atheist. It appears that you are cynical towards religion, and have a suspicious and unsympathetic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with few strong opinions.
Radicalism 33.5
Socialism 56.25
Tenderness 53.125
These scores indicate that you are a moderate conservative; this is the political profile one might associate with a police officer. It appears that you are accepting of religion, and have a generally optimistic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear neither committedly capitalist nor socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with several strong opinions.
Radicalism 85.75
Socialism 18.75
Tenderness 40.625
These scores indicate that you are a progressive; this is the political profile one might associate with a liberated atheist. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear laissez-faire capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as libertarian.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, an idealist with few strong opinions.
Radicalism 55.5
Socialism 62.5
Tenderness 28.125
These scores indicate that you are a tough-minded moderate; this is the political profile one might associate with a jaded materialist. It appears that you are skeptical towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
Your attitudes towards economics appear socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a political centrist.
To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a eugenicist with few strong opinions.